.EXAMPLE This example applies the specified diagnostic logging settings to the local SharPoint farm. Any setting not defined will be left as it default, or to whatever value has been manually configured outside of DSC. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $SetupAccount ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc node localhost { SPDiagnosticLoggingSettings ApplyDiagnosticLogSettings { IsSingleInstance = "Yes" LogPath = "L:\ULSLogs" LogSpaceInGB = 10 AppAnalyticsAutomaticUploadEnabled = $false CustomerExperienceImprovementProgramEnabled = $true DaysToKeepLogs = 7 DownloadErrorReportingUpdatesEnabled = $false ErrorReportingAutomaticUploadEnabled = $false ErrorReportingEnabled = $false EventLogFloodProtectionEnabled = $true EventLogFloodProtectionNotifyInterval = 5 EventLogFloodProtectionQuietPeriod = 2 EventLogFloodProtectionThreshold = 5 EventLogFloodProtectionTriggerPeriod = 2 LogCutInterval = 15 LogMaxDiskSpaceUsageEnabled = $true ScriptErrorReportingDelay = 30 ScriptErrorReportingEnabled = $true ScriptErrorReportingRequireAuth = $true PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount } } } |