
# Description
    **Type:** Distributed
    This resource is responsible for provisioning a search topology in to the
    current farm. It allows the configuration to dictate the search topology roles
    that the current server should be running. Any combination of roles can be
    specified and the topology will be upaded to reflect the current servers new
    roles. If this is the first server to apply topology to a farm, then at least
    one search index must be provided. To this end, the FirstPartitionIndex,
    FirstPartitionDirectory and FirstPartitionServers allow configuring where the
    first index partition will belong. This will behave the same as the
    SPSearchIndexPartition resource.
    You only need to run the topology resource on a single server in the farm.
    It will enable the components on each server in the farm, as specified in
    the configuration. It is not required to also include SPServiceInstance as
    the SPSearchTopology will make sure they are started when applying the
    topology. However, it can be a good idea to include it so that the services
    will be started later on if they are ever found to be stopped.
    Note that for the search topology to apply correctly, the path specified for
    FirstPartitionDirectory needs to exist on the server that is executing this
    resource. For example, if a configuration was executed on "Server1" it would
    also need to ensure that it was able to create the index path at I:\. If no
    disk labeled I: was available on server1, this would fail, even though it will
    not hold an actual index component.
.PARAMETER ServiceAppName
    Key - String
    The name of the search service application for this topology
    Required - String
    A list of servers that will run the admin component
    Required - String
    A list of servers that will run the crawler component
.PARAMETER ContentProcessing
    Required - String
    A list of servers that will run the content processing component
.PARAMETER AnalyticsProcessing
    Required - String
    A list of servers that will run the analytics processing component
.PARAMETER QueryProcessing
    Required - String
    A list of servers that will run the query processing component
.PARAMETER IndexPartition
    Required - String
    A list of servers that will host the first (0) index partition
.PARAMETER FirstPartitionDirectory
    Required - String
    The local directory servers will use to store the first index partition
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5
    This example shows how to apply a specific topology to the search service app
    Configuration Example
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
        node localhost {
            SPSearchTopology LocalSearchTopology
                ServiceAppName = "Search Service Application"
                Admin = @("Server1","Server2")
                Crawler = @("Server1","Server2")
                ContentProcessing = @("Server1","Server2")
                AnalyticsProcessing = @("Server1","Server2")
                QueryProcessing = @("Server3","Server4")
                PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
                FirstPartitionDirectory = "I:\SearchIndexes\0"
                IndexPartition = @("Server3","Server4")