.EXAMPLE This example shows how to create a new web application in the local farm using a custom claim provider. A SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer is created named Contoso, then this SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer is referenced by the SPWebApplication as the AuthenticationProvider and the AuthenticationMethod is set to "Claims" value. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $SetupAccount ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc node localhost { SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer SampleSPTrust { Name = "Contoso" Description = "Contoso" Realm = "https://sharepoint.contoso.com" SignInUrl = "https://adfs.contoso.com/adfs/ls/" IdentifierClaim = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress" ClaimsMappings = @( MSFT_SPClaimTypeMapping{ Name = "Email" IncomingClaimType = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress" } MSFT_SPClaimTypeMapping{ Name = "Role" IncomingClaimType = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ExternalSTSGroupType" LocalClaimType = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role" } ) SigningCertificateThumbPrint = "F3229E7CCA1DA812E29284B0ED75A9A019A83B08" ClaimProviderName = "LDAPCP" ProviderSignOutUri = "https://adfs.contoso.com/adfs/ls/" Ensure = "Present" PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount } SPWebApplication HostNameSiteCollectionWebApp { Name = "SharePoint Sites" ApplicationPool = "SharePoint Sites" ApplicationPoolAccount = "CONTOSO\svcSPWebApp" AllowAnonymous = $false AuthenticationMethod = "Claims" AuthenticationProvider = "Contoso" DatabaseName = "SP_Content_01" DatabaseServer = "SQL.contoso.local\SQLINSTANCE" Url = "http://example.contoso.local" Port = 80 Ensure = "Present" PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount DependsOn = "[SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer]SampleSPTrust" } } } |