
# Description
    This resource is used to configure search result sources in the SharePoint
    search service application. Result sources can be configured to be of the
    following provider types:
    * Exchange Search Provider
    * Local People Provider
    * Local SharePoint Provider
    * OpenSearch Provider
    * Remote People Provider
    * Remote SharePoint Provider
    The default value for the Ensure parameter is Present. When not specifying this
    parameter, the result source is created.
    Key - String
    The name of the result source
.PARAMETER SearchServiceAppName
    Required - String
    The name of the search service application to associate this result source with
    Required - String
    The query to pass to the provider source
.PARAMETER ProviderType
    Required - String
    Allowed values: Exchange Search Provider, Local People Provider, Local SharePoint Provider, OpenSearch Provider, Remote People Provider, Remote SharePoint Provider
    The provider type to use for the result source
.PARAMETER ConnectionUrl
    Write - String
    The URI to connect to the remote location
    Write - string
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Present if the result source should exist, absent if it should not
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5
    This example shows how to create a remote sharepoint search result source
    Configuration Example
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
        node localhost {
            SPSearchResultSource RemoteSharePointFarm
                Name = "External SharePoint results"
                SearchServiceAppName = "Search Service Application"
                Query = "{searchTerms}"
                ProviderType = "Remote SharePoint Provider"
                PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount