
# Description
    This resource will provision a site collection to the current farm, based on
    the settings that are passed through. These settings map to the New-SPSite
    cmdlet and accept the same values and types.
    The current version of SharePointDsc is only able to check for the existence
    of a site collection, the additional parameters are not checked for yet, but
    will be in a later release
    Key - string
    The URL of the site collection
    Required - string
    The username of the site collection administrator
.PARAMETER CompatibilityLevel
    Write - uint32
    The compatibility level of the site
.PARAMETER ContentDatabase
    Write - string
    The name of the content database to create the site in
.PARAMETER Description
    Write - string
    The description to apply to the site collection
.PARAMETER HostHeaderWebApplication
    Write - string
    The URL of the host header web application to create this site in
    Write - uint32
    The language code of the site
    Write - string
    The display name of the site collection
    Write - string
    The email address of the site collection administrator
.PARAMETER QuotaTemplate
    Write - string
    The quota template to apply to the site collection
.PARAMETER SecondaryEmail
    Write - string
    The secondary site collection admin email address
.PARAMETER SecondaryOwnerAlias
    Write - string
    The secondary site collection admin username
    Write - string
    The template to apply to the site collection
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5
    This example creates a site collection with the provided details
    Configuration Example
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
        node localhost {
            SPSite TeamSite
                Url = "http://sharepoint.contoso.com"
                OwnerAlias = "CONTOSO\ExampleUser"
                HostHeaderWebApplication = "http://spsites.contoso.com"
                Name = "Team Sites"
                Template = "STS#0"
                PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount