
# Description
    This resource will create a binding to an Office Online Server (formerly known
    as Office Web Apps). The DnsName property can be a single server name, or a
    FQDN of a load balanced end point that will direct traffic to a farm.
    NOTE: This resource is designed to be used where all WOPI bindings will be
    targeted to the same Office Online Server farm. If used on a clean
    environment, the new bindings will all point to the one DNS Name. If used on
    an existing configuration that does not follow this rule, it will match only
    Key - string
    Allowed values: Internal-HTTP, Internal-HTTPS, External-HTTP, External-HTTPS
    The zone for this binding
    Required - string
    The DNS name of the server/s that are running Office Web Apps
    Write - string
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Present ensures the binding for this zone exists, absent ensures it doesn't
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5
    This example shows how to create bindings to the internal-https zone for the
    local SharePoint farm.
    Configuration Example
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
        node localhost {
            SPOfficeOnlineServerBinding OosBinding
                Zone = "internal-https"
                DnsName = "webapps.contoso.com"
                PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
    This example shows how to remove bindings from the internal-http zone for the
    local SharePoint farm.
    Configuration Example
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
        node localhost {
            SPOfficeOnlineServerBinding OosBinding
                Zone = "Internal-HTTP"
                DnsName = "webapps.contoso.com"
                PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
                Ensure = "Absent"