
This resource is responsible for creating managed paths associated with a specific web application.
The WebAppUrl parameter is used to specify the web application to create the path against, and the RelativeUrl parameter lets you set the URL.
Explicit when set to true will create an explicit inclusion path, if set to false the path is created as wildcard inclusion.
If you are using host named site collections set HostHeader to true and the path will be created as a host header path to be applied for host named site collections.
    SPManagedPath TeamsManagedPath
        WebAppUrl = "http://sharepoint.contoso.com"
        InstallAccount = $InstallAccount
        RelativeUrl = "teams"
        Explicit = $false
        Ensure = "Present"
        HostHeader = $true
    Key - string
    The URL of the web application to apply the managed path to - this is ignored for host header web applications
.PARAMETER RelativeUrl
    Key - string
    The relative URL of the managed path
    Required - boolean
    Should the host header be explicit? If false then it is a wildcard
    Required - boolean
    Is this a host header web application?
    Write - string
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Present ensures managed path exists, absent ensures it is removed
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsAccount if using PowerShell 5