<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves user information from Salesforce. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves user information using the `sf data query` command. .PARAMETER Id The Salesforce user ID. .EXAMPLE Get-SfUser -Id "0050V000001Sv7XQAS" This example retrieves the user information for the specified Salesforce user ID. .NOTES If the user is not found, an error message will be thrown. #> function Get-SfUser{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string]$Id ) $attributes =@( "Id", "Name" "GitHub_Username__c", "Email", "Department", "ManagerId", "Username", "Title" ) # Get object $ret = Get-SfDataQuery -Type User -Id $Id -Attributes $attributes # remove attributes # $ret.PsObject.Properties.Remove("attributes") return $ret } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-SfUser |