
Retrieves Salesforce Account data based on the specified Salesforce URL.

The `Get-SfAccount` function extracts the Salesforce Account ID from the provided URL and retrieves the specified attributes for the Account object. It uses the `Get-SfDataQuery` function to perform the query and returns the result as a PowerShell object. The function also performs transformations to clean up certain fields.

The Salesforce URL of the Account object to query.

The function returns a PowerShell object representing the queried Salesforce Account data. If the query is unsuccessful or the object is not found, the function returns `$null`.

PS> $sfUrl = ""
PS> $result = Get-SfAccount -SfUrl $sfUrl
PS> $result

This example retrieves the specified attributes for the Salesforce Account object with the ID extracted from the provided URL.

The function uses the `Get-SfDataQuery` function to perform the query and the `Get-OwnerNameFromHtml` function to clean up the `Account_Owner__c` field.


function Get-SfAccount{

    # Extract Id from URL
    $Id = Get-SfObjectIdFromUrl -SfUrl $SfUrl

    $attributes =@(

    # Get object
    $ret = Get-SfDataQuery -Type Account -Id $Id -Attributes $attributes

    # Transformations

    ## Clean up the Account_Owner__c field to show the name of the owner
    Add-Member -InputObject $ret -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OwnerName" -Value $(Get-OwnerNameFromHtml -html $($ret.Account_Owner__c))

    # $ret.PsObject.Properties.Remove("attributes")

    return $ret
} Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-SfAccount

# Function to extract Owner Name from HTML
function Get-OwnerNameFromHtml {
    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($html)) {
        return ""

    if ($html -match '<a[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>') {
        return $matches[1]
    return $null