.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID b4e4a291-d183-48b7-8110-f0cf3ecbce21 .AUTHOR MosaicMK Software LLC .COMPANYNAME MosaicMK Software LLC .COPYRIGHT (c) 2018 MosaicMK Software LLC. All rights reserved .TAGS Windows, Server, AD, Active Directory .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Setup and configure a new AD Forest .DESCRIPTION Setup and configure a new AD Forest .PARAMETER DomainName Name of the new domain .PARAMETER NetBiosName NetBIOS name of the domain .PARAMETER NTDSPath Path to where NTDS database is to be stored (Defaults to %SystemDrive%\Windows\NTDS) .PARAMETER LogPath Path to log file for the setup proccess (Defaults to %SystemDrive%\ForestSetup) .PARAMETER SYSVolPath Path to where to keep SYSVol (Defaults to %SystemDrive%\Windows\SYSVol) .PARAMETER DisableFirewall Disables the firewall for Domain, Private, public or all profiles .PARAMETER SetStaticIP Set a staic IP Address on the selected network card .PARAMETER NetAdapter Network Adatper to configure .PARAMETER IPAddress IP Address to set on the network adpter .PARAMETER Subnetmask Subnet mask on the network adpter .PARAMETER DefaultGateway Default gateway on the network adapter .PARAMETER InstallDHCP Install DHCP on the server (Be sure to configure a static IP address) .PARAMETER Restart Restarts the server after install has completed .EXAMPLE .\Setup-ADForest.ps1 -DomainName MosaicMK.local -NetBisoName MOSAICMK -NTDSPath C:\NTDS -SYSVolPath C:\SYSVol Installs the Forest Mosacimk.local placing the NTDS database in C:\NTDS and SYSVol in C:\SYSVol .EXAMPLE .\Setup-ADForest.ps1 -DomainName MosaicMK.local -NetBisoName MOSAICMK -NTDSPath C:\NTDS -SYSVolPath C:\SYSVol -SetStaticIP -NetAdapter "Local Network" -IPAddress -Subnetmask 24 -DefaultGateway Installs the Forest Mosacimk.local placing the NTDS database in C:\NTDS and SYSVol in C:\SYSVol and configures the Local Network adapter with a static ip address .EXAMPLE .\Setup-ADForest.ps1 -DomainName MosaicMK.local -NetBisoName MOSAICMK -NTDSPath C:\NTDS -SYSVolPath C:\SYSVol -InstallDHCP .NOTES Contact: Facebook: MosaicMK Software LLC Version 1.0.0 .LINK #> PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DomainName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$NetBiosName, [string]$NTDSPath = "$ENV:SystemDrive\Windows\NTDS", [string]$SYSVolPath = "$ENV:SystemDrive\Windows\NTDS", [string]$LogPath = "$ENV:SystemDrive\ForestSetup", [ValidateSet('Domain','Private','Public','All')] [string]$DisableFirewall, [switch]$SetStaticIP, [string]$NetAdapter, [string]$IPAddress, [String]$Subnetmask, [String]$DefaultGateway, [switch]$InstallDHCP, [switch]$Restart ) IF ($DisableFirewall){IF ($DisableFirewall -eq "All"){Set-NetFirewallProfile -Enabled:false} else {Set-NetFirewallProfile -Enabled:false -Name $DisableFirewall}} IF ($SetStaticIP){ IF (!($IPAddress)){$IPAddress = Read-Host "IPAddress"} IF (!($Subnetmask)){$Subnetmask = Read-Host "Subnetmask (ex: 24)"} IF (!($DefaultGateway)){$DefaultGateway = Read-Host "Default Gateway"} IF (!($NetAdapter)){Get-NetAdapter;$NetAdapter = Read-Host "Name of netowrk adapter" } New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IPAddress -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway -PrefixLength $Subnetmask -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter -Name $NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter -Name $NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex -ServerAddresses } try { Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools -ErrorAction Stop Import-Module ADDSDeployment -ErrorAction Stop Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DatabasePath "$NTDSPath" -DomainMode "Default" -DomainName "$DomainName" -DomainNetbiosName "$NetBiosName" -ForestMode "Default" -InstallDns -LogPath "$LogPath" -NoRebootOnCompletion -SysvolPath "$SYSVolPath" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } Catch {Write-Error "$_";Exit 1} IF ($InstallDHCP){ try { IF (!($IPAddress)){$IPAddress = Read-Host "IPAddress"} If (!($DomainName)){$DomainName = Read-Host "Domain Name"} $Type = (Get-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IPAddress).PrefixOrigin IF ($Type -ne "Manual"){Write-Error "The selected network adapter is not using a static IP Address";exit 1} $DHCPName = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME + "." + $DomainName Install-WindowsFeature DHCP -IncludeManagementTools -ErrorAction Stop netsh dhcp add securitygroups Restart-service dhcpserver Add-DHCPServerInDC -DnsName $DHCPName -IPAddress $IPAddress -ErrorAction Stop Set-DhcpServerv4DnsSetting -ComputerName "$DHCPName" -DynamicUpdates "Always" -DeleteDnsRRonLeaseExpiry $True }catch {Write-Error "$_"} } if ($Restart){Restart-Computer -Force} |