.VERSION 1.1 .GUID 79ad7a69-1b42-489a-a57c-49a6bc8f55d2 .AUTHOR saw-friendship .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .DESCRIPTION Run scriptblock at time .PARAMETER at Do script at time .PARAMETER in Do script it time .EXAMPLE Set-Timer -in 0 0 5 {hostname.exe} Run scriptblock after 5 sec .EXAMPLE Set-Timer -in 00 00 10 {hostname.exe} -NoProgressBarShow -Force .EXAMPLE Set-Timer -at 17 59 59 {hostname.exe} -SoundPlayEvery 5 -SoundPlayBefore 30 .OUTPUTS Scriptblock Results .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [switch]$at, [switch]$in, [int]$Hour = 0, [int]$Minute = 0, [int]$Second = 0, [ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock = {Write-Host "Done!"}, [switch]$NoProgressBarShow, [int]$SoundPlayEvery, [int]$SoundPlayBefore, [switch]$Force, [switch]$StopComputer, [switch]$RestartComputer ) $VerbosePreference = "Continue" function SoundPlay { $SoundFile = "$env:windir\Media\Windows Feed Discovered.wav" if(Test-Path $SoundFile){ try { $sound = new-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer $sound.SoundLocation = $SoundFile $sound.Play() } catch {} } } $GetDate = Get-Date try{ if ($at -and !$in){ [DateTime]$EndDate = Get-Date -Hour $Hour -Minute $Minute -Second $Second } elseif ($in -and !$at) { [DateTime]$EndDate = $GetDate.AddSeconds($($Second + $Minute*60 + $Hour*3600)) } elseif ($at -and $in) { Write-Error "Do you know what you want?" break } else { Write-Error "You nothing want..." break } } catch {Write-Error $Error[0]; break} if((($EndDate -lt $GetDate) -and (!$Force)) -or (($Hour -eq 0) -and ($Minute -eq 0) -and ($Second -eq 0) -and (!$Force))){ Write-Error "`n$('='*32)`n Date is in the past, use param Force`n$('='*32)`n" break } else { Write-Verbose "`n$('='*32)`n At $($EndDate.ToString()) will be run ScriptBlock: $ScriptBlock $('-'*32)`n" } $TotalSecond = ($EndDate - (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds [int]$i = 0 while($EndDate -gt $GetDate){ $GetDate = $GetDate.AddSeconds(1) if($i%7 -eq 0){$GetDate = Get-Date} $SecondsRemaining = ($EndDate - $GetDate).TotalSeconds $PercentComplete = [Math]::Round(($TotalSecond - $SecondsRemaining)/$TotalSecond*100) if($EndDate -le $GetDate){$PercentComplete = 100} if($SoundPlayEvery){ if($i%$SoundPlayEvery -eq 0){ if(!$SoundPlayBefore){ SoundPlay } elseif ($SoundPlayBefore -ge $SecondsRemaining){ SoundPlay } else {} } } if(!$NoProgressBarShow){Write-Progress -Activity "Sleep" -SecondsRemaining $SecondsRemaining -PercentComplete $PercentComplete} sleep 1 $i++ } Write-Verbose "`n$('-'*32)` Time: $((Get-Date).ToString()), Run! `n$('='*32)`n" Write-Host "`n" &$ScriptBlock Write-Verbose "`n$('-'*32)`n Was run at: $((Get-Date).ToString()) `n$('='*32)`n" if($StopComputer){shutdown.exe /s /f /t 1} if($RestartComputer -and !$StopComputer){shutdown.exe /r /f /t 1} |