
.VERSION 1.0.0
.GUID b4bc8c7c-92fc-46cb-9f61-3e2118597165
.AUTHOR Jimmy Briggs
.TAGS Windows Utility Directories Configure Personalization Tool

    This function sets a folder icon on specified folder.
    A Script to set the icon for a provided folder.
    Will create two files in the destination path, both set as hidden system files: DESKTOP.ini and FOLDER.ICO.
    Path to the icon (*.ico) file to use.
    Path to the folder to add the icon to.
    [Boolean] Recurse sub-directories?
    Set-FolderIcon -Icon "C:\Users\Mark\Downloads\Radvisual-Holographic-Folder.ico" -Path "C:\Users\Mark"
    # Changes the default folder icon to the custom one I donwloaded from Google Images.
    Set-FolderIcon -Icon "C:\Users\Mark\Downloads\wii_folder.ico" -Path "\\FAMILY\Media\Wii"
    # Changes the default folder icon to custom one for a UNC Path.
    Set-FolderIcon -Icon "C:\Users\Mark\Downloads\Radvisual-Holographic-Folder.ico" -Path "C:\Test" -Recurse
    # Changes the default folder icon to custom one for all folders in specified folder and that folder itself.
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)]

If (!(Test-Path $Icon)) {
    throw "[Error] Specified Icon Path not found: $Icon"

If (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
    throw "[Error] Specified Directory Path not found: $Path"

$TargetDirectory = Convert-Path $Path

$DesktopIni = "[.ShellClassInfo]`n" + "IconResource=$Icon`n"

If (Test-Path "$($TargetDirectory)\desktop.ini") {
    Write-Warning -Message 'desktop.ini already found within directory.'
Add-Content "$($TargetDirectory)\desktop.ini" -Value $DesktopIni
    (Get-Item "$($TargetDirectory)\desktop.ini" -Force).Attributes = 'Hidden, System, Archive'
    (Get-Item $TargetDirectory -Force).Attributes = 'ReadOnly, Directory'