<# .SYNOPSIS Update record values .DESCRIPTION Update one or more record values and optionally return the updated record .PARAMETER Table Name of the table to be queried, by either table name or class name. Use tab completion for list of known tables. You can also provide any table name ad hoc. .PARAMETER ID Either the record sys_id or number. If providing just an ID, not with Table, the ID prefix will be looked up to find the table name. .PARAMETER InputData Key/value pairs of fields and their values .PARAMETER CustomVariableData Key/value pairs of custom variable names and their values. Get custom variable names with Get-ServiceNowRecord -IncludeCustomVariable. .PARAMETER PassThru If provided, the updated record will be returned .PARAMETER Connection Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance .PARAMETER ServiceNowSession ServiceNow session created by New-ServiceNowSession. Will default to script-level variable $ServiceNowSession. .EXAMPLE Update-ServiceNowRecord -ID 'INC0010001' -InputData @{State = 'Closed'} Update a record by number. The table name will be looked up based on the prefix. .EXAMPLE Update-ServiceNowRecord -Table 'change_request' -ID 'CHG0010001' -InputData @{'work_notes' = 'my notes'} Update a record by number. The table name is provided directly as the table lookup is different, 'Change Request' as opposed to 'change_request'. .EXAMPLE Update-ServiceNowRecord -Table incident -ID '13378afb-97a6-451a-b1ec-2c9e85313188' -InputData @{State = 'Closed'} Update a record by table name and sys_id. Providing a sys_id as opposed to a number minimizes the api calls. .EXAMPLE Get-ServiceNowRecord INC0000001 | Update-ServiceNowRecord -InputData @{'work_notes' = 'Updated by PowerShell'} Update details piping an existing object. You do not need to specify the table or ID for the update. .EXAMPLE Update-ServiceNowRecord -ID RITM0000001 -CustomVariableData @{'question' = 'Yes'} Update details piping an existing object. You do not need to specify the table or ID for the update. .INPUTS Table, ID .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject, if PassThru is provided #> function Update-ServiceNowRecord { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'field')] Param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('sys_class_name')] [string] $Table, # validation not needed as Invoke-TableIdLookup will handle it with -AsSysId [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('sys_id', 'SysId', 'number')] [string] $ID, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'both')] [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'field')] [Alias('Values')] [hashtable] $InputData, [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'both')] [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'custom')] [hashtable] $CustomVariableData, [Parameter()] [switch] $PassThru, [Parameter()] [Hashtable] $Connection, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $ServiceNowSession = $script:ServiceNowSession ) process { $thisTable, $thisID = Invoke-TableIdLookup -T $Table -I $ID -AsSysId -C $Connection -S $ServiceNowSession If (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($thisTable.ClassName) $ID", 'Update values')) { return } if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputData') ) { # arrays should be passed as comma-separated foreach ($key in @($InputData.Keys)) { if ( $InputData[$key].GetType().IsArray ) { $InputData[$key] = $InputData[$key] -join ',' } } $params = @{ Method = 'Patch' Table = $thisTable.Name SysId = $thisID Values = $InputData Connection = $Connection ServiceNowSession = $ServiceNowSession } $response = Invoke-ServiceNowRestMethod @params } if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CustomVariableData') ) { $customVarsOut = Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table $thisTable.Name -ID $thisID -IncludeCustomVariable -Property sys_id, number -Connection $Connection -ServiceNowSession $ServiceNowSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CustomVariable foreach ($key in $CustomVariableData.Keys) { $thisCustomVar = $customVarsOut.PSObject.Properties.Value | Where-Object { $key -in $_.Name, $_.DisplayName, $_.SysId } if ( $thisCustomVar ) { $params = @{ Method = 'Patch' Table = 'sc_item_option' SysId = $thisCustomVar.SysId Values = @{'value' = $CustomVariableData[$key] } Connection = $Connection ServiceNowSession = $ServiceNowSession } $null = Invoke-ServiceNowRestMethod @params } else { Write-Warning ('Custom variable {0} not found' -f $key) } } } if ( $PassThru ) { if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CustomVariableData') ) { $response = Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table $thisTable.Name -ID $thisID -IncludeCustomVariable -Connection $Connection -ServiceNowSession $ServiceNowSession } if ($thisTable.Type) { $response | ForEach-Object { $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $thisTable.Type) } } $response } } } |