
Function Add-ServiceNowAttachment {
    Attaches a file to an existing ticket.
    Attaches a file to an existing ticket.
    .PARAMETER Number
    ServiceNow ticket number
    .PARAMETER Table
    ServiceNow ticket table name
    A valid path to the file to attach
    Add-ServiceNowAttachment -Number $Number -Table $Table -File .\File01.txt, .\File02.txt
    Upload one or more files to a ServiceNow ticket by specifing the number and table
    New-ServiceNowIncident @params -PassThru | Add-ServiceNowAttachment -File File01.txt
    Create a new incident and add an attachment
    Add-ServiceNowAttachment -Number $Number -Table $Table -File .\File01.txt -ContentType 'text/plain'
    Upload a file and specify the MIME type (content type). Should only be required if the function cannot automatically determine the type.
    Add-ServiceNowAttachment -Number $Number -Table $Table -File .\File01.txt -PassThru
    Upload a file and receive back the file details.
    System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject if -PassThru provided

        # Table containing the entry
        [string] $Table,

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Alias('sys_id', 'SysId', 'number')]
        [string] $Id,

        [ValidateScript( {
                Test-Path $_
        [string[]] $File,

        # Content (MIME) type - if not automatically determined
        [string] $ContentType,

        # Allow the results to be shown
        [switch] $PassThru,

        # Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance
        # [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [Hashtable] $Connection,

        # [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [hashtable] $ServiceNowSession = $script:ServiceNowSession

    begin {}

    process    {

        $getParams = @{
            Id                = $Id
            Property          = 'sys_class_name', 'sys_id', 'number'
            Connection        = $Connection
            ServiceNowSession = $ServiceNowSession
        if ( $Table ) {
            $getParams.Table = $Table
        $tableRecord = Get-ServiceNowRecord @getParams

        if ( -not $tableRecord ) {
            Write-Error "Record not found for Id '$Id'"

        If (-not $Table) {
            $tableName = $tableRecord.sys_class_name
        else {
            $tableName = $Table

        $auth = Get-ServiceNowAuth -C $Connection -S $ServiceNowSession

        ForEach ($Object in $File) {
            $FileData = Get-ChildItem $Object -ErrorAction Stop
            If (-not $ContentType) {
                # Thanks to from which
                # MimeTypeMap.json was adapted
                $ContentTypeHash = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\config\MimeTypeMap.json" -Raw)

                $Extension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($FileData.FullName)
                $ContentType = $ContentTypeHash.$Extension

            # POST:
            # $Uri = "{0}/file?table_name={1}&table_sys_id={2}&file_name={3}" -f $ApiUrl, $Table, $TableSysID, $FileData.Name
            $invokeRestMethodSplat = $auth
            $invokeRestMethodSplat.Uri += '/attachment/file?table_name={0}&table_sys_id={1}&file_name={2}' -f $tableName, $tableRecord.sys_id, $FileData.Name
            $invokeRestMethodSplat.Headers += @{'Content-Type' = $ContentType }
            $invokeRestMethodSplat.UseBasicParsing = $true
            $invokeRestMethodSplat += @{
                Method = 'POST'
                InFile = $FileData.FullName

            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(('{0} {1}' -f $tableName, $tableRecord.number), ('Add attachment {0}' -f $FileData.FullName))) {
                Write-Verbose ($invokeRestMethodSplat | ConvertTo-Json)
                $response = Invoke-WebRequest @invokeRestMethodSplat

                if ( $response.Content ) {
                    if ( $PassThru.IsPresent ) {
                        $content = $response.content | ConvertFrom-Json
                else {
                    # invoke-webrequest didn't throw an error, but we didn't get content back either
                    throw ('"{0} : {1}' -f $response.StatusCode, $response | Out-String )

    end {}