.SYNOPSIS Retrieves records for the specified table .DESCRIPTION Retrieve records from any table with the option to filter, sort, and choose fields. Given you know the table name, you shouldn't need any other 'Get-' function. .PARAMETER Table Name of the table to be queried, by either table name or class name .PARAMETER Properties Limit the fields returned to this list .PARAMETER Filter Array or multidimensional array of fields and values to filter on. Each array should be of the format @(field, comparison operator, value) separated by a join, either 'and', 'or', or 'group'. For a complete list of comparison operators, see $script:ServiceNowOperator and use Name in your filter. See the examples. Also, see for how to represent date values with javascript. .PARAMETER Sort Array or multidimensional array of fields to sort on. Each array should be of the format @(field, asc/desc). .PARAMETER DisplayValues Option to display values for reference fields. 'false' will only retrieve the reference 'true' will only retrieve the underlying value 'all' will retrieve both. This is helpful when trying to translate values for a query. .PARAMETER Connection Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance .PARAMETER ServiceNowSession ServiceNow session created by New-ServiceNowSession. Will default to script-level variable $ServiceNowSession. .EXAMPLE Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table incident -Filter @('state', '-eq', '1'), 'or', @('short_description','-like', 'powershell') Get incident records where state equals New or short description contains the word powershell .EXAMPLE $filter = @('state', '-eq', '1'), 'and', @('short_description','-like', 'powershell'), 'group', @('state', '-eq', '2') PS > Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table incident -Filter $filter Get incident records where state equals New and short description contains the word powershell or state equals In Progress. The first 2 filters are combined and then or'd against the last. .EXAMPLE Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table incident -Filter @('state', '-eq', '1') -Sort @('opened_at', 'desc'), @('state') Get incident records where state equals New and first sort by the field opened_at descending and then sort by the field state ascending .EXAMPLE Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table 'change request' -Filter @('opened_at', '-ge', 'javascript:gs.daysAgoEnd(30)') Get change requests opened in the last 30 days. Use class name as opposed to table name. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject .LINK #> function Get-ServiceNowRecord { [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SessionFilter', SupportsPaging)] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('sys_class_name')] [string] $Table, [Parameter()] [Alias('Fields')] [string[]] $Properties, [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AutomationFilter')] [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SessionFilter')] [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Filter, [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AutomationFilter')] [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SessionFilter')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Sort, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('true', 'false', 'all')] [string] $DisplayValues = 'true', [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'AutomationQuery')] [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'AutomationFilter')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [hashtable] $Connection, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SessionQuery')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SessionFilter')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [hashtable] $ServiceNowSession = $script:ServiceNowSession ) $result = Invoke-ServiceNowRestMethod @PSBoundParameters If ( $result -and -not $Properties) { $type = $script:ServiceNowTable | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Table -or $_.ClassName -eq $Table} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Type if ($type) { $result | ForEach-Object { $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $type) } } } $result } |