
function Get-ServiceNowTable {
        Retrieves records for the specified table
        The Get-ServiceNowTable function retrieves records for the specified table
        Service-Now Kingston REST Table API:
        Service-Now Table API FAQ:

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Session', SupportsPaging)]
    Param (
        # Name of the table we're querying (e.g. incidents)
        [string] $Table,

        # sysparm_query param in the format of a ServiceNow encoded query string (see
        [string] $Query,

        # Maximum number of records to return
        [int] $Limit,

        # Fields to return
        [string[]] $Properties,

        # Whether or not to show human readable display values instead of machine values
        [ValidateSet('true', 'false', 'all')]
        [string] $DisplayValues = 'true',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory)]
        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UseConnectionObject', Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Session')]
        [hashtable] $ServiceNowSession = $script:ServiceNowSession

    # Table Splat
    $getServiceNowTableSplat = @{
        Table             = $Table
        Query             = $Query
        Fields            = $Properties
        DisplayValues     = $DisplayValues
        Connection        = $Connection
        Credential        = $Credential
        ServiceNowUrl     = $ServiceNowURL
        ServiceNowSession = $ServiceNowSession

    # # Only add the Limit parameter if it was explicitly provided
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Limit')) {
        $getServiceNowTableSplat.Add('Limit', $Limit)

    # # Add all provided paging parameters
    ($PSCmdlet.PagingParameters | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name | ForEach-Object {
        $getServiceNowTableSplat.Add($_, $PSCmdlet.PagingParameters.$_)

    Invoke-ServiceNowRestMethod @getServiceNowTableSplat