function Invoke-LogRotation { <# .SYNOPSIS Compresses log files by month. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-LogRotation cmdlet retrieves a list of log file in the specified locations and compressed them into a ZIP archive by month. Once the contents of the archive are verified the original log files are deleted. .EXAMPLE Invoke-LogRotation -Path C:\Inetpub\Logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1 Archives the log files for the IIS 'Default Website' using the default 5 day retention .EXAMPLE Invoke-LogRotation -Path C:\Inetpub\Logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1 -KeepRaw 10 Archives the log files for the IIS 'Default Website' using the specified 10 day retention .LINK .NOTES Author: Trent Willingham Check out my other projects on GitHub #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( # Specifies a path to one or more locations. Invoke-LogRotation processes the log files in the specified locations. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string[]]$Path, # Specifies the number of days to keep uncompressed log files. If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet will retain 5 days. [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Alias('CompressDays')] [int] $KeepRaw = 5, # Specifies a wildcard selection string of files to include. [Parameter()] [string]$Include = '*.log', # Specifies a wildcard selection string of files to exclude. [Parameter()] [string]$Exclude ) begin { $DateDisplayFormat = 'MM/dd/yyyy' $DateFileFormat = 'yyyy-MM' $CurrentDate = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 if ($KeepRaw) { $CompressBefore = (Get-Date -Date $CurrentDate).AddDays( - $KeepRaw) } $AdditionalParams = @{ 'Include' = $Include } if ($Exclude) { $AdditionalParams.Add('Exclude', $Exclude) } $null = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.IO.Compression.FileSystem") } process { foreach ($LogPath in $Path) { if (!(Test-Path -Path $LogPath)) { Write-Error -Message "Cannot find path '$LogPath' because it does not exist." break } $LogFolder = Split-Path -Path $($LogPath) -Leaf if ($KeepRaw) { $LogsToCompress = Get-ChildItem -Path $LogPath @AdditionalParams -Recurse | Where-Object { $PSItem.PSIsContainer -eq $false -and $PSItem.LastWriteTime -lt $CompressBefore } Write-Verbose -Message "Compressing $($LogsToCompress.Count) older than $($CompressBefore.ToString($DateDisplayFormat))" $LogHashTable = @{} foreach ($File in $LogsToCompress) { $LogHashTable.Add($File.FullName, $File.LastWriteTime.ToString($DateFileFormat)) } $LogHashTable = $LogHashTable.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value, Name $MonthsToProcess = @( $LogHashTable | Group-Object -Property Value | Select-Object -Property Name) foreach ($Month in $MonthsToProcess) { $ZipFileName = "$($env:ComputerName)-$($LogFolder)-$($Month.Name).zip" $ZipFullName = Join-Path -Path $LogPath -ChildPath $ZipFileName $CurrentMonthLogs = $LogHashTable | Where-Object { $PSItem.Value -eq "$($Month.Name)" } foreach ($LogFile in $CurrentMonthLogs) { $LogName = Split-Path -Path $LogFile.Name -Leaf if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ZipFullName, "Create/Update Archive")) { $ZipFile = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($ZipFullName, "Update") } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($LogFile.Name, "Get Content")) { $LogContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $LogFile.Name -Raw } if (!($ZipFile.GetEntry($LogName))) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($LogFile.Name, "Add to Archive")) { $ZipFileEntry = $ZipFile.CreateEntry($LogName) $StreamWriter = [System.IO.StreamWriter]$ZipFileEntry.Open() $StreamWriter.Write($LogContent) $StreamWriter.Dispose() $ZipFileEntry.LastWriteTime = (Get-Item -LiteralPath "$($LogFile.Name)").LastWriteTime } } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ZipFullName, "Save Archive")) { $ZipFile.Dispose() } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($LogFile.Name, "Compare to Archive")) { $ZipFile = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($ZipFullName, "Read") $ZipFileEntry = [System.IO.StreamReader]$ZipFile.GetEntry($LogName).Open() $ZipContent = $ZipFileEntry.ReadToEnd() $ZipFile.Dispose() if ($ZipContent -eq $LogContent -or $LogContent.Length -eq 0) { Remove-Item -LiteralPath $LogFile.Name } } [System.GC]::Collect() } } } } } end { } } |