.SYNOPSIS Create a new notification. .PARAMETER SensorId The notification will be added to this sensor. .PARAMETER UserId The id of the User to be added. .PARAMETER SendEmail Should the alarm be sent via email. If not specified the default for the user will be selected. .PARAMETER SendTextmessage Should the alarm be sent via text message (SMS). If not specified the default for the user will be selected. .PARAMETER SendTicket Should the alarm be sent to the ticket system. If not specified the default for the user will be selected. .PARAMETER DeferId The deferid you want to use. To see all posible DeferIDs use the CmdLet Get-SEDispatchTime .PARAMETER AuthToken Either a session or an API key. If no AuthToken is provided the global Server-Eye session will be used if available. #> function New-Notification { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="ofSensor")] Param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='ofSensor')] $SensorId, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName='ofSensorhub')] [Alias("ConnectorID")] $SensorhubId, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,Mandatory=$true)] $UserId, [switch]$SendEmail, [switch]$SendTextmessage, [switch]$SendTicket, $DeferId="", $AuthToken ) Begin { $AuthToken = Test-SEAuth -AuthToken $AuthToken } Process { if ($SensorId) { newNotificationofSensor -AuthToken $AuthToken -SensorID $SensorId -UserId $UserId -SendEmail $SendEmail.IsPresent -SendTextmessage $SendTextmessage.IsPresent -SendTicket $SendTicket.IsPresent -deferid $deferid } elseif ($SensorhubId) { newNotificationofContainer -AuthToken $AuthToken -SensorHubID $SensorhubId -UserId $UserId -SendEmail $SendEmail.IsPresent -SendTextmessage $SendTextmessage.IsPresent -SendTicket $SendTicket.IsPresent -deferid $deferid } else { Write-Error "Unsupported input" } } End{ } } function NewNotificationofSensor { Param( #Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $SensorID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $UserId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SendEmail, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SendTextmessage, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SendTicket, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $deferid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Authtoken ) $noti = New-SeApiAgentNotification -AuthToken $Authtoken -AId $sensorId -UserId $UserId -Email $SendEmail -Phone $SendTextmessage -Ticket $SendTicket formatSensorNotificationNew -Authtoken $Authtoken -notiID $noti.nid -sensorid $noti.aid -DeferId $deferid } function formatSensorNotificationNew($notiID, $Authtoken, $SensorId, $deferid){ $n = Get-SENotification -SensorId $SensorId | Where-Object {$_.NotificationId -eq $notiID} $sensor = Get-SESensor -SensorId $SensorId [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $n.Name Email = $ byEmail = $n.byEmail byTextmessage = $n.byTextmessage byTicket = $n.byTicket Defer = if ($deferId -ne "") { Set-SeApiAgentNotification -AuthToken $AuthToken -aid $SensorId -NId $n.NotificationId -DeferId $deferId | Out-Null $gnn = Get-SeApiAgentNotificationList -AuthToken $AuthToken -aid $SensorId | Where-Object {$_.Nid -eq $n.NotificationId} [PSCustomObject]@{ Defertime = $gnn.deferTime Defername = $gnn.deferName } } else { "No Deferid was set." } NotificationId = $n.NotificationId Sensor = $ SensorID = $sensor.SensorId Sensorhub = $sensor.sensorhub 'OCC-Connector' = $sensor.'OCC-Connector' Customer = $sensor.customer } } function NewNotificationofContainer { Param( #Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $SensorhubID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $UserId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SendEmail, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SendTextmessage, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $SendTicket, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $deferid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Authtoken ) $noti = New-SeApiContainerNotification -AuthToken $Authtoken -CId $SensorhubID -UserId $UserId -Email $SendEmail -Phone $SendTextmessage -Ticket $SendTicket $container = Get-SeApiContainer -AuthToken $Authtoken -CId $SensorhubID $sensorhubName = "" $connectorName = "" $customerName = "" if ($container.type -eq "0") { $customer = Get-SeApiCustomer -AuthToken $Authtoken -CId $container.customerId $connectorName = $container.Name $customerName = $customer.companyName } else { $sensorhub = Get-SESensorhub -AuthToken $Authtoken -SensorhubId $SensorhubID $sensorhubName = $sensorhub.Name $SensorhubId = $Sensorhub.sensorhubId $connectorName = $sensorhub.'OCC-Connector' $customerName = $sensorhub.Customer } formatContainerNotificationNew -notiID $noti.nid -authoken $Authtoken -SensorhubID $noti.cid -deferid $deferId } function formatContainerNotificationNew($notiID, $authoken, $SensorhubID, $deferId){ $n = Get-SENotification -SensorhubId $SensorhubId | Where-Object {$_.NotificationId -eq $notiID} [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $n.Name Email = $ byEmail = $n.byEmail byTextmessage = $n.byTextmessage byTicket = $n.byTicket Defer = if ($deferId -ne "") { Set-SeApiContainerNotification -AuthToken $AuthToken -cid $SensorhubID -NId $n.NotificationId -DeferId $deferId | Out-Null $gnn = Get-SeApiContainerNotificationList -AuthToken $AuthToken -cid $SensorhubID | Where-Object {$_.Nid -eq $n.NotificationId} [PSCustomObject]@{ Defertime = $gnn.deferTime Defername = $gnn.deferName } } else { "No Deferid was set." } NotificationId = $n.NotificationId Sensorhub = $sensorhubName SensorhubId = $SensorhubId 'OCC-Connector' = $connectorName Customer = $customerName } } |