.SYNOPSIS Get notifications for a sensor. .DESCRIPTION This will list all notifications for a sensor. .PARAMETER SensorId The id of the sensor for which the notifications should be listed. .PARAMETER Filter You can filter the notification based on the FullName (Prename and Surname) or the Email of the User. .PARAMETER AuthToken Either a session or an API key. If no AuthToken is provided the global Server-Eye session will be used if available. .EXAMPLE Get-SENotification -SensorId = "12345-6789-ABCDE Name : Andreas Behr Email : byEmail : True byTextmessage : False byTicket : False Delay : 0 NotificationId : 01234-5678-ABCDE Sensor : Ping Sensorhub : SERV2012R2 OCC-Connector : lab.server-eye.local Customer : Systemmanager IT .EXAMPLE Get-SECustomer "Systemmanager*" | Get-SESensorhub | Get-SESensor | Get-SENotification | Format-Table Name Email byEmail byTextmessage byTicket Delay NotificationId Sensor Sensorhub OCC-Connector Customer ---- ----- ------- ------------- -------- ----- -------------- ------ --------- ------------- -------- Andreas Behr False False False 0 1234-56789-ABCDE Ping SERV2012R2 lab.server-eye.local Systemmanger IT Patrick Schmidt False False False 0 1234-56789-ABCDE Ping SERV2012R2 lab.server-eye.local Systemanager IT #> function Get-Notification { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ofSensor')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ofSensor",Position=0)] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="ofSensorhub",Position=0)] [string]$Filter, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='ofSensor')] $SensorId, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='ofSensorhub')] [Alias("ConnectorID")] $SensorhubId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='ofSensorhub')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='ofSensor')] $AuthToken ) Begin{ $AuthToken = Test-SEAuth -AuthToken $AuthToken } Process { if ($SensorId) { getNotificationBySensor -sensorId $SensorId -auth $AuthToken } elseif ($SensorhubId) { getNotificationOfContainer -containerID $SensorhubId -auth $AuthToken } else { Write-Error "Unsupported input" } } End{ } } function getNotificationOfContainer ($containerID, $auth) { $notifies = Get-SeApiContainerNotificationList -AuthToken $auth -CId $containerId $container = Get-SeApiContainer -AuthToken $auth -CId $containerId $sensorhubName = "" $connectorName = "" $customerName = "" if ($container.type -eq "0") { $customer = Get-SeApiCustomer -AuthToken $auth -CId $container.customerId $connectorName = $container.Name $customerName = $customer.companyName } else { $sensorhub = Get-SESensorhub -AuthToken $auth -SensorhubId $containerId $sensorhubName = $sensorhub.Name $SensorhubId = $Sensorhub.sensorhubId $connectorName = $sensorhub.'OCC-Connector' $customerName = $sensorhub.Customer } foreach ($notify in $notifies) { $displayName = "$($notify.prename) $($notify.surname)".Trim() if ((-not $filter) -or ($notify.useremail -like $filter) -or $displayName -like $filter){ formatContainerNotification -notify $notify -auth $auth } } } function getNotificationBySensor ($sensorId, $auth) { $notifies = Get-SeApiAgentNotificationList -AuthToken $auth -AId $sensorId $sensor = get-SeSensor -SensorId $sensorId -AuthToken $auth foreach ($notify in $notifies) { $displayName = "$($notify.prename) $($notify.surname)".Trim() if ((-not $filter) -or ($notify.useremail -like $filter) -or $displayName -like $filter){ formatSensorNotification -notify $notify -auth $auth -sensor $sensor } } } function formatSensorNotification($notify, $auth, $sensor){ [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $displayName Email = $notify.useremail byEmail = $ byTextmessage = $ byTicket = $notify.ticket Delay = if ($notify.deferTime) { $notify.deferTime } else { "0" } NotificationId = $notify.nId Sensor = $ SensorID = $sensor.SensorId Sensorhub = $sensor.sensorhub 'OCC-Connector' = $sensor.'OCC-Connector' Customer = $sensor.customer } } function formatContainerNotification($notify, $auth){ [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $displayName Email = $notify.useremail byEmail = $ byTextmessage = $ byTicket = $notify.ticket Delay = if ($notify.deferTime) { $notify.deferTime } else { "0" } NotificationId = $notify.nId Sensorhub = $sensorhubName SensorhubId = $SensorhubId 'OCC-Connector' = $connectorName Customer = $customerName } } |