.SYNOPSIS Get the Inventory for a System. .DESCRIPTION Get the Inventory for a System, shows CPU, RAM, HDD Name, HDD Capacity, HDD Free Space, OS and OS Procuktkey. .PARAMETER SensorhubId The sensorhub id for which the Inventory will be displayed. .PARAMETER AuthToken Either a session or an API key. If no AuthToken is provided the global Server-Eye session will be used if available. .EXAMPLE Get-SECustomer -Filter "*Support" | Get-SESensorhub | Get-SEInventory Customer : SE Landheim OCC Connector : SE Landheim (OCC-Connector: NUC-SE3) Sensorhub : NUC-SE3 CPU : Core i3-4010U RAM : 4021 HDD Name : {C, D} HDD Capacity (GB) : {235,48, 931,32} HDD Free (GB) : {176,95, 595,91} OS : Windows 10 OS Procuktkey : ************************** Office : Office Key : .LINK #> function Get-Inventory { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "bySensorhub")] Param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = "bySensorhub", Mandatory = $True)] $SensorhubId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $AuthToken ) Begin { $AuthToken = Test-SEAuth -AuthToken $AuthToken } Process { if ($SensorhubId) { formatInvetoryBySensorhub -SensorhubID $SensorhubId -Auth $AuthToken } } End { } } function formatInvetoryBySensorhub ($SensorhubId, $auth) { $inventory = Get-SeApiContainerInventory -AuthToken $Auth -CId $SensorhubId -Format json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable x $sensorhub = Get-SESensorhub -SensorhubID $Sensorhubid [PSCustomObject]@{ Customer = $sensorhub.Customer "OCC Connector" = $sensorhub."OCC-Connector" Sensorhub = $ CPU = $inventory.cpu.CPUName RAM = $inventory.Memory.PHYSICALTOTAL "HDD Name" = ($inventory.DISK | Where-Object {$_.Filesystem -eq "NTFS"}).Disk "HDD Capacity (GB)" = ($inventory.DISK | Where-Object {$_.Filesystem -eq "NTFS"}) | ForEach-Object -Process {[math]::round(([int]($_.Capacity)/1024),2)} "HDD Free (GB)" = ($inventory.DISK | Where-Object {$_.Filesystem -eq "NTFS"}) | ForEach-Object -Process {[math]::round(([int]($_.FREESPACE)/1024),2)} OS = $inventory.OS.OSName | Select-Object -Unique "OS Procuktkey" = $inventory.OS.PRODUCTKEY | Select-Object -Unique Office = ($inventory.MSPRODUKT | Where-Object { $_.ProduktName -like "Microsoft Office*"} | Select-Object -Unique).produktName "Office Key " = ($inventory.MSPRODUKT | Where-Object { $_.ProduktName -like "Microsoft Office*"} | Select-Object -Unique).PRODUKTKEY } } |