
AUTOR: This file is auto-generated
DATE: 2019-06-12T13:42:58.324Z
DESC: Module enables easier access to the PowerShell API

    Get an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Get-Agent {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get an agent's action log.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $Start
        Start index for reading entries.
        .PARAMETER $Limit
        How many entries should be returned?

    function Get-AgentActionlogList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/actionlog?start=$Start&limit=$Limit" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List all agent categories.


    function Get-AgentCategoryList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get an agent's chart.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $Start
        Start date in milliseconds.
        .PARAMETER $End
        End date in milliseconds.
        .PARAMETER $ValueType
        Which values do you need?
        .PARAMETER $FillGaps
        If there are gaps in the chart, do you want them to be auto-filled with the previous chart value?

    function Get-AgentChart {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/chart?start=$Start&end=$End&valueType=$ValueType&fillGaps=$FillGaps" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List an agent's notes.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Get-AgentNoteList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/note" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List an agent's notifications.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Get-AgentNotificationList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/notification" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a settings remote information.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $Key
        The key of the setting.
        .PARAMETER $Information
        An additional information for the agent. Sometimes required. Please check the call made by the OCC for possible values.

    function Get-AgentRemoteSetting {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/setting/$Key/remote?information=$Information" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List an agent's settings.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Get-AgentSettingList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/setting" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get the current state or a state history of this agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $Limit
        How many entries of the state history do you need? <b>This param is ignored if start AND end are provided.</b>
        .PARAMETER $Start
        Either an integer which describes how many entries of the history you want to skip or an utc date in milliseconds.
        .PARAMETER $End
        An utc date in milliseconds. Only required if start is an utc timestamp, too.
        .PARAMETER $IncludeHints
        Include user hints?
        .PARAMETER $IncludeMessage
        Include the status message?
        .PARAMETER $IncludeRawData
        Include the status' raw data if available?
        .PARAMETER $Format
        In which format do you want the message to be rendered?

    function Get-AgentStateList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/state?limit=$Limit&start=$Start&end=$End&includeHints=$IncludeHints&includeMessage=$IncludeMessage&includeRawData=$IncludeRawData&format=$Format" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List an agent's tags.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Get-AgentTagList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AId/tag" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List all possible agent types.

        .PARAMETER $Category
        List only agent types of a specific category. For possible categories see <code>GET /agent/category</code>.

    function Get-AgentTypeList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Category" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get the settings and default values of an agent type.

        .PARAMETER $AkId
        The id of the agent type.

    function Get-AgentTypeSettingList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$AkId/setting" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Check the given containers for compliance-violations. Returns true if at least one violation is found for this container.

        .PARAMETER $ContainerId
        The id of a container or multiple ids as array.
        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $ViewFilterId
        The id of the view filter.

    function Get-ComplianceCheck {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$ContainerId&customerId=$CustomerId&viewFilterId=$ViewFilterId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get the compliance template and config for a customer/view filter.

        .PARAMETER $ViewFilterId
        The id of a view filter.
        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer

    function Get-ComplianceConfig {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$ViewFilterId&customerId=$CustomerId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get all compliance configs for the given customers. Returns all configs for each given id.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id or an array of ids of the customer

    function Get-ComplianceConfigCustomer {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CustomerId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get all differences between a container / multiple containers the template configured via /compliance/config.

        .PARAMETER $ContainerId
        The id of a container or multiple ids as array.
        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $ViewFilterId
        The id of the view filter.
        .PARAMETER $MessageFormat
        If the entry should be human readable, specify the format of the message. This will include a 'message' property in each entry or not.

    function Get-ComplianceViolation {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$ContainerId&customerId=$CustomerId&viewFilterId=$ViewFilterId&messageFormat=$MessageFormat" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-Container {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get an container's action log.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $Start
        Start index for reading entries.
        .PARAMETER $Limit
        How many entries should be returned?

    function Get-ContainerActionlogList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/actionlog?start=$Start&limit=$Limit" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List a container's agents.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-ContainerAgentList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/agents" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a container's inventory.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $Format
        What kind of return format do you expect?

    function Get-ContainerInventory {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/inventory?format=$Format" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List a container's notes.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-ContainerNoteList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/note" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List a container's notifications.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-ContainerNotificationList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/notification" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a container's proposals.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-ContainerProposalList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/proposal" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get the settings of a proposal.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $PId
        The id of the proposal.

    function Get-ContainerProposalSettingList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/proposal/$PId/setting" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get the current state or a state history of this container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $Limit
        How many entries of the state history do you need? <b>This param is ignored if start AND end are provided.</b>
        .PARAMETER $Start
        Either an integer which describes how many entries of the history you want to skip or an utc date in milliseconds.
        .PARAMETER $End
        An utc date in milliseconds. Only required if start is an utc timestamp, too.
        .PARAMETER $IncludeHints
        Include user hints?
        .PARAMETER $IncludeMessage
        Include the status message?

    function Get-ContainerStateList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/state?limit=$Limit&start=$Start&end=$End&includeHints=$IncludeHints&includeMessage=$IncludeMessage" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List a container's tags.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-ContainerTagList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/tag" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a customer of your distributor.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.

    function Get-Customer {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a specific api key.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name of the api key you want to read.

    function Get-CustomerApikey {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/apiKey?name=$Name" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get your distributor's, its customer's and their user's api keys.


    function Get-CustomerApikeyList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all buckets of a customer


    function Get-CustomerBucketList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all users of a bucket

        .PARAMETER $BId
        The id of the bucket.

    function Get-CustomerBucketUserList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$BId/user" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List a customer's containers.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.

    function Get-CustomerContainerList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/containers" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all deferred dispatch times of a customer


    function Get-CustomerDispatchtimeList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all customers of your distributor.


    function Get-CustomerList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns the customers location.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.

    function Get-CustomerLocation {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/location" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all managers of a customer.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The customer id.

    function Get-CustomerManagerList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/manager" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns all customer properties.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.

    function Get-CustomerPropertyList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/property" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a customers secretKey.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.

    function Get-CustomerSecret {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/secret" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List customer settings.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.

    function Get-CustomerSettingList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/setting" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all tags of a customer


    function Get-CustomerTagList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List the agents of one of your container templates.

        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the template.

    function Get-CustomerTemplateAgentList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$TId/agent" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List all container templates of your customer.


    function Get-CustomerTemplateList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a customer's usage data. Returns the number of agents, containers, ... for a specific month.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Year
        Year of the usage.
        .PARAMETER $Month
        Month of the usage.

    function Get-CustomerUsage {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/usage?year=$Year&month=$Month" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get usage data of your distributor's customers. Returns the number of agents, containers, ... for a specific month.

        .PARAMETER $Year
        Year of the usage.
        .PARAMETER $Month
        Month of the usage.

    function Get-CustomerUsageList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Year&month=$Month" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all view filters of a customer


    function Get-CustomerViewfilterList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a specific group.

        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.

    function Get-Group {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$GId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get all groups.


    function Get-GroupList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get the users of a specific group.

        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.

    function Get-GroupUserList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$GId/user" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Searches for one of your api keys by name.

        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name of the wanted key.

    function Get-Key {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Name" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns your user object.


    function Get-Me {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns your customer object.


    function Get-MyCustomer {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns your last known location.


    function Get-MyLocation {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Checks if you have already registered your mobile push handle.

        .PARAMETER $Handle
        The Android or iOS push handle.

    function Get-MyMobilepush {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Handle" -authtoken $AuthToken

    A list of all registered push handles of your devices.


    function Get-MyMobilepushList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    A list of all your nodes. That means every customer, container, agent, template, and so on you are allowed to see.

        .PARAMETER $ListType
        The way the nodes will be returned, flat array or object.
        .PARAMETER $Filter
        Filters are applied to the result data and remove nodes from the result set, that don't match the filters. Can be a comma-seperated list. <b>Note: 'own' can not be combined with 'nativeOnly'!</b>
        .PARAMETER $IncludeTemplates
        Do you need all of the templates?
        .PARAMETER $IncludeDistributorsCustomers
        Do you need all customers of your distributor?
        .PARAMETER $IncludeDistributorsNodes
        If you want all customers, containers and agents of your distributor set this to true. <b>Usually you don't want to do this!</b>

    function Get-MyNodesList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$ListType&filter=$Filter&includeTemplates=$IncludeTemplates&includeDistributorsCustomers=$IncludeDistributorsCustomers&includeDistributorsNodes=$IncludeDistributorsNodes" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List all your notifications.

        .PARAMETER $Type
        List the notifications of the user or of its' groups.

    function Get-MyNotificationList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Type" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns your user's settings.


    function Get-MySetting {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns the user's two factor authentication settings and if two factor is enabled or not.


    function Get-MyTwofactor {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns the user's two factor secret. Returns only successfull if two factor authentication is not enabled and active, yet!

        .PARAMETER $Format
        The 6 digit code of the authenticator app to validate the user and prove that you know the correct secret.

    function Get-MyTwofactorSecret {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Format" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all install jobs you have triggered during your browser session.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer of the network.
        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the OCC Connector within the network.
        .PARAMETER $JobIds
        Pass an array of job IDs if you want the status of specific jobs only.

    function Get-NetworkSystemInstallstatusList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CustomerId/$CId/system/installstatus?jobIds=$JobIds" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Lists all systems within a Windows Active Directory or Workgroup.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer of the network.
        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the OCC Connector within the network.

    function Get-NetworkSystemList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CustomerId/$CId/system" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get system details related to remote access.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer the container belongs to.
        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-Pcvisit {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CustomerId/$CId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Check if pcvisit is installed on a remote system and start the service.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer the container belongs to.
        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Get-PcvisitCheck {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CustomerId/$CId/check" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get details of a reports and its' history.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of a customer.
        .PARAMETER $RId
        The id of a report of the customer.

    function Get-ReportingCustomReport {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/report/$RId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List all defined reports of a customer.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of a customer.

    function Get-ReportingCustomReportList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$CId/report" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns a report template and its widgets.

        .PARAMETER $RtId
        The id of a report template.

    function Get-ReportingTemplate {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$RtId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List all available report templates.


    function Get-ReportingTemplateList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get all users with this specific role.

        .PARAMETER $Role
        The role to search for

    function Get-RoleList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Role/user" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a specific user.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Get-User {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get the groups of a specific user.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Get-UserGroupList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$UId/group" -authtoken $AuthToken

    List users by criteria. Use a query or a customer id to limit the result data. Otherwise a list of all users of all customers is provided.

        .PARAMETER $Query
        A search string the emailaddress or surname or prename must container.
        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        Restrict the result list to a specific customer.
        .PARAMETER $IncludeLocation
        Should your result contain the last known location of every user?

    function Get-UserList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$Query&customerId=$CustomerId&includeLocation=$IncludeLocation" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Get a specific users last known location.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Get-UserLocation {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$UId/location" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Returns a user's settings.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Get-UserSettingList {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$UId/setting" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Logs the logged in user out and destroys his session.


    function New-Logout {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Empties all the bucket content into the reponse. Warning: Bucket is empty after calling this!

        .PARAMETER $BId
        The id of the bucket.

    function Read-CustomerBucket {
        Process {
            return Intern-GetJson -url "$BId/empty" -authtoken $AuthToken
    Add a tag to an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the tag.

    function New-AgentTag {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'tId' = $TId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$AId/tag/$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Add a tag to a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the tag.

    function New-ContainerTag {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'tId' = $TId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$CId/tag/$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Change an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name to display to the user.
        .PARAMETER $Interval
        The interval in minutes. The agent will be executed every X minutes.

    function Set-Agent {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'name' = $Name
            'interval' = $Interval

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$AId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update an existing notification of an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the notification.
        .PARAMETER $UserId
        The id of the user or group that should receive a notification.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        Send an email as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        Send a phone text message as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Ticket
        Create a ticket as notification.
        .PARAMETER $DeferId
        Should this notification be triggered with defered dispatch? Pass an ID of a dispatchTime entry.

    function Set-AgentNotification {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'nId' = $NId
            'userId' = $UserId
            'email' = $Email
            'phone' = $Phone
            'ticket' = $Ticket
            'deferId' = $DeferId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$AId/notification/$NId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update an existing setting of an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $Key
        The key of the setting you want to change. This has to be a currently existing key.
        .PARAMETER $Value
        The new value of the setting.

    function Set-AgentSetting {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'key' = $Key
            'value' = $Value

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$AId/setting/$Key" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Set the compliance template and config for a customer/view filter.

        .PARAMETER $ViewFilterId
        The id of a view filter.
        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of a customer
        .PARAMETER $TemplateId
        The id of a template.
        .PARAMETER $Checks
        An array of checks to check for violations between template and the viewvilter's containers.

    function Set-ComplianceConfig {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'viewFilterId' = $ViewFilterId
            'customerId' = $CustomerId
            'templateId' = $TemplateId
            'checks' = $Checks

            return Intern-PutJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Apply the changes to the containers.

        .PARAMETER $Changes
        An array of changes to apply. A change corresponds to one returnvalue of <code>GET compliance/violation</code>

    function Set-ComplianceFix {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'changes' = $Changes

            return Intern-PutJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates attributes of a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        The display name of the container
        .PARAMETER $AlertOffline
        Send an alert if the container reached maxHeartbeatTimeout.
        .PARAMETER $AlertShutdown
        Send an alert if the container reached maxHeartbeatTimeout and has cleanShutdown:true.
        .PARAMETER $MaxHeartbeatTimeout
        How many minutes without contact to the cloud are ok for this container?

    function Set-Container {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'name' = $Name
            'alertOffline' = $AlertOffline
            'alertShutdown' = $AlertShutdown
            'maxHeartbeatTimeout' = $MaxHeartbeatTimeout

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$CId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update an existing notification of a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the notification.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        Send an email as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        Send a phone text message as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Ticket
        Create a ticket as notification.
        .PARAMETER $DeferId
        Should this notification be triggered with defered dispatch? Pass an ID of a dispatchTime entry.

    function Set-ContainerNotification {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'nId' = $NId
            'email' = $Email
            'phone' = $Phone
            'ticket' = $Ticket
            'deferId' = $DeferId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$CId/notification/$NId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Accept a proposal and turn it into an agent.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $PId
        The id of the proposal.

    function Set-ContainerProposal {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'pId' = $PId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$CId/proposal/$PId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates a customer of your distributor. Nearly any property of the <code>GET /customer/:id</code> result object can be modified and send to the server.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $CompanyName
        The name of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $ZipCode
        The zip code of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $City
        The city of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Country
        The country of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Street
        The street of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $StreetNumber
        The street number of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        An email address of this customer.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        A phone number of this customer.
        .PARAMETER $Language
        The default language for emails and other background translation for this customer.
        .PARAMETER $Timezone
        The timezone of this customer.

    function Set-Customer {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'companyName' = $CompanyName
            'zipCode' = $ZipCode
            'city' = $City
            'country' = $Country
            'street' = $Street
            'streetNumber' = $StreetNumber
            'email' = $Email
            'phone' = $Phone
            'language' = $Language
            'timezone' = $Timezone

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$CId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates your customer's bucket.

        .PARAMETER $BId
        The id of the bucket.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing name for the bucket.

    function Set-CustomerBucket {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'bId' = $BId
            'name' = $Name

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$BId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Add a user to the bucket.

        .PARAMETER $BId
        The id of the bucket.
        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Set-CustomerBucketUser {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'bId' = $BId
            'uId' = $UId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$BId/user/$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates your customer's deferred dispatch time.

        .PARAMETER $DtId
        The id of the dispatch time.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing short name for the dispatch time.
        .PARAMETER $Defer
        How many minutes will the dispatch defer?

    function Set-CustomerDispatchtime {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'dtId' = $DtId
            'name' = $Name
            'defer' = $Defer

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$DtId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Adds a user as manager to a customer.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The customer id.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        What's the email address of the user you want to add? This address has to be registered as Server-Eye user.

    function Set-CustomerManager {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'email' = $Email

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$CId/manager/$Email" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates settings of a customer. Nearly any parameter of <code>GET /customer/:cId/setting</code> is valid.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $TanssUrl
        The URL of an instance of TANSS.
        .PARAMETER $DefaultLanguage
        The language of this customers reports and other automatically generated stuff
        .PARAMETER $Timezone
        The timezone this customer is based.

    function Set-CustomerSetting {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'tanssUrl' = $TanssUrl
            'defaultLanguage' = $DefaultLanguage
            'timezone' = $Timezone

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$CId/setting" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates your customer's tag.

        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the tag.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing name for the tag. Should be short and without spaces. Only 'A-Za-z0-9-.' allowed.

    function Set-CustomerTag {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'tId' = $TId
            'name' = $Name

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates your customer's view filter.

        .PARAMETER $VfId
        The id of the view filter.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing name for the view filter.
        .PARAMETER $Query
        A query object the view filter executes on the view data. We use LokiJs syntax.

    function Set-CustomerViewfilter {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'vfId' = $VfId
            'name' = $Name
            'query' = $Query

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$VfId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Change a group.

        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name of the group.

    function Set-Group {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'gId' = $GId
            'name' = $Name

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$GId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Add a user to the group.

        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.
        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user to add.

    function Set-GroupUser {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'gId' = $GId
            'uId' = $UId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$GId/user/$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update an existing notification.

        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the notification.
        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the container or agent this notification belongs to.
        .PARAMETER $Mail
        Send an email as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        Send a phone text message as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Ticket
        Create a ticket as notification.
        .PARAMETER $DeferId
        Should this notification be triggered with defered dispatch? Pass an ID of a dispatchTime entry.

    function Set-MyNotification {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'nId' = $NId
            'aId' = $AId
            'mail' = $Mail
            'phone' = $Phone
            'ticket' = $Ticket
            'deferId' = $DeferId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$NId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates settings of your user. Any parameter of <code>GET /me/setting</code> is valid.


    function Set-MySetting {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{

            return Intern-PutJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update a report template and its included widgets.

        .PARAMETER $RtId
        The id of a report template.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name of the report template.
        .PARAMETER $Widgets
        The widgets that this report template contains.

    function Set-ReportingTemplate {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'rtId' = $RtId
            'name' = $Name
            'widgets' = $Widgets

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$RtId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Change a user.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Prename
        The users' prename.
        .PARAMETER $Surname
        The users' surname.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        The users' email address. It has to be unique throughout Server-Eye.
        .PARAMETER $Roles
        The roles of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        The mobile phone number of the user. It is used to send mobile message notifications or reset the password.

    function Set-User {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId
            'prename' = $Prename
            'surname' = $Surname
            'email' = $Email
            'roles' = $Roles
            'phone' = $Phone

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Add the users to a group.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.

    function Set-UserGroup {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId
            'gId' = $GId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$UId/group/$GId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Set the roles of a user

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Roles
        The roles, that this user should have, as array

    function Set-UserRole {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId
            'roles' = $Roles

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$UId/role" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates settings of a user. Any parameter of <code>GET /user/:uId/setting</code> is valid.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Set-UserSetting {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$UId/setting" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates a setting of a user.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Key
        The setting that you want to modify.
        .PARAMETER $Value
        The new value of the setting.

    function Set-UserSettingKey {
[ValidateSet('Boolean','Valid timezone','bright/dark/colorblind theme')]
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId
            'key' = $Key
            'value' = $Value

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$UId/setting/$Key" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Is the user on vacation? You can set a user ID as substitude ID. All alerts will be redirected to that user.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $SubstitudeId
        The user ID of the substitude.

    function Set-UserSubstitude {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId
            'substitudeId' = $SubstitudeId

            return Intern-PutJson -url "$UId/substitude/$SubstitudeId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody
    Query the actionlog.

        .PARAMETER $Of
        A comma separated list of ids or an Array of ids. This can be any ids in any combination, e.g. id of a container or id of a user. You will receive the complete history behind any of these ids.
        .PARAMETER $Type
        You can reduce the result to a specific change type. For a list of change types, please query the action log and pick one form the change object.
        .PARAMETER $Limit
        How many entries of the actionlog do you need? Max value is 100.
        .PARAMETER $Start
        The number of entries that you want to skip.
        .PARAMETER $MessageFormat
        If the entry should be human readable, specify the format of the message. This will include a 'message' property in each entry or not.
        .PARAMETER $IncludeRawData
        If the entry should contain the raw data. This includes the change object and additional information, if available, in each resulting entry.

    function Get-ActionlogList {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'of' = $Of
            'type' = $Type
            'limit' = $Limit
            'start' = $Start
            'messageFormat' = $MessageFormat
            'includeRawData' = $IncludeRawData

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    The same as <code>GET /agent/:id/state</code>, but aId can be a comma seperated list or an array of agent ids. The result will be an object of state arrays with agent id as keys.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The ids of the agents.

    function Get-AgentStateListbulk {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    The same as <code>GET /container/:id/proposal</code>, but id can be a comma seperated list or an array of container ids. The result will be an object of proposal arrays with container id as keys.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The ids of the container.

    function Get-ContainerProposalListbulk {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    The same as <code>GET /container/:id/state</code>, but id can be a comma seperated list or an array of container ids. The result will be an object of state arrays with container id as keys.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The ids of the container.

    function Get-ContainerStateListbulk {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create an agent.

        .PARAMETER $ParentId
        The id of the parent container.
        .PARAMETER $Type
        What type does the agent have? Use <code>GET /agent/type</code> to list all valid agent types.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name of the agent. If not set a matching default name will be used.

    function New-Agent {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'parentId' = $ParentId
            'type' = $Type
            'name' = $Name

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Copy an agent and all of its attributes.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $ParentId
        The id of the container that should host the copied agent.

    function New-AgentCopy {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'parentId' = $ParentId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$AId/copy" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a new note for an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $Message
        The note's message.

    function New-AgentNote {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'message' = $Message

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$AId/note" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a new notification for an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $UserId
        The id of the user or group that should receive a notification.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        Send an email as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        Send a phone text message as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Ticket
        Create a ticket as notification.
        .PARAMETER $DeferId
        Should this notification be triggered with defered dispatch? Pass an ID of a dispatchTime entry.

    function New-AgentNotification {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'userId' = $UserId
            'email' = $Email
            'phone' = $Phone
            'ticket' = $Ticket
            'deferId' = $DeferId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$AId/notification" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Write a hint for a state. Depending on the hint type the state is changed to working on, reopen, and so on.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $SId
        The id of the state.
        .PARAMETER $Author
        The user id or email address of the author of the hint. If not provided it's the session user.
        .PARAMETER $HintType
        The type of the hint.
        .PARAMETER $Message
        The message of the hint.
        .PARAMETER $AssignedUser
        The user that is assigned to this hint. e.g the user that is responsible to fix an alert.
        .PARAMETER $MentionedUsers
        The users that should receive an information mail. A comma seperated list or array of IDs or email addresses.
        .PARAMETER $Private
        Is this note only visible to the posters customer?
        .PARAMETER $Until
        If you are working on this state, how long will it take? 0 for forever, 1 for one houer, 2 for two hours and so on.

    function New-AgentStateHint {
[ValidateSet('working','reopen','false alert','hint')]
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId
            'sId' = $SId
            'author' = $Author
            'hintType' = $HintType
            'message' = $Message
            'assignedUser' = $AssignedUser
            'mentionedUsers' = $MentionedUsers
            'private' = $Private
            'until' = $Until

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$AId/state/$SId/hint" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Creates an API key for an user, customer or container.

        .PARAMETER $Email
        Email address of the user to login.
        .PARAMETER $Password
        Password of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Code
        If the user has two-factor enabled you have to send the 6-digit code during the auth process. The HTTP code 420 will tell you that two-factor is enabled.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        Give the key a name.
        .PARAMETER $Type
        What kind of key do you want?
        .PARAMETER $ValidUntil
        Do you want this key to expire?
        .PARAMETER $MaxUses
        Is this key meant to be used only a couple of times?

    function New-ApiKey {
[ValidateSet('JavaScript UTC timestamp')]
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'email' = $Email
            'password' = $Password
            'code' = $Code
            'name' = $Name
            'type' = $Type
            'validUntil' = $ValidUntil
            'maxUses' = $MaxUses

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a new note for a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $Message
        The note's message.

    function New-ContainerNote {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'message' = $Message

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/note" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a new notification for a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $UserId
        The id of the user or group that should receive a notification.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        Send an email as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        Send a phone text message as notification.
        .PARAMETER $Ticket
        Create a ticket as notification.
        .PARAMETER $DeferId
        Should this notification be triggered with defered dispatch? Pass an ID of a dispatchTime entry.

    function New-ContainerNotification {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'userId' = $UserId
            'email' = $Email
            'phone' = $Phone
            'ticket' = $Ticket
            'deferId' = $DeferId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/notification" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Write a hint for a state. Depending on the hint type the state is changed to working on, reopen, and so on.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $SId
        The id of the state.
        .PARAMETER $Author
        The user id or email address of the author of the hint.
        .PARAMETER $HintType
        The type of the hint.
        .PARAMETER $Message
        The message of the hint.
        .PARAMETER $AssignedUser
        The user that is assigned to this hint. e.g the user that is responsible to fix an alert.
        .PARAMETER $MentionedUsers
        The users that should receive an information mail. A comma seperated list or array of IDs or email addresses.
        .PARAMETER $Private
        Is this note only visible to the posters customer?
        .PARAMETER $Until
        If you are working on this state, how long will it take? 0 for forever, 1 for one houer, 2 for two hours and so on.

    function New-ContainerStateHint {
[ValidateSet('working','reopen','false alert','hint')]
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'sId' = $SId
            'author' = $Author
            'hintType' = $HintType
            'message' = $Message
            'assignedUser' = $AssignedUser
            'mentionedUsers' = $MentionedUsers
            'private' = $Private
            'until' = $Until

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/state/$SId/hint" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Creates a new customer of your distributor. Nearly any property of the <code>GET /customer/:id</code> result object can be modified and send to the server.

        .PARAMETER $CompanyName
        The name of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $ZipCode
        The zip code of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $City
        The city of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Country
        The country of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Street
        The street of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $StreetNumber
        The street number of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        An email address of this customer.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        A phone number of this customer.
        .PARAMETER $Language
        The default language for emails and other background translation for this customer.
        .PARAMETER $Timezone
        The timezone of this customer.

    function New-Customer {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'companyName' = $CompanyName
            'zipCode' = $ZipCode
            'city' = $City
            'country' = $Country
            'street' = $Street
            'streetNumber' = $StreetNumber
            'email' = $Email
            'phone' = $Phone
            'language' = $Language
            'timezone' = $Timezone

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Creates a bucket for your customer.

        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing name for the bucket.

    function New-CustomerBucket {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'name' = $Name

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Uses a coupon for your customer

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $CouponCode
        The couponCode you want to use. Only 'A-Za-z0-9-._' allowed.

    function New-CustomerCoupon {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'couponCode' = $CouponCode

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/coupon" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Creates a deferred dispatch time for your customer.

        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing short name for the dispatch time.
        .PARAMETER $Defer
        How many minutes will the dispatch defer?

    function New-CustomerDispatchtime {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'name' = $Name
            'defer' = $Defer

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update a customers location.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Geo
        The customers new location.
        .PARAMETER $AddressObject
        The address of the customer.

    function New-CustomerLocation {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'geo' = $Geo
            'addressObject' = $AddressObject

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/location" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Updates a property of a customer.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Key
        The name of your custom property.
        .PARAMETER $Value
        The value of the property.

    function New-CustomerProperty {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'key' = $Key
            'value' = $Value

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/property" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Creates a tag for your customer.

        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing name for the tag. Should be short and without spaces. Only 'A-Za-z0-9-.' allowed.

    function New-CustomerTag {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'name' = $Name

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Creates a view filter for your customer.

        .PARAMETER $Name
        A describing name for the view filter.
        .PARAMETER $Query
        A query object the view filter executes on the view data. We use LokiJs syntax.

    function New-CustomerViewfilter {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'name' = $Name
            'query' = $Query

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a group.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The customer the new group should belong to.
        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name of the group.

    function New-Group {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'customerId' = $CustomerId
            'name' = $Name

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Validates the session und logs the user in by the given credentials.

        .PARAMETER $Email
        Email address of the user to login.
        .PARAMETER $Password
        Password of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Code
        If the user has two-factor enabled you have to send the 6-digit code during the auth process. The HTTP code 420 will tell you that two-factor is enabled.
        .PARAMETER $CreateApiKey
        Do you want to get an one time api key for this user?
        .PARAMETER $ApiKeyName
        If you want an api key, please give the baby a name.

    function New-Login {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'email' = $Email
            'password' = $Password
            'code' = $Code
            'createApiKey' = $CreateApiKey
            'apiKeyName' = $ApiKeyName

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update your location.

        .PARAMETER $NoGeocoding
        If the given position should bo geocoded.
        .PARAMETER $Geo
        Your new location.

    function New-MyLocation {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'noGeocoding' = $NoGeocoding
            'geo' = $Geo

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Register your device for mobile push notifications.

        .PARAMETER $Handle
        The Android, Firebase or iOS push handle.
        .PARAMETER $Type
        What kind of device do you want to register?

    function New-MyMobilepush {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'handle' = $Handle
            'type' = $Type

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Enables two factor authentication for your user.

        .PARAMETER $Password
        Your Server-Eye account password.
        .PARAMETER $Code
        The 6 digit code of the authenticator app to validate the user and prove that you know the correct secret.

    function New-MyTwofactor {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'password' = $Password
            'code' = $Code

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Install Server-Eye on a machine in that OCC Connector's network. Installation takes longer than this single request. The status of the installation job can be requestst using <code>GET /network/:customerId/:cId/system/installstatus</code>.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer of the network.
        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the OCC Connector within the network.
        .PARAMETER $User
        The username of a user that has an administrative role on the container's operating system.
        .PARAMETER $Password
        The password of a user that has an administrative role on the container's operating system.
        .PARAMETER $Domain
        Does the user belong to a specific Windows domain?
        .PARAMETER $Host
        The host name of the system Server-Eye will be installed to. Should be a name retrived through <code>GET /network/:customerId/:cId/system</code>.

    function New-NetworkSystem {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "")]
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'customerId' = $CustomerId
            'cId' = $CId
            'user' = $User
            'password' = $Password
            'domain' = $Domain
            'host' = $Host

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CustomerId/$CId/system" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Install pcvisit on a container and start the remote agent service if not already started.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer the container belongs to.
        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $SupporterId
        Your pcvisit supporter ID.
        .PARAMETER $SupporterPassword
        Secure the remote access with a password.
        .PARAMETER $User
        The username of a user that has an administrative role on the container's operating system.
        .PARAMETER $Password
        The password of a user that has an administrative role on the container's operating system.
        .PARAMETER $Domain
        Does the user belong to a specific (windows) domain?

    function New-PcvisitStart {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "")]
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'customerId' = $CustomerId
            'cId' = $CId
            'supporterId' = $SupporterId
            'supporterPassword' = $SupporterPassword
            'user' = $User
            'password' = $Password
            'domain' = $Domain

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CustomerId/$CId/start" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Start a remote powershell session on a system.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer the container belongs to.
        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function New-PowershellStart {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'customerId' = $CustomerId
            'cId' = $CId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CustomerId/$CId/start" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a new report, which the Server-Eye backends generates as PDF files.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of a customer.
        .PARAMETER $RtId
        The id of the report template.
        .PARAMETER $RepeatCron
        A unix cron that describes in which intervals the report will be generated. Note that time settings will be reset to midnight. A report can only be generated and send once a day.
        .PARAMETER $Recipients
        An array of user ids. Those users will receive the generated reports by email.

    function New-ReportingCustomReport {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'rtId' = $RtId
            'repeatCron' = $RepeatCron
            'recipients' = $Recipients

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/report" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a new report template with the included widgets.

        .PARAMETER $Name
        The name of the report template.
        .PARAMETER $Widgets
        The widgets that this report template contains.

    function New-ReportingTemplate {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'name' = $Name
            'widgets' = $Widgets

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Reset a user's password.

        .PARAMETER $Email
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        .PARAMETER $Code

    function New-Reset {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'email' = $Email
            'phone' = $Phone
            'code' = $Code

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Copy all agents of this container and pack them into one template.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function New-Template {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/template" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Create a user.

        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The customer the new user should belong to.
        .PARAMETER $Prename
        The users' prename.
        .PARAMETER $Surname
        The users' surname.
        .PARAMETER $Email
        The users' email address. It has to be unique throughout Server-Eye.
        .PARAMETER $Roles
        The roles of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Phone
        The mobile phone number of the user. It is used to send mobile message notifications or reset the password.

    function New-User {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'customerId' = $CustomerId
            'prename' = $Prename
            'surname' = $Surname
            'email' = $Email
            'roles' = $Roles
            'phone' = $Phone

            return Intern-PostJson -url "" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Update a specific users location.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $NoGeocoding
        If the given position should bo geocoded.
        .PARAMETER $Geo
        The new location of the user.

    function New-UserLocation {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId
            'noGeocoding' = $NoGeocoding
            'geo' = $Geo

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$UId/location" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Add a role to the user

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Role
        The name of the role, that should be added to this user

    function New-UserRole {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'uId' = $UId
            'role' = $Role

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$UId/role/$Role" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Restart an agent

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Restart-Agent {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'aId' = $AId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$AId/restart" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Restart a container

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Restart-Container {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/restart" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Copy all agents of a template onto this container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the template.

    function Set-Template {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'tId' = $TId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/template/$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Start a container

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Start-Container {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/start" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody

    Stop a container

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $Until
        Stop the container until a specific date. Send as date in milliseconds.

    function Stop-Container {
        Process {
            $reqBody = @{
            'cId' = $CId
            'until' = $Until

            return Intern-PostJson -url "$CId/stop" -authtoken $AuthToken -body $reqBody
    Deletes an agent and all of its historical data.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Remove-Agent {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$AId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a specific note of an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the note.

    function Remove-AgentNote {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$AId/note/$NId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a notification of an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the notification.

    function Remove-AgentNotification {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$AId/notification/$NId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a specific tag of an agent.

        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.
        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the tag.

    function Remove-AgentTag {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$AId/tag/$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete the compliance config for a customer/view filter.

        .PARAMETER $ViewFilterId
        The id of a view filter.
        .PARAMETER $CustomerId
        The id of the customer

    function Remove-ComplianceConfig {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$ViewFilterId&customerId=$CustomerId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a container, all of its historical data and all its agents.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.

    function Remove-Container {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a specific note of a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the note.

    function Remove-ContainerNote {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/note/$NId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a notification of a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the notification.

    function Remove-ContainerNotification {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/notification/$NId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deny a proposal. Denied proposals will never show up again.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $PId
        The id of the proposal.

    function Remove-ContainerProposal {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/proposal/$PId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a specific tag of a container.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the container.
        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the tag.

    function Remove-ContainerTag {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/tag/$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Removes an api key.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Key
        The api key you want to delete.

    function Remove-CustomerApikey {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/apiKey/$Key" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a bucket of your customer.

        .PARAMETER $BId
        The id of the bucket.

    function Remove-CustomerBucket {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$BId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Remove a user from the bucket.

        .PARAMETER $BId
        The id of the bucket.
        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Remove-CustomerBucketUser {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$BId/user/$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a deferred dispatch time of your customer.

        .PARAMETER $DtId
        The id of the dispatch time.

    function Remove-CustomerDispatchtime {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$DtId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Removes a manager from a user.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the managed customer.
        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the managing user.

    function Remove-CustomerManager {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/manager/$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a customer property.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of the customer.
        .PARAMETER $Key
        The custom property that you want to delete.

    function Remove-CustomerProperty {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/property/$Key" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a tag of your customer.

        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the tag.

    function Remove-CustomerTag {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a container template of your customer.

        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the template.

    function Remove-CustomerTemplate {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$TId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes an agent from a container template of your customer.

        .PARAMETER $TId
        The id of the template.
        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the agent.

    function Remove-CustomerTemplateAgent {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$TId/agent/$AId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a view filter of your customer.

        .PARAMETER $VfId
        The id of the view filter.

    function Remove-CustomerViewfilter {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$VfId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a group.

        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.

    function Remove-Group {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$GId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Remove a user from the group.

        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.
        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user to remove.

    function Remove-GroupUser {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$GId/user/$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes the push handle if you want to unsubscribe from mobile notifications.

        .PARAMETER $Handle
        The Android or iOS push handle.

    function Remove-MyMobilepush {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$Handle" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a notification of your user.

        .PARAMETER $NId
        The id of the notification.
        .PARAMETER $AId
        The id of the container or agent this notification belongs to.

    function Remove-MyNotification {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$NId?aId=$AId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Disable your user's two factor authentication and enable one factor authentication.

        .PARAMETER $Password
        Your Server-Eye account password.
        .PARAMETER $Code
        The 6 digit code of the authenticator app to validate the user.

    function Remove-MyTwofactor {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$Password&code=$Code" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a report.

        .PARAMETER $CId
        The id of a customer.
        .PARAMETER $RId
        The id of a report of the customer.

    function Remove-ReportingCustomReport {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$CId/report/$RId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Delete a report template and its widgets.

        .PARAMETER $RtId
        The id of a report template.

    function Remove-ReportingTemplate {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$RtId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Deletes a user.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Remove-User {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$UId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Remove the user from a group.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $GId
        The id of the group.

    function Remove-UserGroup {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$UId/group/$GId" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Remove a role of the user

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Role
        The name of the role, that should be deleted

    function Remove-UserRole {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$UId/role/$Role" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Remove the substitude of the user.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.

    function Remove-UserSubstitude {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$UId/substitude" -authtoken $AuthToken

    Disable a user's two factor authentication and enable one factor authentication.

        .PARAMETER $UId
        The id of the user.
        .PARAMETER $Password
        The Server-Eye account password of the logged in user / the user that correspondents to the api key.

    function Remove-UserTwofactor {
        Process {
            return Intern-DeleteJson -url "$UId/twofactor?password=$Password" -authtoken $AuthToken
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# RsUuZMzkK5ACjrZ2jNKNEQ==
# SIG # End signature block