
.VERSION 1.0.1
.GUID a7d9b0b5-0f81-4ec7-be89-7c6a0390ef50
.AUTHOR @torggler
.TAGS Splunk

    Send events to Splunk's HTTP Event Collector.
    This function uses Invoke-RestMethod to send structured data to Splunk HTTP Event Collector. Use the
    HostName and DateTime parameters to control Splunk's 'host' and 'time' properties for the generated event.
    PS C:\> .\Send-SplunkEvent.ps1 -InputObject @{message="Hello Splunk!"} -Key <token>
    This example sends a simple event containing "message": "Hello Splunk!" to the event collector running on the local system.
    PS C:\> Import-Csv logs.csv | .\Send-SplunkEvent -Key <token> -HostName SBC1 -Uri ""
    This example imports logs from a CSV file and sends each one of them to event collector running on
    The HostName parameter specifies which host created the logs.
    Author: @torggler

param (
    # Data object that will be sent to Splunk's HTTP Event Collector.
    # HostName to be used for Splunk's 'host' property. Default's to name of the local system.
    $HostName = (hostname),

    # Date and Time of the event. Defaults to now() on the local system.
    $DateTime = (Get-Date),
    # URI of the Splunk HTTP Event Collector instance.
    $Uri = "http://localhost:8088/services/collector",
    # Key for the Splunk HTTP Event Collector instance.
process {
    # Splunk events can have a 'time' property in epoch time. If it's not set, use current system time.
    $unixEpochStart = New-Object -TypeName DateTime -ArgumentList 1970,1,1,0,0,0,([DateTimeKind]::Utc)
    $unixEpochTime = [int]($DateTime.ToUniversalTime() - $unixEpochStart).TotalSeconds
    # Create json object to send
    $Body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{event=$InputObject; host=$HostName; time=$unixEpochTime} -Compress
    Write-Verbose "Sending $Body to $Uri"
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Body,"Send")) {
        # Only return if something went wrong, i.e. http response is not "success"
        $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Headers @{Authorization="Splunk $Key"} -Body $Body
        if($r.text -ne "Success") {$r} 