if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'VersionComponent').Type) { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" public enum VersionComponent { Major = 0, Minor = 1, Patch = 2, Build = 3, Suffix = 4, SuffixBuild = 5, SuffixRevision = 6 } "@ } <# .SYNOPSIS Updates given component of a SemVer string .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER ver SemVer string .EXAMPLE Update-Version "1.0.1" Patch 1.0.2 Increment Patch component of version 1.0.1 .NOTES #> function Update-Version { param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]$ver, [VersionComponent]$component = [VersionComponent]::Patch, $value = $null ) $null = $ver -match "(?<version>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)(-(?<suffix>.*)){0,1}" $version = $matches["version"] $suffix = $matches["suffix"] $vernums = $version.Split(@('.')) $lastNumIdx = $component if ($component -lt [VersionComponent]::Suffix) { $lastNum = [int]::Parse($vernums[$lastNumIdx]) <# for($i = $vernums.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) { if ([int]::TryParse($vernums[$i], [ref] $lastNum)) { $lastNumIdx = $i break } }#> if ($value -ne $null) { $lastNum = $value } else { $lastNum++ } $vernums[$component] = $lastNum.ToString() #each lesser component should be set to 0 for($i = $component + 1; $i -lt $vernums.length; $i++) { $vernums[$i] = 0 } } else { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($suffix)) { #throw "version '$ver' has no suffix" $suffix = "build000" } if ($component -eq [VersionComponent]::SuffixBuild) { if ($suffix -match "build([0-9]+)") { $num = [int]$matches[1] if ($value -ne $null) { $num = $value } else { $num++ } $suffix = $suffix -replace "build[0-9]+","build$($num.ToString("000"))" } else { throw "suffix '$suffix' does not match build[0-9] pattern" } } if ($component -eq [VersionComponent]::SuffixRevision) { if ($suffix -match "build([0-9]+)-(?<rev>[a-fA-F0-9]+)(-|$)") { $rev = $Matches["rev"] $suffix = $suffix -replace "$rev",$value } else { $suffix = $suffix + "-$value" } } } $ver2 = [string]::Join(".", $vernums) if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($suffix)) { $ver2 += "-$suffix" } return $ver2 } # Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |