
function Select-Credential
    Selects one of the credentials stored in the variables.

    Function lists all available credentials stored in the variables and allow to visually select one.


    This will list all available credentials stored in the variables and then creates a menu from which one can be chosen. Returns chosen credential object.


    Author: Adam W. Mrowicki
    Twitter: @AdamMrowicki


        $Creds = Invoke-Command {
            foreach ($Variable in (Get-Variable).GetEnumerator())
                if ($null -ne $Variable.Value)
                    ($Variable | Where-Object {$_.Value.GetType() -eq [PSCredential]}).Value
        } | Sort-Object -Unique Username

        if ($null -ne $Creds)
            Start-CredentialsMenuController -MenuItems $Creds
            Write-Host 'No credentials found'