
    SeeShell adds custom PowerShell drives to your session. These
    drives provide easy access to the visualizations and data sources
    you've created.
    The visualizations you create are accessible from special PowerShell
    drives mounted by SeeShell. Each drive contains references to one
    type of visualization, such as all the charts you have created
    during the current session.
    For a complete list of the drives created by SeeShell, type:
    get-psdrive | where {$_.provider -match 'SeeShell'}
    The table below outlines the name, purpose, and contents of each
    SeeShell drive.
    | Drive Path | Description |
    | | |
    | Charts:/ | Contains references to all chart visualizations |
    | | created in the current PowerShell session. |
    | | Each item in the drive root references a chart |
    | | visualization by its name; each of these chart |
    | | items is a container for the individual series |
    | | plotted by the chart. |
    | | |
    | DataSources:/ | Contains references to all data sources in the |
    | | current PowerShell session, including anonymous |
    | | data sources created internally by SeeShell. |
    | | Each data source item is also a container for |
    | | the series definitions applied to the data |
    | | source. In turn, these series items are |
    | | containers for the data range definitions they |
    | | contain. |
    | | |
    | Grids:/ | Contains references to all grid visualizations |
    | | created in the current PowerShell session. |
    | | Each item in the drive root references a grid |
    | | visualization by its name; each of these grid |
    | | items is a container for the individual series |
    | | plotted by the grid. |
    | | |
    | Timelines:/ | Contains references to all timeline |
    | | visualizations created in the current |
    | | PowerShell session. Each item in the drive root |
    | | references a timeline visualization by its |
    | | name; each of these timeline items is a |
    | | container for the individual series plotted by |
    | | the timeline. |
    | | |
    The directory hierarchy of the SeeShell providers are outlined
    below. Items listed [in brackets] represent variable content that
    will change based on your environment. For example, the contents of
    the Charts:/ path node change based on the charts created in the
    current session.
      ------ [charts]\
      -------------- [chart series]\
      ---------------------------- [series ranges]\
      ----- [grids]\
      ------------ [grid series]\
      ------------------------- [series ranges]\
      --------- [timelines]\
      -------------------- [timeline series]\
      ------------------------------------- [series ranges]\
      ----------- [datasources]\
      ------------------------ [data series]\
      ------------------------------------- [series ranges]\
      Provider Cmdlet Support
      You can determine what operations a path node supports by
      inspecting its encoded item operations string, contained in the
      item's SSItemMode property.
      For example, using the get-childitem cmdlet to return a list of
      available nodes will also tell you what cmdlets those nodes
      support. This example shows the operations supported by
      datasource items:
        C:\PS> dir datasources:/
        PSPath : SeeShell.DataSources::DataSources:\test
        PSParentPath : SeeShell.DataSources::DataSources:\
        PSChildName : _b1982c7f91bd4e5c9541089ace01d444
        PSDrive : DataSources
        PSProvider : SeeShell.DataSources
        PSIsContainer : True
        SSItemMode : d+~<
      The cmdlets supported by each node are encoded in the SSItemMode
      property as follows:
    d : the node can contain child elements, and you can use the
        set-location and get-childitems cmdlets on this node.
        + : the node supports the new-item cmdlet.
        ~ : the node supports the remove-item cmdlet.
        &lt; : the node supports the get-item cmdlet.
        &gt; : the node supports the set-item cmdlet.
        0 : the node supports the clear-item cmdlet.
        c : the node supports the copy-item cmdlet.
        m : the node supports the move-item cmdlet.
        r : the node supports the rename-item cmdlet.
        i : the node supports the invoke-item cmdlet.
 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
 C:\PS>dir charts:
 This example lists all chart visualizations created in the current
 PowerShell session.
 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
 C:\PS>dir charts:/Files
 This example lists all series used in the chart visualization named
 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
 C:\PS>dir datasources:/
 This example lists all datasources created in the current PowerShell
 Note that SeeShell creates datasources internally, so this list may
 contain items you do not recognize.
 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------
 C:\PS>dir datasources:/MyDataSource
 This example lists all of the series currently defined on the data
 source MyDataSource.