.SYNOPSIS Can parse a string or file and outputs the values as decimal bytes in a PSCustomObject. .DESCRIPTION This function is the catalyst function for all three ConvertTo functions; ConvertTo-Binary, ConvertTo-Character, ConvertTo-UTF8 .PARAMETER Path A path to a file .PARAMETER Value A string value .EXAMPLE Parses a string and pipes its bytes thru ConvertTo functions. C:\> $R = Get-Bytes -Value "Marc" | ConvertTo-UTF8 | ConvertTo-Character | ConvertTo-Binary -Format Quartets C:\> $R.ForEach({[PSCustomObject]$_}) | Format-Table -AutoSize Character, DecimalByte, Unicode, Binary Character DecimalByte Unicode Binary --------- ----------- ------- ------ M 77 U+004D 0100 1101 a 97 U+0061 0110 0001 r 114 U+0072 0111 0010 c 99 U+0063 0110 0011 .EXAMPLE Parses a file and pipes its bytes thru ConvertTo functions. C:\> $R = Get-Bytes -Path C:\repo\AIT\.editorconfig | ConvertTo-UTF8 | ConvertTo-Character | ConvertTo-Binary -Format Quartets C:\> $R.ForEach({[PSCustomObject]$_}) | Format-Table -AutoSize Character, DecimalByte, Unicode, Binary Character DecimalByte Unicode Binary --------- ----------- ------- ------ # 35 U+0023 0010 0011 32 U+0020 0010 0000 E 69 U+0045 0100 0101 d 100 U+0064 0110 0100 i 105 U+0069 0110 1001 t 116 U+0074 0111 0100 o 111 U+006F 0110 1111 r 114 U+0072 0111 0010 C 67 U+0043 0100 0011 o 111 U+006F 0110 1111 n 110 U+006E 0110 1110 f 102 U+0066 0110 0110 i 105 U+0069 0110 1001 g 103 U+0067 0110 0111 32 U+0020 0010 0000 #> function Get-Bytes { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$Value ) begin { if ($Path) { $Value = Get-Item $Path | Get-Content -Raw } } process { $Value | ForEach-Object -Process { [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($_) } | ForEach-Object -Process { Write-Output -InputObject @{'DecimalByte' = $_} } } } <# .SYNOPSIS To be piped after Get-Bytes function and will output binary notation from those bytes. .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ConvertedBytes Pipeline value from Get-Bytes. .PARAMETER Format To show binary notation in an Octet or Quartets. .EXAMPLE Get-Bytes -Path C:\repo\AIT\.editorconfig | ConvertTo-UTF8 | ConvertTo-Character | ConvertTo-Binary -Format Quartets .EXAMPLE Parses a file and pipes its bytes thru ConvertTo functions. C:\> $R = Get-Bytes -Path C:\repo\AIT\.editorconfig | ConvertTo-UTF8 | ConvertTo-Character | ConvertTo-Binary -Format Quartets C:\> $R.ForEach({[PSCustomObject]$_}) | Format-Table -AutoSize Character, DecimalByte, Unicode, Binary Character DecimalByte Unicode Binary --------- ----------- ------- ------ # 35 U+0023 0010 0011 32 U+0020 0010 0000 E 69 U+0045 0100 0101 d 100 U+0064 0110 0100 i 105 U+0069 0110 1001 t 116 U+0074 0111 0100 o 111 U+006F 0110 1111 r 114 U+0072 0111 0010 C 67 U+0043 0100 0011 o 111 U+006F 0110 1111 n 110 U+006E 0110 1110 f 102 U+0066 0110 0110 i 105 U+0069 0110 1001 g 103 U+0067 0110 0111 32 U+0020 0010 0000 #> function ConvertTo-Binary { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject []]$ConvertedBytes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("Octet", "Quartets")] [string]$Format = "Octet" ) begin { $OFS = '' } process { if ($_.DecimalByte) { $DecimalByte = $_.DecimalByte $buffer = [byte[]]::new(8) $bufferLength = $buffer.Length - 1 while ( $bufferLength -ne 0 ) { $Q = $DecimalByte % 2 $buffer[$bufferLength--] = $Q $DecimalByte = [Math]::Floor($DecimalByte * .5) } if ($Format -eq "Octet") { $BString = "$buffer" } else { $BString = "$buffer".Substring(0, 4) + " " + "$buffer".Substring(4) } $_.Add('Binary', $BString) Write-Output -InputObject $ConvertedBytes } } } <# .SYNOPSIS To be piped after Get-Bytes function and will output Unicode from those bytes. .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ConvertedBytes Pipeline value from Get-Bytes. .EXAMPLE C:\> Get-Bytes -Path C:\temp\AIT\.editorconfig | ConvertTo-UTF8 Name Value ---- ----- DecimalByte 35 Unicode U+0023 DecimalByte 32 Unicode U+0020 DecimalByte 69 Unicode U+0045 #> function ConvertTo-UTF8 { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject[]]$ConvertedBytes ) begin { [string[]]$HexDecimalTable = '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' } process { if ($_.DecimalByte) { $Point = $_.DecimalByte # BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) only. if ($Point -lt 65536) { # $Subplane represents blocks of 4096 code points $Subplane = $HexDecimalTable[[Math]::Floor($Point / [Math]::Pow(16, 3) % 16)] # $256Block represents blocks of 256 code points $256Block = $HexDecimalTable[[Math]::Floor($Point / [Math]::Pow(16, 2) % 16)] $PointRow = $HexDecimalTable[[Math]::Floor($Point / 16) % 16] $PointCol = $HexDecimalTable[$Point % 16] $Unicode = "$Subplane$256Block$PointRow$PointCol".Insert(0, 'U+') } else { $Unicode = "U+FFFF" } $_.Add('Unicode', $Unicode) Write-Output $ConvertedBytes } } } <# .SYNOPSIS To be piped after Get-Bytes function and will add a Character key to the pipeline variable. .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ConvertedBytes Pipeline value from Get-Bytes. .EXAMPLE Parses a file and pipes its bytes thru ConvertTo functions. C:\> $R = Get-Bytes -Path C:\repo\AIT\.editorconfig | ConvertTo-UTF8 | ConvertTo-Character | ConvertTo-Binary -Format Quartets C:\> $R.ForEach({[PSCustomObject]$_}) | Format-Table -AutoSize Character, DecimalByte, Unicode, Binary Character DecimalByte Unicode Binary --------- ----------- ------- ------ # 35 U+0023 0010 0011 32 U+0020 0010 0000 E 69 U+0045 0100 0101 d 100 U+0064 0110 0100 i 105 U+0069 0110 1001 t 116 U+0074 0111 0100 o 111 U+006F 0110 1111 r 114 U+0072 0111 0010 C 67 U+0043 0100 0011 o 111 U+006F 0110 1111 n 110 U+006E 0110 1110 f 102 U+0066 0110 0110 i 105 U+0069 0110 1001 g 103 U+0067 0110 0111 32 U+0020 0010 0000 #> function ConvertTo-Character { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject[]]$ConvertedBytes ) process { if ($_.DecimalByte) { $_.Add('Character', [System.Convert]::ToChar($_.DecimalByte)) Write-Output $ConvertedBytes } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Bytes Export-ModuleMember -Function ConvertTo-Binary Export-ModuleMember -Function ConvertTo-UTF8 Export-ModuleMember -Function ConvertTo-Character |