.VERSION 0.1 .GUID df2a92c8-29c5-4dc9-bb3e-2f934b536a9b .AUTHOR @0fflineDocs #> <# .DESCRIPTION Security Posture .EXAMPLE .\Security_Posture_CIM.ps1 -OS -TPM -Bitlocker -UEFISECBOOT -Defender -DefenderATP -MAPS -ApplicationGuard -Sandbox -CredentialGuardPreReq -CredentialGuard -DeviceGuard -AttackSurfaceReduction -ControlledFolderAccess #> [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Security' )] param( [switch]$SecPos, [switch]$OS, [switch]$TPM, [switch]$Bitlocker, [switch]$UEFISECBOOT, [switch]$Defender, [switch]$DefenderATP, [switch]$MAPS, [switch]$ApplicationGuard, [switch]$Sandbox, [switch]$CredentialGuardPreReq, [switch]$CredentialGuard, [switch]$DeviceGuard, [switch]$AttackSurfaceReduction, [switch]$ControlledFolderAccess) #Global Variables $ScriptVersion = "0.1" $clientPath = "C:\Windows\Temp" $PC = $env:computername $script:logfile = "$clientPath\Client-SecurityPosture.log" #Check for Elevevation If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(` [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Write-Warning "This script needs to be run from an elevated PShell prompt.`nWould you kindly restart Powershell and launch it as Administrator before running the script again." Write-Warning "Aborting Security Posture..." Break } ############################################## <# FUNCTIONS #> #Display descriptive information about the module and it's environment Function SecPos { Clear-Host Write-Output "----------------------------------------------" Write-Output "> Module: Security Posture" Write-Output "----------------------------------------------" Write-Output "> Version: $ScriptVersion" Write-Output "----------------------------------------------" Write-Output "> Logfiles will be genereated to:" Write-Output "> $script:logfile" Write-Output "----------------------------------------------" Write-Output "> Help: 'Get-Command -Module SecurityPosture'" Write-Output "----------------------------------------------" Write-Output "> @0fflineDocs" Write-Output "----------------------------------------------" } function Write-LogEntry { [cmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet("Information", "Warning", "Error", "Success")] $Type = "Information", [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Message ) switch ($Type) { 'Error' { $severity = 1 $fgColor = "Red" break; } 'Warning' { $severity = 3 $fgColor = "Yellow" break; } 'Information' { $severity = 6 $fgColor = "White" break; } 'Success' { $severity = 6 $fgColor = "Green" break; } } $dateTime = New-Object -ComObject WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime $dateTime.SetVarDate($(Get-Date)) $utcValue = $dateTime.Value $utcOffset = $utcValue.Substring(21, $utcValue.Length - 21) $scriptName = (Get-PSCallStack)[1] $logLine = ` "<![LOG[$message]LOG]!>" + ` "<time=`"$(Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss.fff)$($utcOffset)`" " + ` "date=`"$(Get-Date -Format M-d-yyyy)`" " + ` "component=`"$($scriptName.Command)`" " + ` "context=`"$([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)`" " + ` "type=`"$severity`" " + ` "thread=`"$PID`" " + ` "file=`"$($scriptName.ScriptName)`">"; $logLine | Out-File -Append -Encoding utf8 -FilePath $logFile -Force Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor $fgColor } Function Get-OperatingSystem(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks the current PCs Operating System Edition, Architecture, Version, and Buildnumber. .EXAMPLE Get-OperatingSystem #> #Pre-Req for Get-CimInstance Get-Service -Name WinRM | Start-Service #Variable $win32os = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $PC | Select-Object Caption, OSArchitecture, Version, Buildnumber, OperatingSystemSKU -ErrorAction silentlycontinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Operating System]" $WindowsEdition = $win32os.Caption $OSArchitecture = $win32os.OSArchitecture $WindowsBuild = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"-ErrorAction silentlycontinue).ReleaseId $BuildNumber = $win32os.Buildnumber Write-LogEntry -Message "OS-Edition is: $WindowsEdition" Write-LogEntry -Message "OS-Architecture is: $OSArchitecture" Write-LogEntry -Message "OS-Version is: $WindowsBuild" Write-LogEntry -Message "OS-Buildnumber is: $BuildNumber" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-TPM(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks if the TPM is enabled and configured correctly in the device. .EXAMPLE Get-TPM #> #Variable $TPMStatus = (Get-CIMClass -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm -Class Win32_Tpm -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) try { try { Write-LogEntry -Message "***[TPM]***" if ($TPMStatus.isenabled -eq "True") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "TPM-chip is enabled and configured correctly in $PC" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "TPM is not enabled and not configured correctly in $PC" } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $TPM" } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-Bitlocker(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Get the BitlockerVolume and checks Volume status, Encryption method & percentage, mountpoint, the type of volume, the protection status of Bitlocker and it's Keyprotector. .EXAMPLE Get-Bitlocker #> $BitlockerStatus = Get-BitLockerVolume | Select-Object volumestatus,encryptionmethod,encryptionpercentage,mountpoint,VolumeType,ProtectionStatus,Keyprotector | Where-Object { $_.VolumeType -eq "OperatingSystem" -and $_.ProtectionStatus -eq "On" } -erroraction silentlycontinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Bitlocker]" switch ($BitlockerStatus.encryptionmethod) { Aes128 { $true } Aes256 { $true } Aes128Diffuser { $true } Aes256Diffuser { $true } XtsAes128 { $true } XtsAes256 { $true } Default { $false } } try { if ($BitlockerStatus.ProtectionStatus -eq "On") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Bitlocker is enabled and configured correctly in $PC" Write-LogEntry -Message "Volumestatus: $($BitlockerStatus.Volumestatus)" Write-LogEntry -Message "Encryption Method: $($BitlockerStatus.Encryptionmethod)" Write-LogEntry -Message "Encryption Percentage: $($BitlockerStatus.EncryptionPercentage)" Write-LogEntry -Message "Mountpoint: $($BitlockerStatus.MountPoint)" Write-LogEntry -Message "Volumetype: $($BitlockerStatus.VolumeType)" Write-LogEntry -Message "Protectionstatus: $($BitlockerStatus.ProtectionStatus)" Write-LogEntry -Message "KeyProtector: $($BitlockerStatus.Keyprotector)" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Bitlocker is not enabled and not configured correctly in $PC" } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $Bitlocker" } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-UefiSecureBoot(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks if Secure Boot and UEFI is enabled and configured correctly in the device (based on powershell-command). .EXAMPLE Get-UefiSecureBoot #> #Variable $UEFISECBOOTStatus = Confirm-SecureBootUEFI -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[UEFI & SecureBoot]" if ($UEFISECBOOTStatus -eq "True") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "UEFI & Secureboot enabled and configured correctly." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "UEFI and Secure Boot is not enabled correctly, please check the BIOS configuration." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $UEFISECBOOT" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-Defender(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Resolves status of Windows Defender (Defender Service, Antivirus, Antispyware, Realtime Protection, Tamper Protection, IOAV Protection, Network Protection, PUAProtection). (IOAV = IE/EDGE Downloads and Outlook Express Attachments initiated) .EXAMPLE Get-Defender #> #Variable $p = Get-MpPreference $c = Get-MpComputerStatus $p = @($p) $Defenderstatus = ($p += $c) try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Defender]" $Service = get-service -DisplayName "Windows Defender Antivirus Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Service.Status -eq "Running") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Windows Defender Antivirus Service is active and running in $PC" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Defender Service is not running..." } if ($Defenderstatus.AntivirusEnabled -eq "True") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Antivirus is Enabled" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Antivirus is Disabled" } if ($Defenderstatus.AntispywareEnabled -eq "True") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Antispyware is Enabled" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Antispyware is Disabled" } if ($Defenderstatus.RealTimeProtectionEnabled -eq "True") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Real Time Protection is Enabled" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Real Time Protection is Disabled" } if ($Defenderstatus.IsTamperProtected -eq "True") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Tamper Protection is Enabled" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Tamper Protection is Disabled" } if ($Defenderstatus.IoavProtectionEnabled -eq "True") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "IOAV Protection is Enabled" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "IOAV Protection is Disabled" } if ($Defenderstatus.EnableNetworkProtection -eq "1") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Network Protection is Enabled" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Network Protection is Disabled" } if ($Defenderstatus.PUAProtection -eq "1") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Potentionally Unwanted Application-protection is enabled." } if ($Defenderstatus.PUAProtection -eq "2") { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Potentionally Unwanted Application-protection is in audit-mode." } Else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Potentionally Unwanted Application-protection is disabled." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $Defender" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-DefenderATP(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks Defender ATP service status. .EXAMPLE Get-DefenderATP #> #Variable $ATPStatus = get-service -displayname "Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Defender ATP]" if ($ATPStatus.Status -eq "Running") { Write-Logentry -Type Success -Message "Defender ATP Service is running." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Defender ATP Service is not running." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $ATP" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-MAPS(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks MAPS for status of cloud-delivered protection URL:" .EXAMPLE Get-MAPS #> #Variable $MAPS = Set-Location "C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\" $Test = (.\MpCmdRun.exe -validatemapsconnection) try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[MAPS - Cloud-delivered protection for Windows Defender]" If ($Test -eq "ValidateMapsConnection successfully established a connection to MAPS") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "ValidateMapsConnection successfully established a connection to MAPS. Cloud-delivered protection is enabled." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "ValidateMapsConnection failed. Verify that you have enabled Cloud-delivered protection." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $MAPS" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-ApplicationGuard(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks Application Guard-status .EXAMPLE Get-ApplicationGuard #> #Variable $ApplicationGuardStatus = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -Featurename Windows-Defender-ApplicationGuard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Application Guard]" Write-LogEntry -Message "Checking if Windows Defender Application Guard is installed and enabled..." if ($ApplicationGuardStatus.State = "Enabled") { Write-Logentry -Type Success -Message "Windows Defender Application Guard is installed and enabled." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Windows Defender Application Guard is not enabled..." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $ApplicationGuard" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-Sandbox(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks if Sandbox is enabled and installed. .EXAMPLE Get-Sandbox #> #Variable $Sandboxstatus = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -Featurename Containers-DisposableClientVM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Sandbox]" Write-LogEntry -Message "Checking if Windows Sandbox is installed and enabled..." if ($Sandboxstatus.State = "Enabled") { Write-Logentry -Type Success -Message "Windows Sandbox is installed and enabled." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Windows Sandbox is not enabled." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $Sandbox" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-CredentialGuardPreReq(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks status of pre-requesits for Credential Guard .EXAMPLE Get-CredentialGuardPreReq #> #Variable $CGPrereq = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -Featurename Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Credential Guard Pre-requisite]" $CGPrereq = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -Featurename Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($CGPrereq.state = "Enabled") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Credential Guard prerequisite Hyper V is installed and enabled." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Hyper-V All is not enabled/installed." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $CredentialGuardPreReq" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-CredentialGuard(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks status of Credential Guard .EXAMPLE Get-CredentialGuard #> #Variable $CredentialguardStatus = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DeviceGuard -Namespace root\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Credential Guard]" if ($CredentialGuardStatus.SecurityServicesRunning -like 1) { Write-Logentry -Type Success -Message "Credential Guard Services are running." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Credential Guard Services are not running." } if ($CredentialGuardStatus.SecurityServicesConfigured -like 1) { Write-Logentry -Type Success -Message "Credential Guard is configured." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Credential Guard is not configured." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $CredentialGuard" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-DeviceGuard(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks status of Device Guard .EXAMPLE Get-DeviceGuard #> #Variables $DevGuardStatus = Get-CimInstance -classname Win32_DeviceGuard -namespace root\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $DevGuardInfo = Get-Computerinfo | Select-Object -Property DeviceGuard* try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Device Guard]" if ($DevGuardStatus.CodeIntegrityPolicyEnforcementStatus -like 1) { Write-Logentry -Type Success -Message "Device Guard Code Integrity Policy is activated and enforced." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Device Guard Code Integrity Policy is not activated." } if ($DevGuardStatus.SecurityServicesRunning -like 1) { Write-Logentry -Type Success -Message "Device Guard services are running." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Device Guard services are not running." } if ($DevGuardInfo.DeviceGuardCodeIntegrityPolicyEnforcementStatus -eq "AuditMode") { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Device Guard Code Integrity is currently in Audit Mode." } else { } if ($DevGuardInfo.DeviceGuardSmartStatus -like 1) { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Device Guard Smart Status is running." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Device Guard Smart Status is not running." } if ($DevGuardInfo.DeviceGuardSecurityServicesRunning -like "CredentialGuard") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Credential Guard is running." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Credential Guard is not running." } if ($DevGuardInfo.DeviceGuardSecurityServicesConfigured -like "CredentialGuard") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Credential Guard is configured." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Credential Guard is not configured." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $DeviceGuard" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-AttackSurfaceReduction(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks status of AttackSurfaceReduction .EXAMPLE Get-AttackSurfaceReduction #> #Variable $p = Get-MpPreference -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $c = Get-MpComputerStatus -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $p = @($p) $ASRstatus = ($p += $c) try { Write-LogEntry -Message "[Attack Surface Reduction]" if ($Defenderstatus.EnableNetworkProtection -eq "1") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Network Protection is Enabled" } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Network Protection is Disabled" } if ($ASRstatus.AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions -eq "2") { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Attack Surface Reduction is configured and in audit mode." } elseif ($ASRstatus.AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions -eq "1") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Attack Surface Reduction is configured and enforced." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Attack Surface Reduction is not configured." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $AttackSurfaceReduction" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } Function Get-ControlledFolderAccess(){ <# .DESCRIPTION Checks status of Controlled Folder Access .EXAMPLE Get-ControlledFolderAccess #> #Variable $p = Get-MpPreference -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $c = Get-MpComputerStatus -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $p = @($p) $CFAstatus = ($p += $c) try { Write-LogEntry -Message "Checking status and configuration for Attack Surface Reduction..." if ($CFAstatus.EnableControlledFolderAccess -eq "2") { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Controlled Folder Access is enabled and in audit mode." } elseif ($CFAstatus.EnableControlledFolderAccess -eq "1") { Write-LogEntry -Type Success -Message "Controlled Folder Access is configured and enforced." } else { Write-LogEntry -Type Warning -Message "Controlled Folder Access is not configured." } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-LogEntry -Type Error -Message "Failed to check status of $ControlledFolderAccess" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception break } } <################ SWITCHES #################> if($SecPos){ SecPos } if($OS){ Get-OperatingSystem } if ($TPM) { Get-Tpm } if ($Bitlocker) { Get-Bitlocker } if ($UEFISECBOOT) { Get-UefiSecureBoot } if ($Defender) { Get-Defender } if ($DefenderATP) { Get-DefenderATP } if ($MAPS) { Get-MAPS } if($ApplicationGuard){ Get-ApplicationGuard } if($Sandbox){ Get-Sandbox } if($CredentialGuardPreReq){ Get-CredentialGuardPreReq } if ($CredentialGuard) { Get-CredentialGuard } if ($DeviceGuard) { Get-DeviceGuard } if ($AttackSurfaceReduction) { Get-AttackSurfaceReduction } if ($ControlledFolderAccess) { Get-ControlledFolderAccess } |