
$resourceModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent
$modulesRootPath = Join-Path -Path $resourceModuleRootPath -ChildPath 'Modules'
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulesRootPath  `
              -ChildPath 'SecurityPolicyResourceHelper\SecurityPolicyResourceHelper.psm1') `

$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -ResourceName 'MSFT_SecurityOption'

        Returns all the Security Options that are currently configured
        Describes the security option to be managed. This could be anything as long as it is unique. This property is not
        used during the configuration process.

function Get-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $returnValue = @{}
    $currentSecurityPolicy = Get-SecurityPolicy -Area SECURITYPOLICY
    $securityOptionData = Get-PolicyOptionData -FilePath $("$PSScriptRoot\SecurityOptionData.psd1").Normalize()
    $securityOptionList = Get-PolicyOptionList -ModuleName MSFT_SecurityOption

    foreach ( $securityOption in $securityOptionList )
        $section = $securityOptionData.$securityOption.Section
        Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.Section -f $section )
        $valueName = $securityOptionData.$securityOption.Value
        Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.Value -f $valueName )
        $options = $securityOptionData.$securityOption.Option
        Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.Option -f $($options -join ',') )
        $currentValue = $currentSecurityPolicy.$section.$valueName
        Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.RawValue -f $($currentValue -join ',') )

        if ( $options.keys -eq 'String' )
            if ( $securityOption -eq 'Interactive_logon_Message_text_for_users_attempting_to_log_on'  )
                $resultValue = ($currentValue -split '7,')[-1].Trim()
                $stringValue = ( $currentValue -split ',' )[-1]
                $resultValue = ( $stringValue -replace '"' ).Trim()
            Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.RetrievingValue -f $valueName )
            if ( $currentSecurityPolicy.$section.keys -contains $valueName )
                if ( $securityOption -eq "Network_security_Configure_encryption_types_allowed_for_Kerberos" )
                    $resultValue = ConvertTo-KerberosEncryptionOption -EncryptionValue $currentValue
                    $resultValue = ($securityOptionData.$securityOption.Option.GetEnumerator() |
                        Where-Object -Property Value -eq $currentValue.Trim() ).Name
                $resultValue = $null
        $returnValue.Add( $securityOption, $resultValue )
    return $returnValue

        Applies the desired security option configuration.

function Set-TargetResource
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("This policy is disabled", "Users cant add Microsoft accounts", "Users cant add or log on with Microsoft accounts")]

        [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")]



        [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")]




        [ValidateSet("Administrators", "Administrators and Power Users", "Administrators and Interactive Users")]













        [ValidateSet("User displayname, domain and user names", "User display name only", "Do not display user information")]











        [ValidateSet("No Action", "Lock workstation", "Force logoff", "Disconnect if a remote Remote Desktop Services session")]









        [ValidateSet("Off", "Accept if provided by the client", "Required from client")]











        [ValidateSet("Classic - Local users authenticate as themselves", "Guest only - Local users authenticate as Guest")]




        [ValidateSet("DES_CBC_CRC", "DES_CBC_MD5", "RC4_HMAC_MD5", "AES128_HMAC_SHA1", "AES256_HMAC_SHA1")]



        [ValidateSet("Send LM & NTLM responses", "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated", "Send NTLM responses only", "Send NTLMv2 responses only", "Send NTLMv2 responses only. Refuse LM", "Send NTLMv2 responses only. Refuse LM & NTLM")]

        [ValidateSet("None", "Negotiate Signing", "Require Signing")]

        [ValidateSet("Require NTLMv2 session security", "Require 128-bit encryption", "Both options checked")]

        [ValidateSet("Require NTLMv2 session security", "Require 128-bit encryption", "Both options checked")]



        [ValidateSet("Disabled", "Enable auditing for domain accounts", "Enable auditing for all accounts")]

        [ValidateSet("Disable", "Enable for domain accounts to domain servers", "Enable for domain accounts", "Enable for domain servers", "Enable all")]

        [ValidateSet("Allow all", "Deny all domain accounts", "Deny all accounts")]

        [ValidateSet("Disable", "Deny for domain accounts to domain servers", "Deny for domain accounts", "Deny for domain servers", "Deny all")]

        [ValidateSet("Allow all", "Audit all", "Deny all")]





        [ValidateSet("User input is not required when new keys are stored and used", "User is prompted when the key is first used", "User must enter a password each time they use a key")]








        [ValidateSet("Elevate without prompting", "Prompt for credentials on the secure desktop", "Prompt for consent on the secure desktop", "Prompt for credentials", "Prompt for consent", "Prompt for consent for non-Windows binaries")]

        [ValidateSet("Automatically deny elevation request", "Prompt for credentials on the secure desktop", "Prompt for crendentials")]







    $registryPolicies = @()
    $systemAccessPolicies = @()
    $nonComplaintPolicies = @()
    $securityOptionList = Get-PolicyOptionList -ModuleName MSFT_SecurityOption
    $securityOptionData = Get-PolicyOptionData -FilePath $("$PSScriptRoot\SecurityOptionData.psd1").Normalize()
    $script:seceditOutput = "$env:TEMP\Secedit-OutPut.txt"
    $securityOptionsToAddInf = "$env:TEMP\securityOptionsToAdd.inf"

    $desiredPolicies = $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem.key -in $securityOptionList }

    foreach ( $policy in $desiredPolicies )
        $testParameters = @{
            Name = 'Test'
            $policy.Key = $policy.Value
            Verbose = $false

        # define what policies are not in a desired state so we only add those policies
        # that need to be changed to the INF
        $isInDesiredState = Test-TargetResource @testParameters
        if ( -not ( $isInDesiredState ) )
            $policyKey = $policy.Key
            $policyData = $securityOptionData.$policyKey
            $nonComplaintPolicies += $policyKey

            if ( $policyData.Option.GetEnumerator().Name -eq 'String' )
                if ( [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $policyData.Option.String ) )
                    $newValue = $policy.Value
                    if( $policy.Key -eq 'Interactive_logon_Message_text_for_users_attempting_to_log_on' )
                        $message = Format-LogonMessage -Message $policy.Value
                        $newValue = "$($policyData.Option.String)" + $message
                        $newValue = "$($policyData.Option.String)" + "$($policy.Value)"
            elseIf ( $policy.Key -eq 'Network_security_Configure_encryption_types_allowed_for_Kerberos' )
                $newValue = ConvertTo-KerberosEncryptionValue -EncryptionType $policy.Value
                $newValue = $($policyData.Option[$policy.value])

            if ( $policyData.Section -eq 'System Access' )
                $systemAccessPolicies += "$($policyData.Value)=$newValue"
                $registryPolicies += "$($policyData.Value)=$newValue"

    $infTemplate = Add-PolicyOption -SystemAccessPolicies $systemAccessPolicies -RegistryPolicies $registryPolicies

    Out-File -InputObject $infTemplate -FilePath $securityOptionsToAddInf -Encoding unicode -Force

    Invoke-Secedit -InfPath $securityOptionsToAddInf -SecEditOutput $script:seceditOutput

    $successResult = Test-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters

    if ( $successResult -eq $false )
        throw "$($script:localizedData.SetFailed -f $($nonComplaintPolicies -join ','))"
        Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SetSuccess)

         Tests the current security options against the desired configuration

function Test-TargetResource
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [ValidateSet("This policy is disabled","Users cant add Microsoft accounts","Users cant add or log on with Microsoft accounts")]












        [ValidateSet("Administrators","Administrators and Power Users","Administrators and Interactive Users")]













        [ValidateSet("User displayname, domain and user names","User display name only","Do not display user information")]











        [ValidateSet("No Action","Lock workstation","Force logoff","Disconnect if a remote Remote Desktop Services session")]









        [ValidateSet("Off","Accept if provided by the client","Required from client")]











        [ValidateSet("Classic - Local users authenticate as themselves","Guest only - Local users authenticate as Guest")]







        [ValidateSet("Send LM & NTLM responses","Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated","Send NTLM responses only","Send NTLMv2 responses only","Send NTLMv2 responses only. Refuse LM","Send NTLMv2 responses only. Refuse LM & NTLM")]

        [ValidateSet("None","Negotiate Signing","Require Signing")]

        [ValidateSet("Require NTLMv2 session security","Require 128-bit encryption","Both options checked")]

        [ValidateSet("Require NTLMv2 session security","Require 128-bit encryption","Both options checked")]



        [ValidateSet("Disabled","Enable auditing for domain accounts","Enable auditing for all accounts")]

        [ValidateSet("Disable","Enable for domain accounts to domain servers","Enable for domain accounts","Enable for domain servers","Enable all")]

        [ValidateSet("Allow all","Deny all domain accounts","Deny all accounts")]

        [ValidateSet("Disable","Deny for domain accounts to domain servers","Deny for domain accounts","Deny for domain servers","Deny all")]

        [ValidateSet("Allow all","Audit all","Deny all")]





        [ValidateSet("User input is not required when new keys are stored and used","User is prompted when the key is first used","User must enter a password each time they use a key")]








        [ValidateSet("Elevate without prompting","Prompt for credentials on the secure desktop","Prompt for consent on the secure desktop","Prompt for credentials","Prompt for consent","Prompt for consent for non-Windows binaries")]

        [ValidateSet("Automatically deny elevation request","Prompt for credentials on the secure desktop","Prompt for crendentials")]







    $currentSecurityOptions = Get-TargetResource -Name $Name -Verbose:0

    $desiredSecurityOptions = $PSBoundParameters

    foreach ( $policy in $desiredSecurityOptions.Keys )
        if ( $currentSecurityOptions.ContainsKey( $policy ) )
            if ( $policy -eq 'Interactive_logon_Message_text_for_users_attempting_to_log_on' )
                $desiredSecurityOptionValue = Format-LogonMessage -Message $desiredSecurityOptions[$policy]
                $desiredSecurityOptionValue = $desiredSecurityOptions[$policy]
            Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.TestingPolicy -f $policy )
            Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.PoliciesBeingCompared`
                -f $($currentSecurityOptions[$policy] -join ',' ), $($desiredSecurityOptionValue -join ',' ) )

            if ( $desiredSecurityOptionValue -is [array] )
                $compareResult = Compare-Array -ReferenceObject @($currentSecurityOptions[$policy]) -DifferenceObject $desiredSecurityOptionValue

                if ( -not $compareResult )
                    return $false
                if ( $currentSecurityOptions[$policy] -ne $desiredSecurityOptionValue )
                    return $false

    # if the code made it this far we must be in a desired state
    return $true

        Convert Kerberos encrytion numeric values to their corresponding value names
    .PARAMETER EncryptionValue
        Specifies the encryption value to convert

function ConvertTo-KerberosEncryptionOption

    $reverseOptions = @{}
    $kerberosSecurityOptionName = "Network_security_Configure_encryption_types_allowed_for_Kerberos"
    $securityOptionData = Get-PolicyOptionData -FilePath $("$PSScriptRoot\SecurityOptionData.psd1").Normalize()
    $kerberosOptionValues = $securityOptionData[$kerberosSecurityOptionName].Option

    $newValue = $(($EncryptionValue -split ',')[-1])

    foreach ( $entry in $kerberosOptionValues.GetEnumerator() )
        $value = ($entry.Value -split ',')[-1]
        $reverseOptions.Add( $value, $entry.Name )

    $result = $reverseOptions.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -band $newValue } | ForEach-Object -Process {$reverseOptions.Get_Item($_)}
    return $result

        Converts Kerberos encryption options to their corresponding numeric value
    .PARAMETER EncryptionType
        Specifies the EncryptionType that will be converted to their corresponding value(s).
        The Network_security_Configure_encryption_types_allowed_for_Kerberos option has multiple values.
        Each value is represented by a number that is incremented exponentially by 2. When allowing
        multiple options we have to add those values.

function ConvertTo-KerberosEncryptionValue

    $sumResult = 0
    $kerberosSecurityOptionName = "Network_security_Configure_encryption_types_allowed_for_Kerberos"
    $securityOptionData = Get-PolicyOptionData -FilePath $("$PSScriptRoot\SecurityOptionData.psd1").Normalize()
    $kerberosOptionValues = $securityOptionData[$kerberosSecurityOptionName].Option

    foreach ( $type in $EncryptionType )
        $sumResult = $sumResult + ($kerberosOptionValues.$type -split ',')[-1]

    return $( '4,' + $sumResult )

        Compares values that have array as a type

function Compare-Array



    return $null -eq (Compare-Object $ReferenceObject $DifferenceObject ).SideIndicator

        Secedit.exe uses an INI file with security policies and their associated values (key value pair).
        The value to a policy must be on one line. If the message is a multiple line message a comma is used
        for the line break and if a comma is intended for grammar it must be surrounded with double quotes.
    .PARAMETER Message
        The logon message to be formated

function Format-LogonMessage
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $formatText = $Message -split '\n'

    if ( $formatText.count -gt 1 )
        $lines = $formatText -split '\n' | ForEach-Object -Process { ($PSItem -replace ',','","').Trim() }
        $resultValue = $lines -join ','
        $resultValue = $formatText

    return $resultValue

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource