<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the localized string data based on the machine's culture. Falls back to en-US strings if the machine's culture is not supported. .PARAMETER ResourceName The name of the resource as it appears before '.strings.psd1' of the localized string file. For example: AuditPolicySubcategory: MSFT_AuditPolicySubcategory AuditPolicyOption: MSFT_AuditPolicyOption #> function Get-LocalizedData { [OutputType([String])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'resource')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $ResourceName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'helper')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $HelperName ) # With the helper module just update the name and path variables as if it were a resource. if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'helper') { $resourceDirectory = $PSScriptRoot $ResourceName = $HelperName } else { # Step up one additional level to build the correct path to the resource culture. $resourceDirectory = Join-Path -Path ( Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent ) ` -ChildPath $ResourceName } $localizedStringFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $resourceDirectory -ChildPath $PSUICulture if (-not (Test-Path -Path $localizedStringFileLocation)) { # Fallback to en-US $localizedStringFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $resourceDirectory -ChildPath 'en-US' } Import-LocalizedData ` -BindingVariable 'localizedData' ` -FileName "$ResourceName.strings.psd1" ` -BaseDirectory $localizedStringFileLocation return $localizedData } <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper around secedit.exe used to make changes .PARAMETER InfPath Path to an INF file with desired user rights assignment policy configuration .PARAMETER SeceditOutput Path to secedit log file output .EXAMPLE Invoke-Secedit -InfPath C:\secedit.inf -SeceditOutput C:\seceditLog.txt #> function Invoke-Secedit { [OutputType([void])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $InfPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $SeceditOutput, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $OverWrite ) $script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -HelperName 'SecurityPolicyResourceHelper' $tempDB = "$env:TEMP\DscSecedit.sdb" $arguments = "/configure /db $tempDB /cfg $InfPath" if ($OverWrite) { $arguments = $arguments + " /overwrite /quiet" } Write-Verbose "secedit arguments: $arguments" Start-Process -FilePath secedit.exe -ArgumentList $arguments -RedirectStandardOutput $seceditOutput -NoNewWindow -Wait } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns security policies configuration settings .PARAMETER Area Specifies the security areas to be returned .NOTES General notes #> function Get-SecurityPolicy { [OutputType([Hashtable])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("SECURITYPOLICY","GROUP_MGMT","USER_RIGHTS","REGKEYS","FILESTORE","SERVICES")] [System.String] $Area, [Parameter()] [System.String] $FilePath ) if ($FilePath) { $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath = $FilePath } else { $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath 'SecurityPolicy.inf' Write-Debug -Message ($localizedData.EchoDebugInf -f $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath) secedit.exe /export /cfg $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath /areas $Area | Out-Null } $policyConfiguration = @{} switch -regex -file $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath { "^\[(.+)\]" # Section { $section = $matches[1] $policyConfiguration[$section] = @{} $CommentCount = 0 } "^(;.*)$" # Comment { $value = $matches[1] $commentCount = $commentCount + 1 $name = "Comment" + $commentCount $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = $value } "(.+?)\s*=(.*)" # Key { $name,$value = $matches[1..2] -replace "\*" $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = $value } } Switch($Area) { "USER_RIGHTS" { $returnValue = @{} $privilegeRights = $policyConfiguration.'Privilege Rights' foreach ($key in $privilegeRights.keys ) { $identity = ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName -Identity $($privilegeRights[$key] -split ",").Trim() $returnValue.Add( $key,$identity ) } continue } Default { $returnValue = $policyConfiguration } } return $returnValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Parses an INF file produced by 'secedit.exe /export' and returns an object of identites assigned to a user rights assignment policy .PARAMETER FilePath Path to an INF file .EXAMPLE Get-UserRightsAssignment -FilePath C:\seceditOutput.inf #> function Get-UserRightsAssignment { [OutputType([Hashtable])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $FilePath ) $policyConfiguration = @{} switch -regex -file $FilePath { "^\[(.+)\]" # Section { $section = $matches[1] $policyConfiguration[$section] = @{} $CommentCount = 0 } "^(;.*)$" # Comment { $value = $matches[1] $commentCount = $commentCount + 1 $name = "Comment" + $commentCount $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = $value } "(.+?)\s*=(.*)" # Key { $name,$value = $matches[1..2] -replace "\*" $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = @(ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName -Identity $($value -split ',')) } } return $policyConfiguration } <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves username or SID to a NTAccount friendly name so desired and actual idnetities can be compared .PARAMETER Identity An Identity in the form of a friendly name (testUser1,contoso\testUser1) or SID .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName testuser1 Server1\TestUser1 This example demonstrats converting a username without a domain name specified .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName -Identity S-1-5-21-3084257389-385233670-139165443-1001 Server1\TestUser1 This example demonstrats converting a SID to a frendlyname #> function ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName { [OutPutType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String[]] $Identity ) $friendlyNames = @() foreach ($id in $Identity) { $id = ( $id -replace "\*" ).Trim() if ($null -ne $id -and $id -match '^(S-[0-9-]{3,})') { # if id is a SID convert to a NTAccount $friendlyNames += ConvertTo-NTAccount -SID $id } else { # if id is an friendly name convert it to a sid and then to an NTAccount $friendlyNames += ( ConvertTo-Sid -Identity $id | ConvertTo-NTAccount ) } } return $friendlyNames } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the provided Identity is null .PARAMETER Identity The identity string to test #> function Test-IdentityIsNull { [OutputType([bool])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [System.String[]] $Identity ) if ( $null -eq $Identity -or [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Identity) ) { return $true } else { return $false } } <# .SYNOPSIS Convert a SID to a common friendly name .PARAMETER SID SID of an identity being converted #> function ConvertTo-NTAccount { [OutPutType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier[]] $SID ) $result = @() foreach ($id in $SID) { $id = ( $id -replace "\*" ).Trim() $sidId = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]$id $result += $sidId.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).value } return $result } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts an identity to a SID to verify it's a valid account .PARAMETER Identity Specifies the identity to convert .NOTES General notes #> function ConvertTo-Sid { [OutputType([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [String] $Identity ) $id = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]$Identity try { $sid = $id.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) } catch { throw "Could not convert Identity: $Identity to SID" } return $sid.Value } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the Security Option Data to map the policy name and values as they appear in the Security Template Snap-in .PARAMETER FilePath Path to the file containing the Security Option Data #> function Get-PolicyOptionData { [OutputType([hashtable])] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.ArgumentToConfigurationDataTransformation()] [hashtable] $FilePath ) return $FilePath } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns all the set-able parameters in the SecurityOption resource #> function Get-PolicyOptionList { [OutputType([array])] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ModuleName ) $commonParameters = @( 'Name' ) $commonParameters += [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters $commonParameters += [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters $moduleParameters = ( Get-Command -Name "Set-TargetResource" -Module $ModuleName ).Parameters.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem -notin $commonParameters } return $moduleParameters } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the INF file content that contains the security option configurations .PARAMETER SystemAccessPolicies Specifies the security options that pertain to [System Access] policies .PARAMETER RegistryPolicies Specifies the security opions that are managed via [Registry Values] #> function Add-PolicyOption { [OutputType([System.Object[]])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [Collections.ArrayList] $SystemAccessPolicies, [Parameter()] [Collections.ArrayList] $RegistryPolicies, [Parameter()] [Collections.ArrayList] $KerberosPolicies ) # insert the appropiate INI section if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $RegistryPolicies ) -eq $false ) { $RegistryPolicies.Insert(0,'[Registry Values]') } if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $SystemAccessPolicies ) -eq $false ) { $SystemAccessPolicies.Insert(0,'[System Access]') } if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $KerberosPolicies ) -eq $false ) { $KerberosPolicies.Insert(0,'[Kerberos Policy]') } $iniTemplate = @( "[Unicode]" "Unicode=yes" $systemAccessPolicies "[Version]" 'signature="$CHICAGO$"' "Revision=1" $KerberosPolicies $registryPolicies ) return $iniTemplate } |