.SYNOPSIS Get all audit events of the file system. .DESCRIPTION This function will show all file system audit event logs. This is only the security event with id 4663. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS SecurityFever.SystemAudit.Event. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SystemAuditFileSystem Get the local file system audit events. .LINK #> function Get-SystemAuditFileSystem { [CmdletBinding()] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')] param ( # Period of days to cover. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Int32] $DayPeriod = 7, # Show extended events, not only the important ones. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch] $Extended, # Hide the warning messages, don't test the prerequisites. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch] $HideWarning ) Test-AdministratorRole -Throw Show-SystemAuditEventLogWarning -LogName 'Security' -DayPeriod $DayPeriod -HideWarning:$HideWarning.IsPresent Show-SystemAuditPolicyWarning -Category 'Object Access' -Subcategory 'File System' -Setting 'Success' -HideWarning:$HideWarning.IsPresent # Get all relevant event log records for the file system $filter = New-WinEventFilterXml -LogName 'Security' -EventId 4663 -NotBefore ([System.DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-1 * $DayPeriod)) try { $records = Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $filter -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -ne 'No events were found that match the specified selection criteria.') { throw $_ } else { $records = @() } } foreach ($record in $records) { $recordId = $record.Id # Reference: # # # We need to split the access because it can contain multiple # values like '%%4417 %%4418', for such cases, we just return # multiple event object. $accessList = [System.String] $record.Properties[8].Value $accessList = $accessList.Split("`n ") foreach ($access in $accessList) { $access = $access.Trim() if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($access)) { continue } switch ($access) { '%%4416' { $access = 'ReadData / ListDirectory' } '%%4417' { $access = 'WriteData / AddFile' } '%%4418' { $access = 'AppendData / AddSubdirectory / CreatePipeInstance' } '%%4419' { $access = 'ReadExtendedAttributes' } '%%4420' { $access = 'WriteExtendedAttributes' } '%%4421' { $access = 'Execute/Traverse' } '%%4422' { $access = 'DeleteChild' } '%%4423' { $access = 'ReadAttributes' } '%%4424' { $access = 'WriteAttributes' } '%%1537' { $access = 'Delete' } '%%1538' { $access = 'ReadAccessControl' } '%%1539' { $access = 'WriteAccessControl' } '%%1540' { $access = 'WriteOwner' } '%%1541' { $access = 'Synchronize' } '%%1542' { $access = 'AccessSysSec' } default { Write-Warning "Access definition for '$access' not found." } } # Create a usable event by parsing the properties. But most of the # properties are currently not in use: # SubjectUserSid (0) = S-1-5-... # SubjectLogonId (3) = 0x12345678 # ObjectServer (4) = Security # ObjectType (5) = File # ObjectName (6) = # HandleId (7) = 0x12345 # AccessMask (9) = 0x1 # ProcessId (10) = 12345 # ProcessName (11) = C:\Windows\explorer.exe # ResourceAttributes (12) = S:AI $auditEvent = [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = 'SecurityFever.SystemAudit.Event' Timestamp = $record.TimeCreated Machine = $record.MachineName User = Get-WinEventRecordUser -Record $record Component = 'File System' Action = $access Context = [System.String] $record.Properties[6].Value Detail = 'Subject: {0}\{1}' -f $record.Properties[2].Value, $record.Properties[1].Value SourcePath = '/EventLog/Security/Record[@Id={0}]' -f $recordId SourceEvent = $record } Write-Output $auditEvent } } } |