
        Get all audit events of the file system.
        This function will show all file system audit event logs. This is only
        the security event with id 4663.
        PS C:\> Get-SystemAuditFileSystem
        Get the local file system audit events.

function Get-SystemAuditFileSystem
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')]
        # Period of days to cover.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $DayPeriod = 7,

        # Show extended events, not only the important ones.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Hide the warning messages, don't test the prerequisites.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    Test-AdministratorRole -Throw

    Show-SystemAuditEventLogWarning -LogName 'Security' -DayPeriod $DayPeriod -HideWarning:$HideWarning.IsPresent
    Show-SystemAuditPolicyWarning -Category 'Object Access' -Subcategory 'File System' -Setting 'Success' -HideWarning:$HideWarning.IsPresent

    # Get all relevant event log records for the file system
    $filter = New-WinEventFilterXml -LogName 'Security' -EventId 4663 -NotBefore ([System.DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-1 * $DayPeriod))
        $records = Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $filter -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        if ($_.Exception.Message -ne 'No events were found that match the specified selection criteria.')
            throw $_
            $records = @()

    foreach ($record in $records)
        $recordId = $record.Id

        # Reference:

        # We need to split the access because it can contain multiple
        # values like '%%4417 %%4418', for such cases, we just return
        # multiple event object.
        $accessList = [System.String] $record.Properties[8].Value
        $accessList = $accessList.Split("`n ")
        foreach ($access in $accessList)
            $access = $access.Trim()
            if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($access))

            switch ($access)
                '%%4416' { $access = 'ReadData / ListDirectory' }
                '%%4417' { $access = 'WriteData / AddFile' }
                '%%4418' { $access = 'AppendData / AddSubdirectory / CreatePipeInstance' }
                '%%4419' { $access = 'ReadExtendedAttributes' }
                '%%4420' { $access = 'WriteExtendedAttributes' }
                '%%4421' { $access = 'Execute/Traverse' }
                '%%4422' { $access = 'DeleteChild' }
                '%%4423' { $access = 'ReadAttributes' }
                '%%4424' { $access = 'WriteAttributes' }
                '%%1537' { $access = 'Delete' }
                '%%1538' { $access = 'ReadAccessControl' }
                '%%1539' { $access = 'WriteAccessControl' }
                '%%1540' { $access = 'WriteOwner' }
                '%%1541' { $access = 'Synchronize' }
                '%%1542' { $access = 'AccessSysSec' }
                default  { Write-Warning "Access definition for '$access' not found." }

            # Create a usable event by parsing the properties. But most of the
            # properties are currently not in use:
            # SubjectUserSid (0) = S-1-5-...
            # SubjectLogonId (3) = 0x12345678
            # ObjectServer (4) = Security
            # ObjectType (5) = File
            # ObjectName (6) =
            # HandleId (7) = 0x12345
            # AccessMask (9) = 0x1
            # ProcessId (10) = 12345
            # ProcessName (11) = C:\Windows\explorer.exe
            # ResourceAttributes (12) = S:AI
            $auditEvent = [PSCustomObject] @{
                PSTypeName  = 'SecurityFever.SystemAudit.Event'
                Timestamp   = $record.TimeCreated
                Machine     = $record.MachineName
                User        = Get-WinEventRecordUser -Record $record
                Component   = 'File System'
                Action      = $access
                Context     = [System.String] $record.Properties[6].Value
                Detail      = 'Subject: {0}\{1}' -f $record.Properties[2].Value, $record.Properties[1].Value
                SourcePath  = '/EventLog/Security/Record[@Id={0}]' -f $recordId
                SourceEvent = $record

            Write-Output $auditEvent