.SYNOPSIS Generate a shared secret for the Time-Base One-Time algorithm RFC 6238. .DESCRIPTION This command will create a new shared secret to be used for the Time-Based One-Time password algorithm (TOTP) specified in the RFC 6238. The command will return an object containing the following representations of the shared secret: - Shared secret encoded as Base32 (specified in RFC 4648) - Key uri format otpauth:// for apps like the Google Authenticator - As Duo Security compatible CSV line to import as hardware token .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS SecurityFever.TOTPSharedSecret. Object with multiple representations of the shared secret. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-TimeBasedOneTimeSharedSecret -Account 'User1' Create a new TOTP shared secret for the user User1. .LINK #> function New-TimeBasedOneTimeSharedSecret { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('New-TOTPSharedSecret')] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Account, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $Issuer = "$Env:UserDomain\$Env:Username" ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' [System.Byte[]] $bytes = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt 16; $i++) { $bytes += [System.Byte] (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 255) } # Convert the shared secret into usable formats $sharedSecretHex = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($bytes) -replace '-', '' $sharedSecretBase32 = Convert-ByteToBase32 -Byte $bytes # Generate the QR code $qrCodePath = '{0}\{1:yyyyMMddHHmmss}_{2}.png' -f $Env:Temp, (Get-Date), $Account.Replace('\', '_') $qrOneTimeGenerator = [QRCoder.PayloadGenerator+OneTimePassword]::new() $qrOneTimeGenerator.Secret = $sharedSecretBase32 $qrOneTimeGenerator.Issuer = $Issuer $qrOneTimeGenerator.Label = $Account $qrGenerator = [QRCoder.QRCodeGenerator]::new() $qrData = $qrGenerator.CreateQrCode($qrOneTimeGenerator.ToString(), 'Q') $qrCode = [QRCoder.PngByteQRCode]::new($qrData) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($qrCodePath, $qrCode.GetGraphic(100)) [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = 'SecurityFever.TOTPSharedSecret' SharedSecret = $sharedSecretBase32 AuthenticatorUri = 'otpauth://totp/{0}?secret={1}&issuer={2}' -f $Account, $sharedSecretBase32, $Issuer AuthenticatorQRCode = $qrCodePath DuoHardwareToken = 'SoftwareToken_{0},{1}' -f $Account, $sharedSecretHex } Invoke-Item -Path $qrCodePath } |