"Events": { "Application": { "11707": { "Action": "Installation Successful" }, "11708": { "Action": "Installation Failed" }, "11724": { "Action": "Removal Successful" }, "11725": { "Action": "Removal Failed" }, "11728": { "Action": "Configuration Successful" }, "11729": { "Action": "Configuration Failed" } }, "Security": { "4624": { "Action": "Account Logon Successful", "Properties": [ "SubjectUserSid", "SubjectUserName", "SubjectDomainName", "SubjectLogonId", "TargetUserSid", "TargetUserName", "TargetDomainName", "TargetLogonId", "LogonType", "LogonProcessName", "AuthenticationPackageName", "WorkstationName", "LogonGuid", "TransmittedServices", "LmPackageName", "KeyLength", "ProcessId", "ProcessName", "IpAddress", "IpPort", "ImpersonationLevel" ] }, "4625": { "Action": "Account Logon Failed", "Properties": [ "SubjectUserSid", "SubjectUserName", "SubjectDomainName", "SubjectLogonId", "TargetUserSid", "TargetUserName", "TargetDomainName", "Status", "FailureReason", "SubStatus", "LogonType", "LogonProcessName", "AuthenticationPackageName", "WorkstationName", "TransmittedServices", "LmPackageName", "KeyLength", "ProcessId", "ProcessName", "IpAddress", "IpPort" ] }, "4634": { "Action": "Account Logoff" }, "4647": { "Action": "User Initiated Logoff" } }, "System": { "1": { "Action": "Leaving Sleep" }, "42": { "Action": "Entering Sleep" }, "1074": { "Action": "Request System {0}" }, "1502": { "Action": "Computer Settings Changed", "Properties": [ "SupportInfo1", "SupportInfo2", "ProcessingMode", "ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds", "DCName", "NumberOfGroupPolicyObjects" ] }, "1503": { "Action": "User Settings Changed", "Properties": [ "SupportInfo1", "SupportInfo2", "ProcessingMode", "ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds", "DCName", "NumberOfGroupPolicyObjects" ] }, "6005": { "Action": "System Startup" }, "6006": { "Action": "System Shutdown" }, "6008": { "Action": "Unexpected Shutdown" }, "7000": { "Action": "Service Start Failed" }, "7001": { "Action": "Service Dependency Start Failed" }, "7011": { "Action": "Service Start/Stop Timeout" }, "7023": { "Action": "Service Terminated" }, "7026": { "Action": "Boot/System-Start Driver Not Loaded" }, "7030": { "Action": "Service Configuration Error: Interactive Service Configured but not Allowed" }, "7034": { "Action": "Service Terminated Unexpectedly" }, "7038": { "Action": "Service Configuration Error: Unable to Log-On" }, "7040": { "Action": "Service Changed: Start Type Updated" }, "7045": { "Action": "Service Installed" } } }, "Enumerations": { "LogonType": { "2": "Interactive", "3": "Network", "4": "Batch", "5": "Service", "7": "Unlock", "8": "NetworkCleartext", "9": "NewCredentials", "10": "RemoteInteractive", "11": "CachedInteractive" }, "FailureCode": { "0xC0000064": "user name does not exist", "0xC000006A": "user name is correct but the password is wrong", "0xC0000234": "user is currently locked out", "0xC0000072": "account is currently disabled", "0xC000006F": "user tried to logon outside his day of week or time of day restrictions", "0xC0000070": "workstation restriction, or Authentication Policy Silo violation (look for event ID 4820 on domain controller)", "0xC0000193": "account expiration", "0xC0000071": "expired password", "0xC0000133": "clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync", "0xC0000224": "user is required to change password at next logon", "0xC0000225": "evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk", "0xc000015b": "The user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine" } } } |