
function Send-xRDS_Host_Message {

    Sends message to ALL users on HOST server.
    .PARAMETER Broker
    -ConnectionBroker - FQDN of RDS ConnectionBroker.
    .PARAMETER Message
    -Message - Message text to display for users.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    -Credential [Optional] - Query RDS Connection Broker resources under provided credentials.
    PARAMETER DisplayMessageSeconds
    -DisplayMessageSeconds [Optional] - Message display time in seconds (Default value is equivalent of 5 minutes).
    # Send message to all users on selected RDS Host servers:
    Send-xRDS_Host_Message -ConnectionBroker ardscbl01.adatum.labnet -Message "Server will shut down in 10 minutes for maintenance. Please log out from your session and log back again to be redirected into another Session Host."

        [Int]$DisplayMessageSeconds = 300,

    $Collection = Get-xRDS_CollectionsList -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker -Credential $Credential

    Try {

    $ActiveManagementServer =  (Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $ConnectionBroker -Class "Win32_RDMSEnvironment" -Namespace "root\CIMV2\rdms" -Name "GetActiveServer").ServerName

    $SelectedServers = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ActiveManagementServer -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT ServerName,LoadIndicator,NumberOfSessions,NumPendRedir,ServerWeight,SingleSessionMode FROM Win32_SessionDirectoryServer" | select `
    @{Label="Host";Expression={$_.ServerName}}, @{Label="Collections";Expression={$Collection[$_.ServerName]}},@{Label="Sessions";Expression={$_.NumberOfSessions}}, `
    @{Label="NumPendRedir";Expression={$_.NumPendRedir}},@{Label="SingleSessionMode";Expression={$_.SingleSessionMode}}    | sort Host | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Host Message (Select Servers)"

    If ($SelectedServers.Host.Count -le 0) {Write-Host "No hosts have been selected." -ForegroundColor Cyan }
    else { Write-Host "Message: $Message Will display $DisplayMessageSeconds seconds on folowing servers:" -ForegroundColor Cyan ; $SelectedServers.Host | foreach {Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor Cyan ; start-process msg "* /SERVER:$_ /TIME:$DisplayMessageSeconds $Message" -WindowStyle Hidden}}

    } Catch {Write-host $_.Exception.message -ForegroundColor Red}