function Invoke-xRDP { <# .DESCRIPTION Starts native RDP client on computer with parameters which allows to provide One-Time Pass-code (OTP) for Microsoft RD Gateway which uses SecureMFA RD Gateway Authentication Provider to deliver MFA. .PARAMETER Server - Server � FQDN or IP address of the server where you need to connect. .PARAMETER GatewayHostname - GatewayHostname - FQDN of RD Gateway server. .PARAMETER OTP - OTP � One time pass-code for the user. .PARAMETER AnchorDomain - AnchorDomain � AnchorDomain value indicates for RD Gateway service if user details needs to be validated against local SAM database (value must be server�s host name) or it will use Active Directory SAM database in cases where RD Gateway server is joined into Domain (value must be user�s domain name , for ex.: adatum.labnet). .PARAMETER User - User [Optional] � Username of the user under which you connect. By default PS session user details will be used. .PARAMETER CustomRDPTemplate - CustomRDPTemplate [Optional] � Will use Default.rdp file settings as template to generate RDP connection file. .PARAMETER MapClientDrives - MapDrives [Optional] � Adds client drive mapping into RDP connection file. .PARAMETER DoNotUseCookieAuth - DoNotUseCookieAuth [Optional] � Disable Cookie Authentication for RDP connection. .EXAMPLE # Starts RDP session using RD Gateway �rdgserver1.adatum.labnet� to access server2.adatum.labnet with Demo versions default OTP code 123456 Connection uses AnchorDomain value with RD Gateway server�s hostname which indicates that default Demo account will be used to validate against local servers SAM database instead of domain. Invoke-xRDP -Server server2.adatum.labnet -GatewayHostname rdgserver1.adatum.labnet -User Administrator -OTP 123456 -AnchorDomain rdgserver1 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Server, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GatewayHostname, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateLength(6,6)][string]$OTP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AnchorDomain = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem).Domain, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$User = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name, [switch]$CustomRDPTemplate, [switch]$MapClientDrives, [switch]$DoNotUseCookieAuth ) #Variables $dynArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] #Create RDP Settings Template $RDPsettingsTemplate = @( "screen mode id:i:2", "use multimon:i:0", "desktopwidth:i:1920", "desktopheight:i:1200", "session bpp:i:32", "winposstr:s:0,3,0,0,800,600", "compression:i:1", "keyboardhook:i:2", "audiocapturemode:i:0", "videoplaybackmode:i:1", "connection type:i:7", "networkautodetect:i:1", "bandwidthautodetect:i:1", "displayconnectionbar:i:1", "enableworkspacereconnect:i:0", "disable wallpaper:i:0", "allow font smoothing:i:0", "allow desktop composition:i:0", "disable full window drag:i:1", "disable menu anims:i:1", "disable themes:i:0", "disable cursor setting:i:0", "bitmapcachepersistenable:i:1", "full address:s:", "audiomode:i:0", "redirectprinters:i:1", "redirectcomports:i:0", "redirectsmartcards:i:1", "redirectclipboard:i:1", "redirectposdevices:i:0", "autoreconnection enabled:i:1", "authentication level:i:2", "prompt for credentials:i:0", "negotiate security layer:i:1", "remoteapplicationmode:i:0", "alternate shell:s:", "shell working directory:s:", "gatewayhostname:s:", "gatewayusagemethod:i:1", "gatewaycredentialssource:i:5", "gatewayaccesstoken:s:", "gatewayprofileusagemethod:i:1", "promptcredentialonce:i:0", "gatewaybrokeringtype:i:0", "use redirection server name:i:0", "rdgiskdcproxy:i:0", "kdcproxyname:s:" ) #Validate which template to use if($CustomRDPTemplate) {if(Test-Path -Path ".\Default.rdp") {$RDPsettings = Get-Content .\Default.rdp} else {Write-host "Default.rdp Template file does not exist in $(Get-Location)" -ForegroundColor Yellow ; break}} else {$RDPsettings = $RDPsettingsTemplate} Try { $RDPsettings | % { if (!$dynArray.Contains($_) -and ($_ -notlike "gatewaycredentialssource*") -and ($_ -notlike "gatewayhostname*") -and ($_ -notlike "gatewayaccesstoken*") -and ($_ -notlike "full address*")) { $dynArray.add($_)}} | out-null if($DoNotUseCookieAuth) {$dynArray.add("gatewaycredentialssource:i:4")} else {$dynArray.add("gatewaycredentialssource:i:5")} $dynArray.add("gatewayhostname:s:$GatewayHostname") $dynArray.add("gatewayaccesstoken:s:$User`:$OTP`:$AnchorDomain") $dynArray.add("full address:s:$Server") #Adds client drive mapping into RDP file if($MapClientDrives) {$dynArray.add("drivestoredirect:s:*")} $dynArray | Out-File $env:HOMEPATH\"$Server.rdp" iex $env:HOMEPATH\"$Server.rdp" } Catch {Write-host $_.Exception.message -ForegroundColor Red} } |