function Get-xRDS_Logs_Security { <# .DESCRIPTION Collects Security Logs for RDS sessions from RDS Session Hosts. .PARAMETER Broker -ConnectionBroker - FQDN of RDS ConnectionBroker. .PARAMETER Broker -Computer - FQDN of RDS computer. (No required if you use connection brokers FQDN). .PARAMETER BeforeDays -BeforeDays - By default, logs are collected from current days midnight. If you use this value logs are calculated since before number of days. .PARAMETER Credential -Credential [Optional] - Query RDS Connection Broker resources under provided credentials, the same credentials will be used to query RDS session hosts. .PARAMETER UI -UI [Optional] - Displays records in GridView for output selection. .PARAMETER WINRMPort -WINRMPort [Optional] - WINRM Port to test for host connectivity validation. Default port is 5985. .EXAMPLE # Invokes RDS user's session logoff: Get-xRDS_SessionHostList -ConnectionBroker ardscbl01.adatum.labnet #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$ConnectionBroker, [String]$Computer = "localhost", [switch]$UI, [Int]$BeforeDays = 0, [Int]$WinRMPort = 5985, [PSCredential]$Credential ) $ObjectsList=@() if($ConnectionBroker) {$Collection = Get-xRDS_CollectionsList -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker -Credential $Credential} else {$Collection = @{ $Computer = "Computer"}} Try { #List session host maintenance mode foreach ($key in $Collection.Keys) { $TempObject=@() $connection = $null; #Test host WInRM access $connection = Invoke-xRDS_TestPort -hostname $key -port $WinRMPort if ($ { write-host "Collecting RDS Security logs from $key" -ForegroundColor Cyan $ObjectsList += invoke-Command -cn $key -ArgumentList $BeforeDays -ScriptBlock {` Get-EventLog -LogName Security -after ((Get-date -hour 0 -minute 0 -second 0).adddays(-($args[0])))| ?{(4624,4625,4778,4799) -contains $_.EventID -and ($_.Message -match 'logon type:\s+(10)\s') -OR $_.Message -match 'logon type:\s+(7)\s'}| %{ (new-object -Type PSObject -Property @{ EventID = $_.EventID TimeGenerated = $_.TimeGenerated ClientIP = if ($_.Message -eq ($_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Source Network Address:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1')){"-"} else {$_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Source Network Address:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1'}; SID = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Security ID:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1' UserName = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*[^Network Account Name:]Account Name:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1' Domain = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*[^Network Account Domain:]Account Domain:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1' ReasonCode = if ($_.EventID -eq 4625) {if ($_.Message -eq ($_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Sub Status:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1')){""} else {$_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Sub Status:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1'}}; LinkedLogonID = if ($_.Message -eq ($_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Linked Logon ID:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1')){""} else {$_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Linked Logon ID:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1'} LogonType = $_.Message -replace '(?smi).*Logon Type:\s+([^\s]+)\s+.*','$1' }) } | sort TimeGenerated -Descending | Select TimeGenerated,EventID,Domain,Username,ClientIP ` , @{N='EventType';E={ switch ($_.EventID) { 4624 {'LOGON SUCCESS'} 4625 {'LOGON FAILED'} 4778 {'SESSION RECONNECTED'} 4799 {'SESSION DISCONNECTED'} default {$_.EventID} } }}` , @{N='Logon';E={ switch ($_.LogonType) { 2 {'Interactive - local logon'} 3 {'Network connection to shared folder)'} 4 {'Batch'} 5 {'Service'} 7 {'Unlock (after screensaver)'} 8 {'NetworkCleartext'} 9 {'NewCredentials (local impersonation process under existing connection)'} 10 {'RDP'} 11 {'CachedInteractive'} default {$_.LogonType} } }},LogonType ` , @{N='Reason';E={ switch ($_.ReasonCode) { "0XC000005E" {'There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.'} "0xC0000064" {'User logon with misspelled or bad user account'} "0xC000006A" {'User logon with misspelled or bad password'} "0XC000006D" {'This is either due to a bad username or authentication information'} "0XC000006E" {'Unknown user name or bad password.'} "0xC000006F" {'User logon outside authorized hours'} "0xC0000070" {'User logon from unauthorized workstation'} "0xC0000071" {'User logon with expired password'} "0xC0000072" {'User logon to account disabled by administrator'} "0XC00000DC" {'Indicates the Sam Server was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation.'} "0XC0000133" {'Clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync'} "0XC000015B" {'The user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine'} "0XC000018C" {'The logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.'} "0XC0000192" {'An attempt was made to logon, but the Netlogon service was not started.'} "0xC0000193" {'User logon with expired account'} "0XC0000224" {'User is required to change password at next logon'} "0XC0000225" {'Evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk'} "0xC0000234" {'User logon with account locked'} "0XC00002EE" {'Failure Reason: An Error occurred during Logon'} "0XC0000413" {'Logon Failure: The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine.'} "0x0" {'Status OK.'} default {$_} } }}` ,SID,LinkedLogonID} } else {write-host "Cannot access WinRM port for $key" -ForegroundColor Red} } #Output If($UI) {$ObjectsList | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "RDS Security Log Details"} ELSE {$ObjectsList } } Catch {Write-host $_.Exception.message } } |