.SYNOPSIS Retrieves HashiCorp Vaul Client token from OIDC Auth provider. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves HashiCorp Vaul Client token from OIDC Auth provider which allows to query HashiCorp Vault for secrets. Dependencies: * System which executes a script must have Microsoft Framework 4.6.1 and above installed. * SecureMFA_SupportTools.dll file must be present in script directory. * SecureMFA_SupportTools.json configuration file must be present in script directory. Below is Json config file sections which needs to be updated with your environment settings: { "serialkey": "f01145697", "hashicorp_auth_endpoint": "http://hscvault.adatum.labnet:8200/v1/auth/oidc/oidc/auth_url", "hashicorp_token_endpoint": "http://hscvault.adatum.labnet:8200/v1/auth/oidc/oidc/callback", "hashicorp_oidc_role": "kv-mgr9", "hashicorp_oidc_uri": "uri:securemfa:testapp2:nativeapp:test", "proxy": "http://proxy.adatum.labnet:8080", "bypassproxyonlocal": "false" } .PARAMETER ProxyFromConfig Decryption parameter is required for systems which use secret key encryption with AES256. ‘encryption_passphrase’ value must match setting which is defined in SecureMFA OTP provider configuration. Otherwise displayed OTP codes will not be valid. .NOTES Version: Author: Creation Date: 01/10/2019 Purpose/Change: Incorporated into module .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-xHashiCorp_Vault_ClientToken This command will retrieve client token from HashiCorp Vault using OIDC auth configuration. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-xHashiCorp_Vault_ClientToken -Proxy SystemDefaults This command will execute CLI commands using default systems proxy settings. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-xHashiCorp_Vault_ClientToken -Proxy UseConfig This command will execute CLI commands using proxy settings from SecureMFA PS Module json config file. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-xHashiCorp_Vault_ClientToken -Proxy none This command will execute CLI commands without proxy settings. #> #> Function Get-xHashiCorp_Vault_ClientToken { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('SystemDefaults','UseConfig','none')] [string]$Proxy='SystemDefaults' ) #Static Parameters $Event_Source = "SecureMFA_SupportTools" #Checking Dependencies #Config file dependency $configfile = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath SecureMFA_SupportTools.json) $ErrMsg = "$configfile file is missing. Please copy a file to script directory and try again." if (!(Test-Path $configfile)) { write-host $ErrMsg -ForegroundColor red; pause; break } #DLL file dependency $dllpath = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath SecureMFA_SupportTools.dll) $ErrMsg = "$configfile file is missing. Please copy a file to script directory and try again." if (!(Test-Path $dllpath)) { write-host $ErrMsg -ForegroundColor red; pause; break } #Read JSON file Configuration $json = Get-Content -Raw $configfile | ConvertFrom-Json $serialkey = $json.serialkey $hashicorp_auth_endpoint = $json.hashicorp_auth_endpoint $hashicorp_token_endpoint = $json.hashicorp_token_endpoint $hashicorp_oidc_role = $json.hashicorp_oidc_role $hashicorp_oidc_uri = $json.hashicorp_oidc_uri $webproxy = $json.proxy $bypassproxyonlocal; if($json.bypassproxyonlocal -eq "true") {$bypassproxyonlocal = 1} else {$bypassproxyonlocal = 0} Try { [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($dllpath) | Out-Null [string]$access_token = $null #Set proxy settings for CLI if ($proxy -eq 'UseConfig') { []::defaultwebproxy = new-object$webproxy) []::defaultwebproxy.credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials []::defaultwebproxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = $bypassproxyonlocal } elseif ($proxy -eq 'none') {netsh winhttp reset proxy | out-null ; []::defaultwebproxy = $null} else {netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie | out-null} #Retreve client token using Hasicorp Vaul OIDC auth flow $atoken = [SecureMFA_SupportTools.IDPAUTH]::RetrieveHashicorpAccesToken($hashicorp_auth_endpoint, $hashicorp_oidc_role, $hashicorp_oidc_uri,$hashicorp_token_endpoint,$serialkey,[ref]$access_token) | Out-String try {$hashiauthtoken = ConvertFrom-Json $access_token -ErrorAction Stop;$validJson = $true;} catch {$validJson = $false;} #Validate client token $client_token = $access_token $token = $null if ($validJson) { $client_token = $hashiauthtoken.auth.client_token write-host "Issued Hashicorp Vault client token: $client_token" -ForegroundColor Cyan #Return client token as auth header object for API $token = @{"X-Vault-Token" = "$client_token"} } return $atoken,$token } #On error acction catch [System.Exception] { $completed = get-date $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber $msg = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error: $msg" Write-EventLog –LogName Application –Source $Event_Source –EntryType Error –EventID 5559 –Message “$msg Executed by: $env:username Computer: $env:computername Line: $line” } pause } |