function Set-Secret { [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "VaultName", Justification = "Function must accept this parameter to be valid.")] param ( [string] $Name, # SecretManagement supports secrets of types: byte[], string, SecureString, PSCredential, and HashTable. [object] $Secret, [string] $VaultName, [hashtable] $AdditionalParameters ) # Enable Verbose Mode inside this script if passed from the wrapper. if($AdditionalParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose') -and ($AdditionalParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true)) {$script:VerbosePreference = 'Continue'} $AdditionalParameters = Merge-Defaults $AdditionalParameters Sync-BitwardenVault $AdditionalParameters.ResyncCacheIfOlderThan $OldSecret = Get-FullSecret -Name $Name -AdditionalParameters $AdditionalParameters $IsNewItem = $false # If OldSecret does not exist, assume this is a new secret and retrieve a secret template. if( ! $OldSecret ) { $IsNewItem = $true switch( $Secret.GetType().Name ) { "PSCredential" { $OldSecret = New-Secret -Name $Name -SecretType Login break } { "String","SecureString" -contains $Secret.GetType().Name } { $Field = Read-Host -Prompt "Is this $($Secret.GetType().Name) a UserName, Password, TOTP, URIs, or SecureNote?" if( $Field -iin "UserName","Password","TOTP","URIs" ) { $OldSecret = New-Secret -Name $Name -SecretType Login } elseif( $Field -ieq "SecureNote" ) { $OldSecret = New-Secret -Name $Name -SecretType SecureNote } else { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.PromptingException "$Field is not a valid option!" Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidArgument -ErrorId "InvalidUserInput" -ErrorAction Stop } break } "HashTable" { if( Test-KeysInHashtable $Secret @("UserName","Password") ) { $OldSecret = New-Secret -Name $Name -SecretType Login } elseif( Test-KeysInHashtable $Secret @("cardholderName","brand","number","expMonth","expYear","code") ) { $OldSecret = New-Secret -Name $Name -SecretType Card } # Identity also includes a username field, but as that more strongly implies a login it is not used to detect an identity. elseif( Test-KeysInHashtable $Secret @("address1","address2","address3","city","company","country","email","firstName","lastName","licenseNumber","middleName","passportNumber","phone","postalCode","ssn","state","title") ) { $OldSecret = New-Secret -Name $Name -SecretType Identity } else { $OldSecret = New-Secret -Name $Name -SecretType SecureNote } break } } } # Do things differently based on what type of secret we're editing. switch($OldSecret.type) { "Login" { # Do things differently based on what type of information the new secret is. switch($Secret.GetType().Name) { "PSCredential" { if($Secret.UserName -or $IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.login.username = $Secret.UserName } if($Secret.Password -or $IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.login.password = ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret.Password -AsPlainText } break } "HashTable" { if ( Test-KeysInHashtable $Secret @("userName","password","uris","totp") ) { if($Secret.UserName -or $IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.login.username = if($Secret.UserName -is [SecureString]) { ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret.UserName -AsPlainText } else { [string]$Secret.UserName } } if($Secret.Password -or $IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.login.password = if($Secret.Password -is [SecureString]) { ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret.Password -AsPlainText } else { [string]$Secret.Password } } if($Secret.uris) { $OldSecret.login.uris = @([string]$Secret.uris) } elseif($IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.login.uris = @() } if($Secret.totp -or $IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.login.totp = if($Secret.totp -is [SecureString]) { ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret.totp -AsPlainText } else { [string]$Secret.totp } } } else { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException "Input [HashTable]Secret could not be cast to any part of a Bitwarden Login." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidOperation -CategoryReason "Hashtable contains neither UserName nor Password." -ErrorAction Stop } break } { "String","SecureString" -contains $_ } { # Only prompt if the user hasn't answered this question before. if( !$Field ) { $Field = Read-Host -Prompt "Does this $($Secret.GetType().Name) update the UserName, Password, TOTP, or URIs field?" } if( $Field -iin "UserName","Password","TOTP" ) { $OldSecret.login.$Field = if( $Secret -is [SecureString] ) { ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret -AsPlainText } else { $Secret } } elseif( $Field -ieq "URIs" ) { $OldSecret.login.uris = @( if( $Secret -is [SecureString] ) { ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret -AsPlainText } else { $Secret } ) } else { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.PromptingException "$Field is not a valid option!" Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidArgument -ErrorId "InvalidUserInput" -ErrorAction Stop } # If this is a new item, clear out all the default values. if($IsNewItem) { ($OldSecret.login | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name | Where-Object { $_ -ine $Field } | ForEach-Object { if($_ -ine "URIs") { $OldSecret.login.$_ = $null } else { $OldSecret.logon.uris = $() } } } break } default { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException "Casting data of $($Secret.GetType().Name) type to a Bitwarden Login is not supported." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidType -ErrorId "InvalidCast" -ErrorAction Stop break } } break } "SecureNote" { # Do things differently based on what type of information the new secret is. switch($Secret.GetType().Name) { "String" { $OldSecret.notes = $Secret; break } "SecureString" { $OldSecret.notes = ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret -AsPlainText; break } "HashTable" { $ObjTemplate = "PowerShellObjectRepresentation: {0}`n{1}" switch($ExportObjectsToSecureNotesAs) { "CliXml" { $tmp = New-TemporaryFile $Secret | Export-Clixml -Depth $MaximumObjectDepth -Path $tmp $OldSecret.notes = $ObjTemplate -f "CliXml", (Get-Content -Path $tmp -Raw) Remove-Item $tmp -Force break } "JSON" { $OldSecret.notes = $ObjTemplate -f "JSON", ($Secret | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $MaximumObjectDepth -Compress) break } default { $ex = New-Object System.NotSupportedException "$ExportObjectsToSecureNotesAs is not a supported means of representing a PowerShell Object." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category NotImplemented -ErrorId "InvalidObjectRepresentation" -RecommendedAction "Change the Vault Parameter: ExportObjectsToSecureNotesAs to a supported value." -ErrorAction Stop break } } break } default { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException "Casting data of $($Secret.GetType().Name) type to a Bitwarden Secure Note is not supported." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidType -ErrorId "InvalidCast" -ErrorAction Stop break } } break } "Card" { switch($Secret.GetType().Name) { "HashTable" { $cardFields = "cardholderName","brand","number","expMonth","expYear","code" if ( Test-KeysInHashtable $Secret $cardFields ) { $cardFields | ForEach-Object { if($Secret.$_ -or $IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.card.$_ = if($Secret.$_ -is [SecureString]) { ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret.$_ -AsPlainText } else { [string]$Secret.$_ } } } } else { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException "Input [HashTable]Secret could not be cast to any part of a Bitwarden Card." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidOperation -CategoryReason "Hashtable missing any relevant information." -ErrorAction Stop } break } default { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException "Casting data of $($Secret.GetType().Name) type to a Bitwarden Card is not supported." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidType -ErrorId "InvalidCast" -ErrorAction Stop break } } break } "Identity" { switch($Secret.GetType().Name) { "HashTable" { $identFields = "address1","address2","address3","city","company","country","email","firstName","lastName","licenseNumber","middleName","passportNumber","phone","postalCode","ssn","state","title","userName" if ( Test-KeysInHashtable $Secret.Keys $identFields ) { $identFields | ForEach-Object { if($Secret.$_ -or $IsNewItem) { $OldSecret.identity.$_ = if($Secret.$_ -is [SecureString]) { ConvertFrom-SecureString $Secret.$_ -AsPlainText } else { [string]$Secret.$_ } } } } else { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException "Input [HashTable]Secret could not be cast to any part of a Bitwarden Identity." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidOperation -CategoryReason "Hashtable missing any relevant information." -ErrorAction Stop } break } default { $ex = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidCastException "Casting data of $($Secret.GetType().Name) type to a Bitwarden Identity is not supported." Write-Error -Exception $ex -Category InvalidType -ErrorId "InvalidCast" -ErrorAction Stop break } } break } } if( $IsNewItem ) { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$CmdParams = @("create","item") } else { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$CmdParams = @("edit","item"); $CmdParams.Add($Name) } $NewSecret = $OldSecret | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 -Compress | ConvertTo-BWEncoding $CmdParams.Add( $NewSecret ) if ( $AdditionalParameters.ContainsKey('organizationid')) { $CmdParams.Add( '--organizationid' ) $CmdParams.Add( $AdditionalParameters['organizationid'] ) } Write-Verbose ($CmdParams -join " ") Invoke-BitwardenCLI @CmdParams } |