
function ConvertFrom-NetwrixContainer {
    Converts already queried Password Containers to a HashTable or SecretInformation Array.
    Converts already queried Password Containers to a HashTable or SecretInformation Array.
    .PARAMETER Container
    The container to be converted.
    .PARAMETER ExistingConnection
    The already instanciated connection.
    .PARAMETER BuildSecret
    Should the credentials be included
    .PARAMETER AsSecretInformation
    Return an array of SecretInformation objects instead HashTables.
    $containers | ConvertFrom-NetwrixContainer -ExistingConnection $psrApi -AsSecretInformation
    Converts the queried containers to SecretInformation objects suitable for Get-SecretInfo
    General notes

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    Begin {
        $ContainerManager = $ExistingConnection.ContainerManager
        $Containers = @()
        $results = @()
        $formsMapping = Get-NetwrixPSFConfigValue -VaultName $VaultName -AdditionalParameters $AdditionalParameters -subPath FormMappings

    Process {
        $Containers += $Container

    End {
        Write-PSFMessage "Converting $($Containers.Count) containers to temporal hashtable"
        $tempHashList = @()
        foreach ($con in $Containers) {
            $fieldMappingIdPropertyName = "BaseContainerItemId"
            Write-PSFMessage "RAW Container: $($con|ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 5)"
            $mapping = $formsMapping."$($con.BaseContainerId)"
            if ($null -eq $mapping) {
                Write-PSFMessage "No Default mapping found, Container was created without form"
                $mapping = ConvertTo-NetwrixFormMapping $con
                if ($null -eq $mapping) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical "Could not create mapping on the fly"
                $fieldMappingIdPropertyName = "id"
            Write-PSFMessage "Using the following mapping:$($mapping |ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 -Compress)"
            Write-PSFMessage "Collecting info hashtable for$($, .name=$($con.Info.ContainerName)"
            Write-PSFMessage "Mapping field by the following field attribute: $fieldMappingIdPropertyName"

            $secretDataHash = [ordered]@{
                name       = $con.Info.ContainerName
                id         = $
                secretType = $mapping.secretType
                secret     = @{}
            foreach ($child in $con.Items) {
                $formFieldId = $child.$fieldMappingIdPropertyName
                $fieldMapping = $mapping.fields."$formFieldId"
                Write-PSFMessage "For Field $($child.Name), ID $formFieldId using the mapping $($fieldMapping|ConvertTo-Json -Compress)"
                switch ($fieldMapping.secretProperty) {
                    UserName {
                        if ($secretDataHash.secretType -ne $hashTable) {
                            $secretDataHash.secret.userName = $child.Value
                        else {
                            $secretDataHash.secret."$($child.Name)" = $child.Value
                    Password {
                        if ($BuildSecret) {
                            Write-PSFMessage "Building SecureString"
                            $containerWithSecretValue = $ContainerManager.GetContainerItemWithSecretValue($ ) | Wait-Task
                            $decryptedPassword = $ContainerManager.DecryptContainerItem($containerWithSecretValue, "some reason for query by API") | Wait-Task
                            # Convert to SecureString
                            [securestring]$secStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $decryptedPassword -AsPlainText -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                            if ($secretDataHash.secretType -ne $hashTable) {
                                $secretDataHash.secret.password = $secStringPassword
                            else {
                                $secretDataHash.secret."$($child.Name)" = $secStringPassword
                        else {
                            $secretDataHash.passwordId = $
                    SecretMetaData {
                        # TODO There are other Value* properties which might come in handy
                        if ($secretDataHash.secretType -ne $hashTable) {
                            $secretDataHash.metaData."$($child.Name)" = $child.Value
                        else {
                            $secretDataHash.secret."$($child.Name)" = $child.Value
                    Default { Write-PSFMessage "Unknown Mapping type $_" -Level Warning }
            if ($BuildSecret){
                switch ($secretDataHash.secretType) {
                    pscredential {
                        [pscredential]$secretDataHash.secret = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($secretDataHash.secret.userName, $secretDataHash.secret.password)
                    securestring { $secretDataHash.secret = $secretDataHash.secret.password}
                    hashtable {
                        $secretDataHash.secret += $secretDataHash.metaData
                        # TODO HashtableType has to be implemented
            $tempHashList += $secretDataHash
        Write-PSFMessage "Created $($tempHashList.count) temp hashtables"
        # The name of the secret infos may not occur more than one, checking this possibility and modifying the corresponding names
        $entriesWithDuplicateNames = $tempHashList | Group-Object -Property name | Where-Object count -gt 1
        foreach ($group in $entriesWithDuplicateNames) {
            Write-PSFMessage "The Secret with the name $($group.Name) occurs $($group.Count) times, adding the GUID to the name"
            foreach ($info in $group.Group) {
                $ += " [$($]"

        foreach ($secretDataHash in $tempHashList) {
            # if ($BuildSecret -and $null -ne $ContainerManager) {
            # Write-PSFMessage "Creating Credential Object"
            # $securePassword = $ContainerManager.GetContainerItemWithSecretValue($secretDataHash.passwordId) | Wait-Task

            # $decryptedPassword = $ContainerManager.DecryptContainerItem($securePassword, "API Test") | Wait-Task

            # # Convert to SecureString
            # [securestring]$secStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $decryptedPassword -AsPlainText -Force

            # [pscredential]$credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($secretDataHash.userName, $secStringPassword)
            # $secretDataHash.Credential = $credObject
            # }
            if ($AsSecretInformation) {
                Write-PSFMessage "Creating SecretManagement.SecretInformation"
                $results += [Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement.SecretInformation]::new(
                    $, # Name of secret
                    $secretDataHash.secretType, # Secret data type [Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement.SecretType]
                    $VaultName, # Name of vault
                    $secretDataHash.metaData)    # Optional Metadata parameter
            else {
                $results += [pscustomobject]$secretDataHash
                Write-PSFMessage "Result-Hash: $([pscustomobject]$secretDataHash)"
        return $results