function Convert-NetwrixContainer2Object { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts already queried Password Containers to a HashTable or SecretInformation Array. .DESCRIPTION Converts already queried Password Containers to a HashTable or SecretInformation Array. .PARAMETER Container The container to be converted. .PARAMETER ContainerManager The already instanciated ContainerManager. .PARAMETER IncludeCredential Should the credentials be included .PARAMETER AsSecretInformation Return an array of SecretInformation objects instead HashTables. .EXAMPLE $containers | Convert-NetwrixContainer2Object -ContainerManager $conMan -AsSecretInformation Converts the queried containers to SecretInformation objects suitable for Get-SecretInfo .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [PsrApi.Data.PsrContainer[]]$Container, [PsrApi.Managers.ContainerManager]$ContainerManager, [switch]$IncludeCredential, [switch]$AsSecretInformation ) Begin { $Containers = @() $results=@() } Process { $Containers += $Container } End { Write-PSFMessage "Converting $($Containers.Count) containers to temporal hashtable" $tempHashList=@() foreach ($con in $Containers) { Write-PSFMessage "Collecting info hashtable for$($, .name=$($con.Info.ContainerName)" $hash = [ordered]@{ name = $con.Info.ContainerName id=$ } foreach ($child in $con.Items) { switch ($child.ContainerItemType) { ContainerItemUserName { $hash.userName = $child.Value } ContainerItemPassword { $hash.passwordId = $ } ContainerItemMemo { $hash.memo = $child.Value } Default { $hash."$($child.Name)" = $child.Value} } } $tempHashList+=$hash } Write-PSFMessage "Created $($tempHashList.count) temp hashtables" # The name of the secret infos may not occur more than one, checking this possibility and modifying the corresponding names $entriesWithDuplicateNames = $tempHashList | Group-Object -Property name | Where-Object count -gt 1 foreach ($group in $entriesWithDuplicateNames) { Write-PSFMessage "The Secret with the name $($group.Name) occurs $($group.Count) times, adding the GUID to the name" foreach ($info in $group.Group){ $ += " [$($]" } } foreach ($hash in $tempHashList){ if ($IncludeCredential -and $null -ne $ContainerManager){ Write-PSFMessage "Creating Credential Object" $securePassword = $ContainerManager.GetContainerItemWithSecretValue($hash.passwordId) | Wait-Task $decryptedPassword = $ContainerManager.DecryptContainerItem($securePassword, "API Test") | Wait-Task # Convert to SecureString [securestring]$secStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $decryptedPassword -AsPlainText -Force [pscredential]$credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($hash.userName, $secStringPassword) $hash.Credential=$credObject } if ($AsSecretInformation) { Write-PSFMessage "Creating SecretManagement.SecretInformation" $results += [Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement.SecretInformation]::new( $, # Name of secret "PSCredential", # Secret data type [Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement.SecretType] $VaultName, # Name of vault $hash) # Optional Metadata parameter }else{ $results += [pscustomobject]$hash Write-PSFMessage "Result-Hash: $([pscustomobject]$hash)" } } return $results } } |