
        Build script that generates a client module for REST API endpoints of a Azure PowerShell Functions project.
        Build script that generates a client module for REST API endpoints of a Azure PowerShell Functions project.
        The API key to use to publish the module to a Nuget Repository
    .PARAMETER WorkingDirectory
        The root folder from which to build the module.
    .PARAMETER Repository
        The name of the repository to publish to.
        Defaults to PSGallery.
    .PARAMETER LocalRepo
        Instead of publishing to a gallery, drop a nuget package in the root folder.
        This package can then be picked up in a later step for publishing to Azure Artifacts.

    .PARAMETER ModuleName
        The name to give to the client module.
        By default, the client module will be named '<ModuleName>.Client'.
    .PARAMETER IncludeFormat
        Include the format xml of the source module for the client module.
    .PARAMETER IncludeType
        Include the type extension xml of the source module for the client module.
    .PARAMETER IncludeAssembly
        Include the binaries of the source module for the client module.

param (
    $Repository = 'PSGallery',

#region Handle Working Directory Defaults
if (-not $WorkingDirectory)
    else { $WorkingDirectory = $env:SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY }
#endregion Handle Working Directory Defaults

Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message 'Starting Build: Client Module'
$parentModule = 'þnameþ'
if (-not $ModuleName) { $ModuleName = 'þnameþ.Client' }
Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message 'Creating Folder Structure'
$workingRoot = New-Item -Path $WorkingDirectory -Name $ModuleName -ItemType Directory
$publishRoot = Join-Path -Path $WorkingDirectory -ChildPath 'publish\þnameþ'
Copy-Item -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\clientModule\functions" -Destination "$($workingRoot.FullName)\" -Recurse
Copy-Item -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\clientModule\internal" -Destination "$($workingRoot.FullName)\" -Recurse
Copy-Item -Path "$($publishRoot)\en-us" -Destination "$($workingRoot.FullName)\" -Recurse
$functionFolder = Get-Item -Path "$($workingRoot.FullName)\functions"

#region Create Functions
$encoding = [PSFEncoding]'utf8'
$functionsText = Get-Content -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\clientModule\function.ps1" -Raw

Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message 'Creating Functions'
foreach ($functionSourceFile in (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($publishRoot)\functions" -Recurse -Filter '*.ps1'))
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message " Processing function: $($functionSourceFile.BaseName)"
    $condensedName = $functionSourceFile.BaseName -replace '-', ''
    #region Load Overrides
    $override = @{ }
    if (Test-Path -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\functionOverride\$($functionSourceFile.BaseName).psd1")
        $override = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\functionOverride\$($functionSourceFile.BaseName).psd1"
    if (Test-Path -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\functionOverride\$($condensedName).psd1")
        $override = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\functionOverride\$($condensedName).psd1"
    if ($override.NoClientFunction)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message " Override 'NoClientFunction' detected, skipping!"
    # If there is an definition override, use it and continue
    if (Test-Path -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\functionOverride\$($functionSourceFile.BaseName).ps1")
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message " Override function definition detected, using override"
        Copy-Item -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\functionOverride\$($functionSourceFile.BaseName).ps1" -Destination $functionFolder.FullName
    # Figure out the Rest Method to use
    $methodName = 'Post'
    if ($override.RestMethods)
        $methodName = $override.RestMethods | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Get' } | Select-Object -First 1
    #endregion Load Overrides
    $currentFunctionsText = $functionsText -replace '%functionname%', $functionSourceFile.BaseName -replace '%condensedname%', $condensedName -replace '%method%', $methodName
    $parsedFunction = Read-PSMDScript -Path $functionSourceFile.FullName
    $functionAst = $parsedFunction.Ast.EndBlock.Statements | Where-Object {
        $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]
    } | Select-Object -First 1
    $end = $functionAst.Body.ParamBlock.Extent.EndOffSet
    $start = $functionAst.Body.Extent.StartOffSet + 1
    $currentFunctionsText = $currentFunctionsText.Replace('%parameter%', $functionAst.Body.Extent.Text.SubString(1, ($end - $start)))
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message " Creating file: $($functionFolder.FullName)\$($functionSourceFile.Name)"
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$($functionFolder.FullName)\$($functionSourceFile.Name)", $currentFunctionsText, $encoding)
$functionsToExport = (Get-ChildItem -Path $functionFolder.FullName -Recurse -Filter *.ps1).BaseName | Sort-Object
#endregion Create Functions

#region Create Core Module Files
# Get Manifest of published version, in order to catch build-phase changes such as module version.
$originalManifestData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$publishRoot\þnameþ.psd1"
$prereqHash = @{
    ModuleName    = 'PSFramework'
    ModuleVersion = (Get-Module PSFramework).Version
$paramNewModuleManifest = @{
    Path              = ('{0}\{1}.psd1' -f $workingRoot.FullName, $ModuleName)
    FunctionsToExport = $functionsToExport
    CompanyName          = $originalManifestData.CompanyName
    Author              = $originalManifestData.Author
    Description          = $originalManifestData.Description
    ModuleVersion      = $originalManifestData.ModuleVersion
    RootModule          = ('{0}.psm1' -f $ModuleName)
    Copyright          = $originalManifestData.Copyright
    TypesToProcess    = @()
    FormatsToProcess  = @()
    RequiredAssemblies = @()
    RequiredModules   = @($prereqHash)
    CompatiblePSEditions = 'Core', 'Desktop'
    PowerShellVersion = '5.1'

if ($IncludeAssembly) { $paramNewModuleManifest.RequiredAssemblies = $originalManifestData.RequiredAssemblies }
if ($IncludeFormat) { $paramNewModuleManifest.FormatsToProcess = $originalManifestData.FormatsToProcess }
if ($IncludeType) { $paramNewModuleManifest.TypesToProcess = $originalManifestData.TypesToProcess }
Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Creating Module Manifest for module: $ModuleName"
New-ModuleManifest @paramNewModuleManifest

Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Copying additional module files"
Copy-Item -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\azFunctionResources\clientModule\moduleroot.psm1" -Destination "$($workingRoot.FullName)\$($ModuleName).psm1"
Copy-Item -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\LICENSE" -Destination "$($workingRoot.FullName)\"
#endregion Create Core Module Files

#region Transfer Additional Content
if ($IncludeAssembly)
    Copy-Item -Path "$publishRoot\bin" -Destination "$($workingRoot.FullName)\" -Recurse
if ($IncludeFormat -or $IncludeType)
    Copy-Item -Path "$publishRoot\xml" -Destination "$($workingRoot.FullName)\" -Recurse
#endregion Transfer Additional Content

#region Publish
if ($LocalRepo)
    # Dependencies must go first
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "Creating Nuget Package for module: PSFramework"
    New-PSMDModuleNugetPackage -ModulePath (Get-Module -Name PSFramework).ModuleBase -PackagePath . -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "Creating Nuget Package for module: þnameþ"
    New-PSMDModuleNugetPackage -ModulePath $workingRoot.FullName -PackagePath . -EnableException
    # Publish to Gallery
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "Publishing the þnameþ module to $($Repository)"
    Publish-Module -Path $workingRoot.FullName -NuGetApiKey $ApiKey -Force -Repository $Repository
#endregion Publish