about_dpapingsecretmanagement SHORT DESCRIPTION This module can be used as a vault implementation for Microsoft's SecretManagement module. This guide will demonstrate how to register a DPAPI-NG vault and interact with it using the other `SecretManagement` cmdlets. It is also possible to use the ConvertTo-DpapiNGSecret cmdlets to encrypt and decrypt DPAPI-NG values manually without integration with a `SecretManagement` vault. LONG DESCRIPTION The first step to using this with `SecretManagement` is to register a DPAPI-NG vault to interact with using Register-SecretVault . $vaultParams = @{ Name = 'MyVault' ModuleName = 'SecretManagement.DpapiNG' VaultParameters = @{ Path = 'C:\path\to\vault_file' } } Register-SecretVault @vaultParams This cmdlet will create a DPAPI-NG vault called `MyVault` that stores the secrets at `C:\path\to\vault_file`. The vault file at `Path` will be automatically created when the first secret is stored. It must be a the path to a file and the parent directory must already exist. Once the vault is registered it can referenced by the `-VaultName MyVault` parameter on the other `SecretManagement` cmdlets. It is possible to copy the vault file directory to other hosts as long as the secrets it contains is protected in a way that isn't tied to the same host. The file format of the vault uses LiteDB but this is an implementation detail and can change in the future. To set a DPAPI-NG secret the Set-Secret cmdlet can be used: # Uses the default protection of 'LOCAL=user' Set-Secret -Name MySecret -Vault MyVault -Secret password # Uses a custom protection descriptor $desc = New-DpapiNGDescriptor | Add-DpapiNGDescriptor -CurrentSid Set-Secret -Name MySecret -Vault MyVault -Secret password @desc # Uses a custom protection descriptor as a manual string # Also defines the Created metadata Set-Secret -Name MySecret -Vault MyVault -Secret password -Metadata @{ ProtectionDescriptor = "LOCAL=machine" Created = (Get-Date) } These cmdlets will both register the secret called `MySecret` which will encrypt the value `password` using DPAPI-NG. The first example will protect it with the `LOCAL=user` protection descriptor ensuring on the current user on the current host can decrypt it. The second example will protect it with the `SID=$([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User)` protection descriptor ensuring the current domain user can decrypt the secret on any domain joined host. It is important in that scenario the `$desc` variable is splatted as this will automatically define it through the `-Metadata` parameter as needed. The third example manually defines the protection descriptor as a string but also defines the `Created` metadata set to the current `DateTime`. See New-DpapiNGDescriptor for how to build a protection descriptor for your needs. Also see DPAPI NG Protection Descriptors for more information on known protection descriptors. To retrieve a DPAPI-NG secret the Get-Secret cmdlet can be used: Get-Secret -Name MySecret -Vault MyVault The vault will automatically decrypt the value if the user is authorized to do so. If the secret has been protected in a way the user cannot decrypt then it will fail. To remove a DPAPI-NG secret the Remove-Secret cmdlet can be used: Remove-Secret -Name MySecret -Vault MyVault It is also possible to use Get-SecretInfo to get and set the metadata on a secret. Metadata is extra data associated with the secret that is stored in plaintext. The DPAPI-NG vault accepts free-form metadata keys allowing it to store whatever is needed in the scenario. The only exception is the `ProtectionDescriptor` key and value which is reserved as the DPAPI-NG protection descriptor string used for the encrypted secret. |