# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. enum OvsdbTable { ms_vtep ms_firewall ServiceInsertion } enum VMState { Other Running Off Stopping Saved Paused Starting Reset Saving Pausing Resuming FastSaved FastSaving RunningCritical OffCritical StoppingCritical SavedCritical PausedCritical StartingCritical ResetCritical SavingCritical PausingCritical ResumingCritical FastSavedCritical FastSavingCritical } class OvsdbCore { hidden [guid]$UUID } class OvsdbGlobalTable : OvsdbCore { [int]$CurrentConfig # maps to the cur_cfg property of the Global table of ms_vtep database [int]$NextConfig # maps to the next_cfg property of the Global table of ms_vtep database [int]$Version # maps to the db_version property of the Global table of ms_vtep database [string]$Managers # maps to the managers property of the Global table of ms_vtep database [string]$OtherConfig # maps to the other_config property of the Global table of ms_vtep database [guid]$Switches # maps to the switches property of the Global table of ms_vtep database } class OvsdbFirewallRule : OvsdbCore { [string]$Action [string]$Direction [string]$Logging # maps to logging_state in ms_firewall database [int]$Priority [string]$Protocols [string]$SourceAddress # maps to src_ip_addresses in ms_firewall database [string]$SourcePort # maps to src_port in ms_firewall database [string]$DestinationAddress # maps to dst_ip_addresses in ms_firewall database [string]$DestinationPort # maps to dst_port in ms_firewall database [guid]$RuleId # maps to rule_id in ms_firewall database [string]$State # maps to rule_state in ms_firewall database hidden [String]$Type # maps to rule_type in ms_firewall database [guid]$VirtualNicId # maps to vnic_id in ms_firewall database } class OvsdbAddressMapping : OvsdbCore { [string]$CustomerAddress # maps to the ipaddr property of the Ucast_Macs_Remote table of ms_vtep database [string]$ProviderAddress # maps to the dst_ip property of the Physical_Locator table of ms_vtep database [string]$MacAddress # maps to the MAC property of the Ucast_Macs_Remote table of ms_vtep database [guid]$RoutingDomainId # maps to the description property of the Logical_Switch table of ms_vtep database [string]$VSwitchID # maps to the name property of the Logical_Switch table of ms_vtep database [string]$MappingType # maps to the mapping_type property of the Ucast_Macs_Remote table of ms_vtep database [string]$EncapType # maps to the encapsulation_type property of the Physical_Locator table of ms_vtep database } class OvsdbRouter : OvsdbCore { [string]$Description #maps to the description property of the Logical_Router table of ms_vtep database [string]$EnableLogicalRouter # maps to the enable_logical_router property of the Logical_Router table of ms_vtep database [guid]$VirtualNetworkId # maps to the name property of the Logical_Switch table of ms_vtep database [string[]]$StaticRoutes # maps to the static_routes property of the Logical_Router table of ms_vtep database [string[]]$SwitchBinding # maps to the switch_binding property of the Logical_Router table of ms_vtep database } class OvsdbUcastMacRemote : OvsdbCore { [string]$MacAddress # maps to the MAC property of the Ucast_Macs_Remote table of ms_vtep database [string]$CustomerAddress # maps to the ipaddr property of the Ucast_Macs_Remote table of ms_vtep database [string]$LogicalSwitch # maps to the logical_switch property of the Logical_Switch table of ms_vtep database [string]$Locator # maps to the locator property of the Ucast_Macs_Remote table of ms_vtep database [string]$MappingType # maps to the mapping_type property of the Ucast_Macs_Remote table of ms_vtep database } class OvsdbPhysicalPort : OvsdbCore { [string]$Description [string]$Name } class CommonVfp { hidden [string]$FriendlyName [int]$Priority } class VfpLayer : CommonVfp { [string]$Layer [string]$Flags } class VfpGroup : CommonVfp { [string]$Group [string]$Direction [string]$Type [string[]]$Conditions [string]$MatchType } class VfpRule : CommonVfp { [string]$Rule [string]$Type [string[]]$Conditions [int]$FlowTTL [string]$MatchType [string]$Flags [string]$FlagsEx hidden [string[]]$Properties } class VfpMeterRule : VfpRule { [boolean]$CounterOffloaded [string]$MeterInfo } class VfpEncapRule : VfpRule { [string]$EncapType [string[]]$EncapDestination [string]$EncapSourceIP [string]$Transposition [string[]]$Modify [string[]]$RuleData [int]$GREKey } class VfpFirewallRule : VfpRule {} class VfpPortState { [boolean]$Enabled [boolean]$Blocked [boolean]$BlockOnRestore [boolean]$BlockLayerCreation [boolean]$PreserveVlan [boolean]$IsVmContextSet [boolean]$VmqEnabled $OffloadState = [OffLoadStateDetails]::new() [boolean]$QosHardwareReservationsEnabled [boolean]$QosHardwareCapsEnabled [boolean]$GftOffloadEnabled [boolean]$DtlsOffloadEnabled } class OffLoadStateDetails { [boolean]$LsoV2Supported [boolean]$LsoV2SupportedVxlan [boolean]$RssSupported [boolean]$RssSupportedVxlan [boolean]$TransmitChecksumOffloadSupported [boolean]$TransmitChecksumOffloadSupportedVxlan [boolean]$ReceiveChecksumOffloadSupported [boolean]$ReceiveChecksumOffloadSupportedVxlan [boolean]$VmqSupported [boolean]$VmqSupportedVxlan [boolean]$InnerMacVmqEnabled } class VfpVmSwitchPort { [guid]$PortName [string]$PortFriendlyName [guid]$SwitchName [string]$SwitchFriendlyName [int]$PortId [int]$VMQWeight [int]$VMQUsage [int]$SRIOVWeight [int]$SRIOVUsage [string]$PortType [string]$PortState [string]$MacLearning [string]$NicName [string]$NicFriendlyName [int]$MTU [string]$MacAddress [string]$VmName [string]$VmId [string]$NicState [string]$VSCState $NicStatistics = [NicStatistics]::new() $VmNicStatistics = [VmNicStatistics]::new() } class NicStatistics { [int64]$BytesSent [int64]$BytesReceived [int64]$IngressPacketDrops [int64]$EgressPacketDrops [int64]$IngressVfpDrops $IngressDropReason = [DropStatistics]::new() [int64]$EgressVfpDrops $EgressDropReason = [DropStatistics]::new() } class VmNicStatistics { [int64]$PacketsSent [int64]$PacketsReceived [int64]$InterruptsReceived [int64]$SendBufferAllocationCount [int64]$SendBufferAllocationSize [int64]$ReceiveBufferAllocationCount [int64]$ReceiveBufferAllocationSize [int64]$PendingLinkChange [int64]$RingBufferFullErrors [int64]$PendingRoutedPackets [int64]$InsufficientReceiveBuffers [int64]$InsufficientSendBuffers [int64]$InsufficientRndisOperations [int64]$QuotaExceeded [int64]$VspPaused } class DropStatistics { [int64]$Unknown [int64]$InvalidData [int64]$InvalidPacket [int64]$Resources [int64]$NotReady [int64]$Disconnected [int64]$NotAccepted [int64]$Busy [int64]$Filtered [int64]$FilteredVLAN [int64]$UnauthorizedVLAN [int64]$UnauthorizedMac [int64]$FailedSecurityPolicy [int64]$FailedPVLANSetting [int64]$QoS [int64]$IPsec [int64]$MacSpoofing [int64]$DhcpGuard [int64]$RouterGuard [int64]$BridgeReserved [int64]$VirtualSubnetID [int64]$VFPNotPresent [int64]$InvalidConfig [int64]$MTUMismatch [int64]$NativeForwardingReq [int64]$InvalidVLANFormat [int64]$InvalidDestMAC [int64]$InvalidSourceMAC [int64]$FirstNBTooSmall [int64]$WNV [int64]$StormLimit [int64]$InjectedICMP [int64]$FailedDestListUpdate [int64]$NICDisabled [int64]$FailedPacketFilter [int64]$SwitchDataDisabled [int64]$FilteredIsoUntagged [int64]$NA } |