
# Copyright='© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'
# Licensed under the MIT License.

    HealthValidations = @{
        'Test-EncapOverhead' = @{
            Description = "EncapOverhead/JumboPacket is not configured properly on the Hyper-V Hosts"
            Impact = "Intermittent packet loss may occur under certain conditions when routing traffic within the logical network."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-HostRootStoreNonRootCert' = @{
            Description = "Non Root Cert exist in Host Trusted Root CA Store"
            Impact = "Network Controller will have issues communicating Host's TCP 6640 and 443 port with certificate error."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-MuxBgpConnectionState' = @{
            Description = "One or more Load Balancer Muxes do not have an active BGP connection via TCP port 179 to the switch."
            Impact = "Public IP addresses may not be routable as Load Balancer Muxes are not advertising the public IP addresses to the switch."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-NetworkControllerCertCredential' = @{
            Description = "Network Controller does not have the x509 certificate installed for southbound device(s)."
            Impact = "Network Controller will have issues communicating with the southbound device(s)."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-NetworkInterfaceAPIDuplicateMacAddress' = @{
            Description = "Duplicate MAC address detected within the API."
            Impact = "Policy configuration failures may be reported by Network Controller when applying policies to the Hyper-v host. Network Interfaces reporting configurationState failure will not be routable."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ProviderNetwork' = @{
            Description = "Logical network does not support VXLAN or NVGRE encapsulated traffic"
            Impact = "Intermittent packet loss may occur under certain conditions when routing traffic within the logical network."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ResourceConfigurationState' = @{
            Description = "Infrastructure resource configuration is not Succeeded."
            Impact = "SDN services and functionality may be impacted."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ResourceProvisioningState' = @{
            Description = "Infrastructure resource provisioning is not Succeeded."
            Impact = "SDN services and functionality may be impacted."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ScheduledTaskEnabled' = @{
            Description = "Scheduled task is not enabled on the SDN infrastructure node(s)."
            Impact = "Unconstrained log files may grow and consume disk space."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ServerHostId' = @{
            Description = "HostID is not configured properly on the Hyper-V Hosts"
            Impact = "Mismatch of HostId between Hyper-V host(s) and Network Controller will result in policy configuration failures."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ServiceFabricApplicationHealth' = @{
            Description = "Network Controller application with Service Fabric is not healthy."
            Impact = "Network Controller services and functionality may be impacted."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ServiceFabricClusterHealth' = @{
            Description = "Service Fabric cluster for Network Controller is not healthy."
            Impact = "Network Controller services and functionality may be impacted."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ServiceFabricNodeStatus' = @{
            Description = "Service Fabric node(s) are offline and not participating in the cluster."
            Impact = "Minimum amount of nodes are required to maintain quorum and cluster availability. Services will be in read-only state if quorum is lost and may result in data loss."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ServiceFabricPartitionDatabaseSize' = @{
            Description = "Service Fabric partition database size has exceeded normal size expected."
            Impact = "Performance of the Service Fabric Services may occur."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-ServiceState' = @{
            Description = "Identified service(s) are not running on the SDN infrastructure node(s)."
            Impact = "SDN services and functionality will be impacted without the service running."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-SlbManagerConnectionToMux' = @{
            Description = "SLB Manager is not able to connect to the Mux(es)."
            Impact = "SLB Manager will not be able to program VIP:DIP mappings to the Load Balancer Mux(es) which will impact routing of Virtual IPs."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-VfpDuplicatePort' = @{
            Description = "Duplicate MAC address detected within Virtual Filtering Platform (VFP)."
            Impact = "Policy configuration failures may be reported by Network Controller when applying policies to the Hyper-v host. In addition, network traffic may be impacted."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-VMNetAdapterDuplicateMacAddress' = @{
            Description = "Duplicate MAC address detected with the data plane on the Hyper-V host(s)."
            Impact = "Policy configuration failures may be reported by Network Controller when applying policies to the Hyper-v host. In addition, network traffic may be impacted for the interfaces that are duplicated."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-NcHostAgentConnectionToApiService' = @{
            Description = "Network Controller Host Agent is not connected to the Network Controller API Service."
            Impact = "Policy configuration may not be pushed to the Hyper-V host(s) if no southbound connectivity is available."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
        'Test-NcUrlNameResolution' = @{
            Description = "Network Controller URL is not resolvable."
            Impact = "Calls to Network Controller NB API will fail resulting in policy configuration failures and unable to manage SDN resources."
            PublicDocUrl = ""
    ConfigurationStateErrorCodes = @{
        'Unknown' = @{
            Message = 'Unknown error'
            Action = 'Collect the logs and contact Microsoft Support'
        'HostUnreachable' = @{
            Message = 'The host machine is not reachable'
            Action = 'Check the Management network connectivity between Network Controller and Host'
        'PAIpAddressExhausted' = @{
            Message = 'The PA Ip addresses exhausted'
            Action = 'Increase the HNV Provider logical subnet''s IP Pool Size'
        'PAMacAddressExhausted' = @{
            Message = 'The PA Mac addresses exhausted'
            Action = 'Increase the Mac Pool Range'
        'PAAddressConfigurationFailure' = @{
            Message = 'Failed to plumb PA addresses to the host'
            Action = 'Check the management network connectivity between Network Controller and Host.'
        'CertificateNotTrusted' = @{
            Message = 'Certificate is not trusted'
            Action = 'Fix the certificates used for communication with the host.'
        'CertificateNotAuthorized' = @{
            Message = 'Certificate not authorized'
            Action = 'Fix the certificates used for communication with the host.'
        'PolicyConfigurationFailureOnVfp' = @{
            Message = 'Failure in configuring VFP policies'
            Action = 'This is a runtime failure. No definite workarounds. Collect logs.'
        'HostNotConnectedToController' = @{
            Message = 'The Host is not yet connected to the Network Controller'
            Action = 'Validate that Host is online and operational, NCHostAgent service is started and HostID registry key matches the Instance ID of the server resource'
        'MultipleVfpEnabledSwitches' = @{
            Message = 'There are multiple VFp enabled Switches on the host'
            Action = 'Delete one of the switches, since Network Controller Host Agent only supports one vSwitch with the VFP extension enabled'
        'PolicyConfigurationFailure' = @{
            Message = 'Failed to push policies (vSwitch, vNet, ACL) for a VmNic due to certificate errors or connectivity errors'
            Action = 'Check if proper certificates have been deployed (Certificate subject name must match FQDN of host). Also verify the host connectivity with the Network Controller'
        'DistributedRouterConfigurationFailure' = @{
            Message = 'Failed to configure the Distributed router settings on the host vNic'
            Action = 'TCPIP stack error. May require cleaning up the PA and DR Host vNICs on the server on which this error was reported'
        'DhcpAddressAllocationFailure' = @{
            Message = 'DHCP address allocation failed for a VMNic'
            Action = 'Check if the static IP address attribute is configured on the NIC resource'
        'CertificateNotTrusted CertificateNotAuthorized' = @{
            Message = 'Failed to connect to Mux due to network or cert errors'
            Action = 'Check the numeric code provided in the error message code: this corresponds to the winsock error code. Certificate errors are granular (for example, cert cannot be verified, cert not authorized, etc.)'
        'PortBlocked' = @{
            Message = 'The VFP port is blocked, due to lack of VNET / ACL policies'
            Action = 'Check if there are any other errors, which might cause the policies to be not configured.'
        'Overloaded' = @{
            Message = 'Loadbalancer MUX is overloaded'
            Action = 'Performance issue with MUX'
        'RoutePublicationFailure' = @{
            Message = 'Loadbalancer MUX is not connected to a BGP router'
            Action = 'Check if the MUX has connectivity with the BGP routers and that BGP peering is setup correctly'
        'VirtualServerUnreachable' = @{
            Message = 'Loadbalancer MUX is not connected to SLB manager'
            Action = 'Check connectivity between SLBM and MUX'
        'QosConfigurationFailure' = @{
            Message = 'Failed to configure QOS policies'
            Action = 'See if sufficient bandwidth is available for all VM''s if QOS reservation is used'