
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

function New-SdnCertificate {
        Creates a new self-signed certificate for use with SDN fabric.
    .PARAMETER Subject
        Specifies the string that appears in the subject of the new certificate. This cmdlet prefixes CN= to any value that does not contain an equal sign.
    .PARAMETER CertStoreLocation
        Specifies the certificate store in which to store the new certificate. If paramater is not specified, defaults to Cert:\LocalMachine\My.
    .PARAMETER NotAfter
        Specifies the date and time, as a DateTime object, that the certificate expires. To obtain a DateTime object, use the Get-Date cmdlet. The default value for this parameter is one year after the certificate was created.
        PS> New-SdnCertificate -Subject rest.sdn.contoso -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            if ($_ -notlike "cert:\*") {
                throw New-Object System.FormatException("Invalid path")

            return $true
        [System.String]$CertStoreLocation = 'Cert:\LocalMachine\My',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {
        $selfSignedCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -KeySpec KeyExchange -Subject $Subject `
            -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -HashAlgorithm sha256 -KeyLength 2048 `
            -CertStoreLocation $CertStoreLocation -TextExtension @("{text},") `
            -NotAfter $NotAfter

        if ($selfSignedCert) {
            "Successfully generated self signed certificate`n`tSubject: {0}`n`tThumbprint: {1}`n`tNotAfter: {2}" `
            -f $selfSignedCert.Subject, $selfSignedCert.Thumbprint, $selfSignedCert.NotAfter | Trace-Output

            Set-SdnCertificateAcl -Path $CertStoreLocation -Thumbprint $selfSignedCert.Thumbprint

        return $selfSignedCert
    catch {
        "{0}`n{1}" -f $_.Exception, $_.ScriptStackTrace | Trace-Output -Level:Error