
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

function Get-GeneralConfigurationState {
            Retrieves a common set of configuration details that is collected on any role, regardless of the role.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

    try {
        [System.IO.FileInfo]$OutputDirectory = Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory.FullName -ChildPath "General"

        if (!(Initialize-DataCollection -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -MinimumMB 100)) {
            throw New-Object System.Exception("Unable to initialize environment for data collection")

        # Gather general configuration details from all nodes
        "Gathering network and system properties" | Trace-Output -Level:Verbose
        Get-NetTCPConnection | Select-Object LocalAddress, LocalPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, State, OwningProcess, @{n="ProcessName";e={(Get-Process -Id $_.OwningProcess).ProcessName}} `
            | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-NetTCPConnection' -FileType csv
        Get-Service | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-Service' -FileType txt -Format List
        Get-Process | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-Process' -FileType txt -Format List
        Get-Volume | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-Volume' -FileType txt -Format Table
        Get-ComputerInfo | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-ComputerInfo' -FileType txt
        Get-NetIPInterface | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-NetIPInterface' -FileType txt -Format Table
        Get-NetNeighbor -IncludeAllCompartments | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-NetNeighbor' -FileType txt -Format Table
        Get-NetRoute -AddressFamily IPv4 -IncludeAllCompartments | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-NetRoute' -FileType txt -Format Table
        ipconfig /allcompartments /all | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'ipconfig_allcompartments' -FileType txt

        "Gathering network adapter properties" | Trace-Output -Level:Verbose
        Get-NetAdapter | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name 'Get-NetAdapter' -FileType txt -Format Table
        $outputDir = New-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory.FullName -ChildPath 'NetAdapter') -ItemType Directory -Force
        foreach($adapter in Get-NetAdapter){
            Get-NetAdapter -Name $adapter.Name | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $outputDir.FullName -Prefix $adapter.Name -Name 'Get-NetAdapter' -FileType txt -Format List
            Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $adapter.Name `
                | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $outputDir.FullName -Prefix $adapter.Name -Name 'Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty' -FileType txt -Format List

        # Gather DNS client settings
        "Gathering DNS client properties" | Trace-Output -Level:Verbose
        $outputDir = New-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory.FullName -ChildPath 'DnsClient') -ItemType Directory -Force
        $dnsCommands = Get-Command -Verb Get -Module DnsClient
        foreach($cmd in $dnsCommands.Name){
            Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $outputDir.FullName -Name $cmd.ToString() -FileType txt -Format List

        # gather the certificates configured on the system
        $certificatePaths = @('Cert:\LocalMachine\My','Cert:\LocalMachine\Root')
        foreach ($path in $certificatePaths) {
            $fileName = $path.Replace(':','').Replace('\','_')
            Get-SdnCertificate -Path $path | Export-ObjectToFile -FilePath $OutputDirectory.FullName -Name "Get-SdnCertificate_$($fileName)" -FileType csv

    catch {
        "{0}`n{1}" -f $_.Exception, $_.ScriptStackTrace | Trace-Output -Level:Error

    $ProgressPreference = 'Continue'