.SYNOPSIS PowerShell commandlet returning script version information. .LINK #> #Requires -Version 4.0 <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a hash table with name-value pairs of the properties defined in the NOTES section of the script's comment-based help header. .DESCRIPTION Use this function to get script's notes, such as version, copyright information, and so on. The name-value pairs in the NOTES section must be single-line and separated by colons (':'), such as: version : 1.2.0 copyright : (c) My Company 2019 MAKE SURE THAT THE COMMENT HEADER IS AT THE TOP OF THE SCRIPT AND IS PRECEDED AND FOLLOWED BY AT LEAST ONE BLANK LINE; OTHERWISE, GET-HELP AND GETVERSION COMMANDS WILL NOT WORK. .PARAMETER ScriptPath Optional path to the script. If not specified, the calling script will be used. .EXAMPLE $notes = Get-ScriptVersion Returns the contents of the NOTES section of the calling script. .EXAMPLE $notes = Get-ScriptVersion -ScriptPath "C:\Scripts\MyScript.ps1" Returns the contents of the NOTES section of the specified script. .EXAMPLE $version = (Get-ScriptVersion)["version"] Returns the value of the 'version' element of the NOTES section of the calling script. #> function Get-ScriptVersion { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $ScriptPath = $null, [string] $KeyValueSeparator = ':', [string] $CommentIndicator = '#' ) # Allow module to inherit '-Verbose' flag. if (($PSCmdlet) -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose'))) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference') } # Allow module to inherit '-Debug' flag. if (($PSCmdlet) -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug'))) { $DebugPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference') } $notes = $null $notes = @{} # If script path is missing, use the running script. if (!$ScriptPath) { # If the invoking script is a module, check the caller. if ($PSCmdlet) { $ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath } else { $ScriptPath = $PSCommandPath } } # Get the .NOTES section from the script header comment. $notesText = (Get-Help -Full $ScriptPath).alertSet.alert.Text if (!$notesText) { return $notes } # Split the .NOTES section by lines. $lines = ($notesText -split '\r?\n').Trim() # Iterate through every line. foreach ($line in $lines) { if (!$line) { continue } $name = $null $value = $null # Split line by the first colon (:) character. if ($line.Contains($KeyValueSeparator)) { $nameValue = $null $nameValue = @() $nameValue = ($line -split $KeyValueSeparator,2).Trim() $name = $nameValue[0] if ($name) { $name = $name.Trim() # If name starts with hash, it's a comment, so ignore. if ($CommentIndicator -and ($name -match "^$CommentIndicator")) { continue } $value = $nameValue[1] if ($value) { $value = $value.Trim() } if (!($notes.ContainsKey($name))) { $notes.Add($name, $value) } } } } return $notes } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Export-ModuleMember -Function * |