
        Root module file.
        The root module file loads all classes, helpers and functions into the
        module context.

## Module loader

# Get and dot source all classes (internal)
Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath |
    Get-ChildItem -Filter 'Classes' -Directory |
        Get-ChildItem -Include '*.ps1' -File -Recurse |
            ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName }

# Get and dot source all helper functions (internal)
Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath |
    Get-ChildItem -Filter 'Helpers' -Directory |
        Get-ChildItem -Include '*.ps1' -File -Recurse |
            ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName }

# Get and dot source all external functions (public)
Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath |
    Get-ChildItem -Filter 'Functions' -Directory |
        Get-ChildItem -Include '*.ps1' -File -Recurse |
            ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName }

## Module configuration

# Module path
New-Variable -Name 'ModulePath' -Value $PSScriptRoot

# Module wide array hosting all script loggers
$Script:Loggers = @{}