

Supercharge your StreamDeck with PowerShell

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name ScriptDeck

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name ScriptDeck

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



2021-2022 Start-Automating

Package Details


  • James Brundage




This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## ScriptDeck 0.4.6:

* Plugin Improvements
 * Adding 'WatchPath' action: run code whenever files change.
 * Start-Process StreamDeck Action:  Fixing Multiaction support (Fixes #47)
 * Simplifying plugin structure
* Module Improvements
 * StreamDeck
   * Send-StreamDeck:  Fixing ShowOK event name (Fixes #55)
   * Send-StreamDeck:  Supporting -Title (Fixes #45)
   * Adding Uninstall-StreamDeckPlugin (Fixes #56)
   * Adding Watch-StreamDeck (Fixes #48)
   * Export-StreamDeckPlugin:  Copying Send/Receive/Watch-StreamDeck to plugin
   * Install-StreamDeckPlugin: Fixing Installed Path (Fixes #50)
 * LoupeDeck
   * Adding Start/Stop/Restart-LoupeDeck (Fixes #52)
   * Adding Get-LoupeDeckProfile (Fixes #53)
* GitHub Improvements
 * Cleaning up action (Fixes #58)
 * Using [GitPub]( for microblogging (Fixes #57)


## ScriptDeck 0.4.5:

* Plugins now Include "Start PowerShell" and "Start PowerShell" (Fixes #41)
* Plugins now load PowerShell profiles (Fixes #39)


## ScriptDeck 0.4.4:

* Adding CopyScript to ScriptDeck and WindowsScriptDeck plugins (Fixes #35)
* MacOS ScriptDeck Plugin Fix (Fixes #33, thanks @corbob)
* MacOS Pathing problems resolved (Fixes #32)
* Install-StreamDeckPlugin pathing improvements (Fixes #36)


## ScriptDeck 0.4.3:
* Export-StreamDeckPlugin: Fixing plugin name prediction (Fixes #26)
* StreamDeck Plugin Improvements:
 * Adding Preview Images (#28)
 * Plugins clear old logs (#27)
 * no longer contains carriage returns (#29)
 * Plugin names now use Reverse DNS Format (#25)
 * Plugins should be attached to GitHub Release (#30)


## ScriptDeck 0.4.2
* Plugins are here!
 * ScriptDeck - Run PowerShell Core using StreamDeck (should run on Mac/Windows)
 * WindowsScriptDeck - Run Windows PowerShell using StreamDeck.  
* Bugfixes:
 * Export-StreamDeckPlugin (Fixes #17 Fixes #18 Fixes #19)
 * Can now use action to export plugins


## ScriptDeck 0.4.1
* Add-StreamDeckAction -ProfileName now works. (#10)
* Fixing rows/column when adding actions to a profile (#11)

Initial ScriptDeck GitHub action support (#12)


## ScriptDeck 0.4
* New Commands:
 * Add-StreamDeckProfile (enables adding commands to existing profiles)
 * Add-StreamDeckAction (adds actions to a plugin (related to #8))
 * Clear-StreamDeckProfile (enables clearing of rows, columns, or UUIDs in existing profiles)
 * Export-StreamDeckPlugin ( publishes plugin using deploymentTool)
 * Remove-StreamDeckAction (remove actions from a plugin (related to #8))
 * Send-StreamDeck ( send WebSocket messages to a StreamDeck (re: #8))
 * Receive-StreamDeck ( receive WebSocket messages from a StreamDeck (re: #8))

* Updated Commands:
 * New-StreamDeckAction: Adding -ChildProfile, -NextPage, -PreviousPage, -BackToParent (re: #7)
 * New-StreamDeckProfile:  Adding -IsChildProfile, -IsNextPage, -ProfileRoot (re: #7)
 * Save-StreamDeckProfile: No longer automatically restarting after a save.
 * Stop-StreamDeck: Fixing bug when -PassThru was not passed.



Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.4.6 (current version) 3,581 11/30/2022
0.4.5 27 10/28/2022
0.4.4 14 10/18/2022
0.4.3 11 10/18/2022
0.4.2 15 10/4/2022
0.4.1 78 1/30/2022
0.4 64 11/2/2021
0.3 34 9/25/2021
0.2 57 7/22/2021
0.1 29 3/31/2021
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