@{ WebCommand = @{ "Test-Command" = @{ HideParameter = "Command" RunOnline=$true FriendlyName = "Test a Command" } "Get-ScriptCopRule" = @{ RunWithoutInput = $true RunOnline=$true FriendlyName = "ScriptCop Rules" } "Get-ScriptCopPatrol" = @{ RunWithoutInput = $true RunOnline=$true FriendlyName = "ScriptCop Patrols" } } AnalyticsId = 'UA-24591838-3' CommandOrder = "Test-Command", "Get-ScriptCopRule", "Get-ScriptCopPatrol" Style = @{ Body = @{ 'Font' = "14px/2em 'Rockwell', 'Verdana', 'Tahoma'" } } Logo = '/ScriptCop_125_125.png' AddPlusOne = $true TwitterId = 'jamesbru' Facebook = @{ AppId = '250363831747570' } DomainSchematics = @{ " |" = "Default" } AdSense = @{ Id = '7086915862223923' BottomAdSlot = '6352908833' } AllowDownload = $true Technet = @{ Category="Scripting Techniques" Subcategory="Writing Scripts" OperatingSystem="Windows 7", "Windows Server 2008", "Windows Server 2008 R2", "Windows Vista", "Windows XP", "Windows Server 2012", "Windows 8" Tag ='ScriptCop', 'Start-Automating', 'Static Analysis', 'Testing', 'Code Coverage' MSLPL=$true Summary=" ScriptCop is a tool to help sure your scripts are following the rules. It performs static analysis on PowerShell scripts to help identify common problems. " Url = '' } GitHub = @{ Owner = "StartAutomating" Project = "ScriptCop" Url = '' } } |