# Start out by making en empty directory New-Item .\TestDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force # Now let's create two scripts. The first script has # a 50/50 chance of saying "Hello World" or "Goodbye World" ' if ((0,1 | Get-Random)) { "Hello World" } else { "Goodbye World" } ' | Out-File .\TestDirectory\Chance.ps1 # The second script will say Hello World or Goodbye World depending # on if it was passed a parameter ' param ($a) if ($a) { "Hello World" } else { "Goodbye World" } ' > .\TestDirectory\Parameter.ps1 # We pipe the output of Get-ChildItem into Show-ScriptCoverage. This will run # each of the scripts, and return a property bag containing: # - The name of the file that is being instrumented # - The output of the script # - Any errors encountered running the script # - A visual representation of what lines in the script were hit # By Piping it into Select-Object and expanding the coverage property, we'll # just see what lines were hit Get-ChildItem .\TestDirectory | Show-ScriptCoverage | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Coverage # Cool. Now let's be polite and clean up the files we created Remove-Item .\TestDirectory -Recurse -Force |